Go home after sick night out

>Go home after sick night out
>See people fighting outside my flat
>Try to break it up
>Get hit by both sides
>Finally get back into my building
>Break down crying

wtf is wrong with me?

youre a retard dont do that unless ur 6'4 atleast and jacked`


You can't help people that don't want to be helped. You did the right thing, just let it go.

I have no idea why I did it. I just wanted everyone to be friends.

No he didn't. This isn't some TV show.

i get like that too sometimes OP. you try to do the right and you get btfo. i've learned that most people don't want help from the outside, they prefer to stagnate in their cess pool of shit behavior.

at least you tried.


I wasn't even aggressive about trying to break up the fight. I offered everyone a chip and a puff of my cig and then someone started hitting me. Normally my brother is there to protect me. But he wasn't this time.

shit I have a similar story of feeling like shit after a fight
>be walking down street near bars with 4 friends
>3 cars driving down the same street were walking
>people in first car start yelling shit at us
>we yell back, etc,
>end up escalating
>suddenly people from all 3 cars get out
>oh shit they were all together
>5 on 15 fight
>about 4 guys surrounded my friend and start hitting him, he ends up hurting his jaw
>me and my other friend are squaring up against a few other guys, nothing crazy ends up happening
>2 of my other friends are just completely shell shocked that that many people came out and arent doing anything
I did the best I could but I still feel bad that I didnt somehow help my friend who fractured his jaw. There was no way I couldve gotten in there because the guys I was squaring up with were blocking that area, but still..

oh and by feel bad I mean I felt extremely emotional and uneasy especially right after it happened

how fucking retarded are you?? If two people are fighting they have a reason to and they are probably pissed off as well. Its not your place. you didn't want everybody to be friends, you wanted to be a hero. you wanted to brag. on 4chin of all places. What are you going to say when you see those guys around the building?
>sorry guys I just thought I was tougher than both of you and that I thought I knew better than you that you shouldn't fight. Mind your own goddamn business you aren't special.

its retarded to yell shit back in the 1st place.. also I conceal carry so the last thing I want is to have to shoot someone and turn into the next george zimmerman

dont help anyone out, just call the cops. Its their job to deal with that bullshit not yours... I used to think doing the right thing was the way it should be too, but then I got older and wiser. Besides enough people are so sue happy you never know what good deed will just screw your life up for no good reason.

why do i have to be that tall to do face pulls

You're a bong. Bongs are weak. Your empire is gone and your people are a disgrace.

>Try to break it up
Y tho, just call the cops

>I offered everyone [...] a puff of my cig
Did you remember to say “no homo”?

>>See people fighting outside my flat
>>Try to break it up
>>Get hit by both sides
>>Finally get back into my building
>>Break down crying
You got what you deserved. You thought you were a tough guy—Chuck Norris, who can part a mob of angry brawlers like the red sea with the flick of his wrist—and learned very quickly that you're not. Be glad you learned a valuable lesson and all you took was some damage you were able to walk away from.

Next time call the police or keep walking. Unless it's a close friend getting jumped, stay the hell out of other people's drama.

Unless one of them is hot

You learned a valuable lesson. People don’t deserve help unless they’re your loved ones.

a girl who is anywhere near an urban fight is trash even if she's a 10/10

>why do I need to be tall and have a good face to pull girls?
Because girls don't find ugly manlets attractive.

what races were involved?

anyway just call police next time

10/10 times she caused the fight in the first place

dam that was deep

im sick of being the nice guy always trying to save little shits

did your friend cry?

You did what your moral compass told you was the right thing to do and you feel like you got punished for it. This is the world trying to teach you that you should mind your own business, care about nothing and nobody else and be a cold calculated bastard with no principals or moral backbone. Don't fall down that road, do what you feel is right.

Also you might be soft and not used to violent confrontations, you're soft. It goes away on its own if you do this often enough.

Thank god you added that friend, I was just about to accuse you of misquoting that guy

Serves you right for trying to mess with other people's affairs.

>Normally my brother is there to protect me.

alpha as fuck

I have a story like this hah, mine went better for me kind of.
>walking home kinda drunk from party
>group of people telling some guy he needs to leave
>drunk me thinks yelling at random person to fuck off from random house is genius and funny
>dude comes marching at me across street
>meet him in the middle and we start fighting
>both drunk so end up falling over in the street throwing punches from the ground like idiots
>all the sudden headlights like a foot from my face and car honking
>got up and started walking away
>drunk me will fight stranger, not trying to get hit by a car and die like a deer
>guy talks shit
>he walks back to house and everyone asking if he's okay
Guess he was just a drunk friend they wanted to go home cause he was being a drunk guy.
Oh well it was fun.

most likely white on white brutality.
You know... like most situations.

offer no service where none is requested