Guy loses like 50 pounds

>Guy loses like 50 pounds
>Still has gyno

HAHAHAHA what the fuck

This is the second time you've posted this

Why do you have an autistic vendetta against this guy?

Seems like he forgot lifting while cutting

you post this shit everyday, stop being jealous of someone because they lost weight and you're still fat

maybe he's not a lifter and he just changed his lifestyle? loser OP clearly took the picture off social media or something

I love his face.

E G G?

Hahaha desu OP is the biggest loser Ive seen in awhile, props to the dude in the pic. What a faggot OP tearin down someone just because hes bettered himself.... CRAB PERSON

This actually the 5th or 6th time I've seen this

OP trying some reverse psychology to fish some compliments

this guy looks like a faggot and poses like a faggot

hey OP


the kid in the pic deserves compliments since he changed his life around

thats not even gyno on the right
he just has 0 muscle

how often do you want to make this thread OP?

why do you get so much enjoyment out of baiting ppl on an anonymous taiwanese knitting board?

Veeky Forums - Insecurities and Body Dysmorphia

>changed his life around
Unfortunately he's still shit

Unfortunately you are still alive. kys

Dude changed his lifestyle. You are probably some fat fuck on/fit/. Now he is ready to improve himself even further

So I'm fairly new to Veeky Forums and fitness in general; what am I missing here? this looks pretty similar to what I'm aiming for, so should I be doing something else?

They’re cool saying he got slim but his chest look like semi man tits so via mental gymnastics it complete makes everything he did to better himself in vain.

Another worthless dyel trip. What the fuck are you doing with a trip code you do not lift.

What's wrong OP? Did this guy fuck your girlfriend or something? Also...

Guy did a good job, so what if you don't agree with his style? Maybe he likes it so that's why he does it. Fuck you OP