How are you lads holding up?

How are you lads holding up?

still ugly but I put on some muscle lately. weighted pullups and pullovers paying dividends

>Pretty stressed from school
>Getting little sleep each night
>Developed a habit of emotional/binge eating at night
>Parents are no help at all, they just tell me that "I am young, so there is no reason to be stressed".

How the fuck do I get out of this cycle? I know that I should do it for myself, but it sucks having no sort of support from others at all for this. It especially sucks when I was in the best shape of my life just a month ago, when I went on a diet to get to 145lbs. Now I weigh in the ballpark of 160lbs, maybe more, I'm too fucking afraid to step on the scale desu

At the gym right now, on Veeky Forums between sets

Liftin 25 lb.

I feel okay

I'm finally committed to intermittent fasting and I'm reducing sugar by a lot. Feels pretty good. I'm just anxious and want to be where I should be already.

Self esteem is crushed. Gf of 3 years cheated on me with a taller, smarter, better looking dude she knew from class

Doesn't matter what happens, I'll never be number one in a girls heart and it is destroying me. I just want a loyal girl who will love me as much as I love her.

Bad, had meningitis, took a year out of college. Now back, making sweet gains. Playing water polo again too. But my buddies seem to have moved on and don't seem to invite me to shit as they all live in a house of 9 guys and I'm on the frindges. Short of inviting myself out they don't talk to me, ask me how things are going. I don't really understand, we where best friends for the past few years, I get ill, spend a year away and then they just ditch me... I have other friends but they have mainly graduated now or on placements and 2 died in a car accident a few month back. Pretty confused and angry at the moment, so I'm just compensating by getting fucked up with the freshmen in my waterpolo team but I'm 22 and find it hard to really connect with 18 year old lads. :/

I'm in limbo a little after graduating last May. I've got a job and I'm in school so the lights are on and I've been keeping myself busy, but I think I've got a little bit of that immediate post-grad dread.

Lifts wise, I'm alright. I wasn't in the gym consistently much over the summer (1-3 times a week v. 5 days consistently) and my lifts suffered for it. I look better than I did though, the strength comes back fast.

What are you doing being in a relationship at your age...

NO ONE is ever number 1 in a girl's heart except for occasionally her children. Women aren't capable of loving one man when something better comes along. The guy who cucked you will get cucked as well sooner or later.

Bought new weights for my olympic bar today, time to step it up!?

Is pic related something worth doing on top of deadlift? It works the back correct?


>this kills the rotator cuff

Im 21, guess it is too young and im very naive but those 3 years with her were the best in my life
Thats depressing to hear honestly. Id rather just choose to live in ignorance

Don't do that if you like having functioning shoulders. In most people it's a recipe for impingement.

It mostly works lateral deltoids. Face pulls are both better for your shoulders and a more potent exercise for your deltoids.

Agreed, if you want traps you do power block/rack pulls above the kneee. Or below if you want to hit them flutes abit More too

My rotator cuff is painful from archery.

how tall are you?

not him, but for example I'm scared of STDs through one night stands, so I'm sticking to relationships so far


Just do the damn movement and while you're doing it, notice if there is any strain or pain while going through the movement. Don't be a dumbass and bang the weight out. That's an express ticket to snap city.

Everybody's body is different. Especially when it comes to shoulder impingement issues.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you. The sooner you learn this the better off you will be in the gym at achieving your goals and avoiding injuries.

An endless cycle of cuckery.. why do we even do this lads?

Bro if you use a condom and don't do oral you will not get a std. I can assure you.

I'm only 5'10

>sitting the cold
>today's a halloween party
>not going because i'm a huge faggot dwelling idiot, also got no costume
>tfw she's at a halloween party and other guys probably flirting with her

i'm letting her decide how i feel, which is bad, but thinking about how someone else and not me is getting what i got, breaks my heart a millions times over and over


I feel a bit conflicted because I want to get rid of some bad friends in my life, but at the same time, I don't want to be totally alone. Don't get me wrong, they are nice for the most part, but I just hate having to entertain them, talk with them on the group chat, and waste so much of my time interacting with them. They also aren't active people at all, and the only thing we all have in common is that we all like anime and vidya. I just feel like they are rubbing off on me the wrong way, and that if I just stopped hanging out with them so much, I would see great improvements in myself, but idk.
I also just want to delete all of my social media in general. Fuck that noise man. It wastes so much of my damn time, and I can't stand the lives of normies. The only real reason I still have that shit is to keep in contact with people I met just in case, if I ever need them for whatever reason.
[spoiler]Pic unrelated[/spoiler]

I feel exactly the same user.

I think i might aswell cut them off and find better friends.

Its not fun being the most ambitious and outgoing. Its much better being surrounded by people better than yourself.

yeah, but what about fingering, my fingers are covered in small cuts and such, also it has happened to me that a gf accidentally tore a little bit of skin on my wiener with her teeth, so if I got head and same thing hapenned couldn't I get the STD like that? these things keep me up at night mang


if you've ever been, dated, a Veeky Forums girl, how the fucking living hell do you go back to "normal" girls?

Beard gains are coming in nicely. The time is ripe.

sauce boss?

You have issues if you think that way man. Can't be helped. Carry on living like a monk...

I feel comfort that someone also shares my feel. How the hell do we even go about cutting them off though? "Hey guys you are shitty friends, so I don't want to talk to the group anymore"?
Also, I still am in school with one of those friends, so I don't really want to feel the awkwardness of being in the same class as him after basically telling him to fuck off.

The rapper Modo, he usually raps about beards.

not bad, tbfh.

Just fine. Need to remain true to myself and work a bit harder but I can't complain too much. I hope everyone on Veeky Forums is trying their best today.

I appreciate you trying to motivate everyone here man. We need more people like you in this world. Hope everything is going well for you too user.

started the morning with a fap, knew very well I'm not going to do shit except for look for a new car.

Gonna start going to the gym on Saturdays now, my lifts have been improving and I'm escaping skinnyfatdom. I've been doing Meme Lifts but I've been doing arm exercises on the cable machines to avoid becoming a T Rex.

Likewise bro. If we'd all just work harder we'd accomplish greatness.

Smart thinking. Maybe instead of doing nothing all day though you could go for a walk with some of your favorite music.

I want to be the girl

anyone have the virgin vs chad image for this

never been out with a girl because i fucked up at a young age and left a lot of humanity behind.

I got my first date with this cute lass i met at uni friday night, is there anything i should know or do.

it's normal to be nervous, just remember that she clearly thinks you are attractive and if she's going on a date with you, she is interested. take it easy, chat with her like a human being, and look for the signs of interest.

I've been catching myself thinking about guys more and more. I thought these feelings would go away. I'm afraid of romance in general and don't know what I would do if people thought I was gay. How would my family react? I can't imagine my Dad's side of the family would take it well at all. I'm at college in a major city with a big lgbt scene, it would be ok here, it wouldn't be at home. I don't want the derision, the lost friends, the feeling of being an outsider. I want to meet someone I can love though, and I don't think I can do that with women.

Anyway, I'm doing deadlifts the first time tonight, and I'm a little nervous because I want to have good form.

Remember that most of the advice on here about women is given to you by r9k tier gymcels, there are some guys on here who know their shit but they are pretty rare.
That said, it's your fault she cheated on you. You should have seen it coming or not dated her to begin with. You probably were to afraid to be alone which is why you didn't break it off earlier.

But by denying your feelings, aren't you already making yourself an outsider to yourself?

Regardless of anything, you have to stay true to yourself. Your beliefs and values must be congruent with how you act. This is a must.

Alright I guess. Working 50-60 hours a week doing construction m-f and massage therapy on the weekends and still running a pplxpplx.
It's exhausting but I'm quickly saving the money I need to start buying foreclosures and just be a landlord.
There are days I want to skip my workouts, but I want to set the right example for my son. There's nothing better than having him cheer me on when I'm lifting or asking me to show him how to box between sets. Just saw him land his first full combo on the speedball yesterday (jab, jab, cross. He's only five) and it made my day.

not too bad

sometimes i think im looking good. other times i think i look tiny and ugly

god i hate this. i told myself the dysmorphia wouldnt get to me but it has at last. and i stalled on greyskull for the third time before i wanted to

girl obviously, where do you think you are

Really bad, man. Great session at the gym yesterday, nice run today, Helloween party, no weed for a week now, good shit. Then today, fucking depressed, arguments with my girlfriend because I'm abroad and we both miss each other too much but can't do anything about it as I have to finish my studies.

Also, nothing has meaning anymore. I just lift, eat, take supplements, watch Dom Mazzetti and sleep. Everything else is shit. At least this guy is the funiest motherfucker in the world andI love him (full blown homo, man, I'd fucking hug him if I see him).

>26th birthday in 3 months
>still can't fix my excavitus
>left ear still fucked up a week after an airplane ride
>still a poorfag living at home
>afraid that the cellphone repair shop will report me for the yaoi trolling images i had on my HTC after i turned it in for a charge port repair

I'm not sure if I'll make it bros

Bad and I have generalized anxiety 24/7 so everything is harder than it should be. I find myself increasingly hopeless and above all angry at anything and everything.

A buddy of mine contacted me for a Halloween party

I'm not going to go anyway, and its been over an hour since he responded....

People who know me already know i wont go, so why contact me in the first place and than not respond?

start dieting again before it gets worse

Thanks for the words man, appreciate it. I'm trying to come to terms with these feelings but it's hard. I'm confused because I also like some girls, I don't want to label myself as bi, gay, straight, until I actually have a relationship. I'm getting scared that I might not find a girl I actually like, I'm 18 and have never been in a relationship. Shouldn't it have happened by now? That's where most of this fear stems from, I'm not gonna pursue a gay relationship if I'm not sure if I'm gay, but how can I be sure if I'm gay if I'm never in a gay relationship. It's like a paradox.

18 is very young, I had my first relationship at 19 and it lasted for three years. Ended just two weeks ago with her cheating on me actually.

My advice: don't force it. Do what you love, build passion within yourself, and then you will meet people you will like. You will figure it out in time user, you're only 18. Stay strong and stay grinding!

>tfw first relationship at 20 and it only lasted 5 months
I mean I can't love myself so I can't expect someone to love me but fuck

Loving yourself is the hardest thing most people do. Love for yourself requires huge amounts of discipline and commitment to improvement, and even then you will never be satisfied and always itching to keep going.

Want to be fit because you need to be fit in the gay community but no discipline no money for gym membership.

Help guys I'm starting to reach a skinnyfat lanklet mode. :[

the negativity in my mind is so toxic and pathological I'm surprised I made it this far in life and my life is shit

other than that I made some gains, it's something

I'm at a point where i challenge fear. After I've seen the movie apocalypto its struck right inside my brain, that fear is the reason for any failure, any mistake, any bad decision I made in my life. It is like a sickness that will drag you down and make you a beta. True alphas are not afraid of fear, they embrace it and go against it with full force and they win against it.

Just watch the movie "Jungle" and you will understand what I'm talking about, once you drop the fear you become so much fucking stronger.

"Fear. Deep rotting fear. They were infected by it. Did you see? Fear is a sickness. It will crawl into the soul of anyone who engages it. It has tainted your peace already. I did not raise you to see you live with fear. Strike it from your heart. Do not bring it into our village."

Well then I'll never even come close.

Me too. Have you noticed that when anything good happens to you it's just pure luck beyond your control?

I don't know OP, but I think I'm doing okay.

>Had to cut workout halfway because of circumstances
>Just found out I lost $400 because my stupid ass forgot to drop some courses I shouldn't even be taking before census date
>Made up my mind I'm going to talk to a girl I've been eyeing out on Monday
>Purchased two adjustable 60lbs dumbells and I'm excited for them to arrive
>Procrastinating on studying for a midterm that's coming this Monday aswell.

Maybe things are not so good... Should I give her my number or ask for hers?

>Me too. Have you noticed that when anything good happens to you it's just pure luck beyond your control?

yet you're responsible for making everything go right

but i know what you mean, i'm 24 but when I lost my virginity at 20 it was pure luck and I never got that again

>yet you're responsible for making everything go right
no, I'm only responsible when things go wrong
when they go right it's just luck and I don't deserve it

But it's alright to have some imperfections though. You would love another person even if he/she's not perfect, right?
Be the best version of yourself everytime you can and use the imperfections to keep improving.

Took me a long time to really feel like this after the last heartbreak. I was with her for 4 years and really thought she'd be the girl I marry and grow old with. It left me utterly destroyed for months but I got over her and focused on self improvement until I felt I was worthy to be loved, even if it's just by myself.

>19 turning 20 soon
>Dread of becoming a wizard intensifies

What the fuck, is this a meme I've imposed on myself or does every human male go through this

deserving is kind of a spook sometimes

i just wish life was fair but oh well

I saw a nice view today, working my way out of a hole

gf broke up with me a month ago lads, time to start moving on like she told me. I've never used Tinder, anyone have tips/guide for pure no strings attached hookups? My gf was my first and only, i still feel like a social retard. I'm 6 feet but pretty dadbod right now, winter bulk. What are my chances of banging qts?

I recently turned 20 and still don't care about losing my virginity. Why give a shit?

went to the gym today and was there for a little over an hour and came back to my car being towed.

Honestly, that is some really encouraging advice. Wish the best for you my dude, the world is a funny place.

at what age is it too late to turn things around

A year ago today my ex fucked someone else. I have hit the gym super hard since then and everyone I have ever met has mired my gains. I developed a shoulder impingement last week though and have been taking some time off to recover. Going to the gym was like fucking therapy for me after she cheated but of course I hurt my shoulder on the anniversary of her cheating on me. I just want to get back to the gym so fucking badly but every night this fucking week I look at her social media and dream about her. Any advice guys? Not just regarding her but also the shoulder impingement

You slowly phase them out, become disinterested, or find new friends and they'll get the message.

Its never too late.

what will she say when she finds out I'm a 29 kissless handholdless virgin?

whoever this 'she' will be.

that's what I've been thinking about whenever having a grillfriend crossed my mind

Stay away from here social media, it will only hurt you, trust me

Hey I had to stop lifting because of a shoulder problem too. Something is tight and I developed a noticeable muscle imbalance. I'd only been lifting for three months but I understand how shitty it feels not being able to lift.
If your insurance covers it you should do physical therapy. If not then try to develop your own program from online resources, but be careful not to make it worse.

Don't tell her until you already know she's really into you, i.e. months into the relationship.

hit the gym fucking hard bro and let them who mire come to you. We're all gonna fucking make it

She'll probably think there's something wrong with you. Sorry pal.

Better don't tell her until you've had enough time to prove the contrary.

Am I sick fuck for wanting to post snaps of myself with these girls to make her jealous? I was her rebound, told me she got with me because she was scared of someone else taking me. Showing I can move without her would be like a knife in the ribs. Maybe I'm over thinking this...

Did you break up on good terms, that is, did she not do anything wrong? If that's the case then you shouldn't do anything like that if the intent is to hurt her.
If she did do something wrong you still shouldn't act that way, but it's justifiable.

Every third month or so i get extremely depressed
just for like a week or so. Well a week has passed and i still feel like shit, im scared bros what if i stays

try and binge early on bulk food and add cardio to daily routine, problem solved

You know I just want to say this because it crossed my mind, it wasn't a coincidence I lost my v at 20. I was a homeschooled shut in who was a failure and then went to college and was a smoker so that's how I made friends and eventually met her and I dropped out and became despondent and that's why I never got sex again I think. Basically being in my room as neet, working 3rd shift and being miserable and destroying my mentality and not lifting enough is what kept me from any more sex in life

my biggest fear is dying like this, an old boy not sure if he's too far gone to save

for you too

I'm also a manlet and poorfag

there are plenty of reasons, I spent over a year doing nothing but Veeky Forums and bullshit because I couldn't function outside

that's me. I have to live with that forever

keep going brah

>tfw still think about my ex from over a year ago
>barely socialize at all
>all of my friends are still in college across the state
>all I do is work, go to the gym, meal prep, and play vidya
>been doing strength training for the first time in my life for 2 months
>can't even bench press 1pl8

at least I ran 2 miles in 15 minutes. my chest needs the gainz bad bros. my legs, arms, and core are great but my fucking chest I just can't get it going as easily as the others.

Hit 515 on deadlift today and then found 20 bucks on the ground walking back to my car and got in n out with it. Great fucking day lads

>it wasn't a coincidence
yeah I know full well that these things are rarely coincidences, I know why good things happen, but when you've lived your whole life with the idea that you play by a different, harsher set of rules than everyone else and can't be happy, that truth is hard to accept

dude i'm 5' 6" and really all height necessarily does is decrease the quality of any first impression you make
people will respect you less and girls will find you less attractive, but that's only their initial impression
you perceive yourself as disadvantaged because of your height and that is the real problem; you may be a manlet but you needn't act like one

I fucked my front delt doing dumbell flies today. The only gym in the city im living in has the shittiest dumbells with really wide handles and a grip that gets impossible to hold with a tiny bit of sweat. Was doing 24kg and the left dumbell slid so my hand was against the side then the imbalance made my arm twist and pull. Now my fucking shoulder is dead.

Skipped gym for almost a week. Third interview in a month this monday, if I don't get the job I may as well switch to suicide grip.
Aside from that, dat first sip of the day.

>>tfw still think about my ex from over a year ago
>>barely socialize at all
>>all of my friends are still in college across the state
>>all I do is work, go to the gym, meal prep, and play vidya
u r me bro

Okay this meme needs to stop. Tell me what's so good about them sips

>girl from highschool's birthday today
>really liked her then
>still kinda like her
>she liked me back then too
>messaged her wishing a happy birthday this morning
>no reply or anything by this evening
Overall I'm doing well, but this just feels shitty. Probably my first bad day in a month or two though, so I think I'll make it.

>he's a non-sipper

You don't need other people to support you. It's helpful but a true test of a man's willpower is to accomplish something without other people telling him to, to finish something just for yourself and not because of anyone else

Missed a wet floor sign. Now, some thin muscle in my right leg is pain. Fortunately leg day is far away.