Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones



Do you think maybe we could wait a bit before posting confession shit?

These threads often read like a litany of failure. It's not exactly inspiring.

You think smoothies replacing meals is a good way to cut?
I can get packs of frozen fruit for a dollar and i think it'd be a cheap way to diet.

youll be hungrier if you eat all of your food in liquid form and it wont help you lose more fat than regular food with the same amount of calories

Peanuts are my kryptonite.

I ate a 35oz container of peanuts between Monday and Tuesday. A couple weeks ago I ate 3 pounds of peanut butter over the course of a couple of days.

I still lost 0.4 pounds this week though so it ended up not being too bad.

ALso I lost 11.4 pounds this month which is a lot more than I expected.

this is the 9/29 binge I had

>TFW binged all week, sometimes close to 3000 cal if not more (for context, I'm not a male and normal intake is 1300 cal)
>less workouts
>gain nothing
>binged last night and still lost .8 lb

I binged on mostly almonds and protein bars tho. Made me tired beyond belief and slept forever which I guess helped with sleep fitness but there's something about almonds you guys. I can feel my body striving to process those nuts. I'm out now and I need to fix my binging problem before I start gaining back.

are you on gomad?

no I just really like milk

I used to drink 1-2 gallons a day

>322 slices

why did you eat 322 slices of pepperoni as well? jesus christ mate, i hope youre trolling

I was hungry and depressed and didn't feel like cooking dinner and before I knew it I had eaten a pound and a half of pepperoni

the milk i just drink like water. i never get full on it

His shit has to be pure, pepperoni oil.

I would know.

I'd let you process my nut

dear god... you would have been just as well off binging on a pepperoni pizzi

Stopped frequenting /fat/ and fell off the horse and gained 3lbs. I need these god damned threads to even have a chance I guess.

today i binged on candied cashews and a load of peanut butter... oh well, there's always tomorrow

Same. The worst part is that when I decide to go off and binge for a day or 2 i completely avoid this thread, Veeky Forums, and r/loseit because I know I'll feel guilty for binging. I just want to binge in peace without feeling bad apparently.

you sound like a woman

You are gaining fat, just losing overall because of water weight.

fight me, daddy

I'm 6'1 and 174 boys, 4 more pounds and I'm at goal weight

Binges are necessary for 2 reasons:

1. To keep your brain from sending you into uncontrolled binging
2. To keep your digestive system in productive mode. Shit slows down and gets lazy when you don't give it enough work aka food

Are you me? I avoid this place to when I've had a binge. It's good I feel guilty about it I guess.. I've lost 10 pounds this month. Still doesn't excuse my fat fuck behavior

I think you're just a hater

no fuck you, stop trying to justify unhealthy shit, the weight loss journey is all about making good choices and binging completely goes against that philosophy

>close to 3000 cal if not more (for context, I'm not a male and normal intake is 1300 cal)

it should just be removed altogether, stupid fat fucks never learn and the amount of confessions increase each thread

I didn't know you could just make pepperoni shakes. I've just been eating spoons and spoons full of salt to fuck up my water retention.

A slightly overweight coworker asked me how much weight I lost, and seemed shocked when I said 30kg. She said she didn't think I was so heavy.

I assume she meant this as a compliment? I guess it doesn't matter either way. It's gone now and I'm not letting it come back.

I still have 20-30kg to lose, but I'm on my way.

No. Cut by eating real food. If you want to have a smoothie for breakfast, and that just becomes your normal breakfast that's fine. A lot of people are doing that. But don't replace multiple meals that way.

First of all, you don't have to eat pizza and cake when you binge. You can still eat nutritious things. But you definitely have to kick start your system once a week at least with maintenance calories or more.

Binging is inherently uncontrolled. That's why it's called a binge, and not a meal.

If you are binging to not binge you fuckin played yourself.

alright I'll make a compromise, everyone is different and maybe that works for you but I wouldnt recommend it to people at all, especially people with little self control

Kek enjoy being fat forever

I think i'm under eating. my stomach is killing me and i feel like im going insane. 1200 cals per day

That is so dumb, you must be ultrafat

I eat around 700 a day, it gets easier if you eat less incremental everyday so a little less every day, eventually you will get used to it but make sure you drink a lot of water

Weight finally below 190lbs today, scale showed 189lbs this morning. I've been doing a mix of OMAD and ADF. It works really well and I'm never hungry until I start eating. Also easy to only plan one meal each day with perfect macros. Lifts are increasing each week so no muscle loss.

SW: 230lbs
CW: 189lbs
GW: 165lbs

Eat nuts/sunflower seeds and grapefruit, these tend to keep me full longer

Y'all are never going to last.

oh yeah and eat more foods with more fat and protein

I lost 144 pounds though

good shit, what's your height?

You were eating 1200 a day from day 1?

If you aren't happy at your deficit, eat above your current deficit goal but below TDEE.

You shouldn't feel miserable on your cut, you should feel fine. This has to be sustainable.

I'm pretty good at 1300cal but I also don't freak out if I go to 1500 or 1600. It's well below my TDEE of 2100.

It is absolutely worth slowing your progress to keep yourself in the game. Eating above your goal but below TDEE is infinitely better than binging.

Its one of the reasons I've grown to hate the confession post so much. When people confess about eating a donut or two slices of pizza or some shit, that isn't ideal but it isn't falling off the wagon.

>322 slices

Im not really planning on getting skinny or ripped, I just want to loose some weight and not feel like shit every day. And at least do it while I'm young.

280 and trying to loose 40 pounds, already lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months.

day 1? no, like I said it was gradual. At the beginning I logged my information into the app and it gave me a recommended daily caloric intake limit. I was doing that pretty easily so I decided to eat less than that which wasnt that hard since I weighed 318.

nice momscience
If you stop bingeing altogether your brain will rewire to stop craving those foods or the need the binge. That's not saying you can't eat foods you enjoy, but do it in moderation.

Also, look at studies on fasting and how their BMR increased even though they ate no food. A refeeding process was only needed after a week of eating nothing.


you should go for more, unless youre 6'10"

>322 slices


If he was in the NFL he wouldn't be here.

this [] I think you would still be obese and at risk for health

its not that much if you eat them in stacks

its like eating 20 hot dogs

No one does that either normally.

the number of slices or calories wouldnt be reduced just because he ate it differently. Dont be stupid user, you're smarter than this

I'd think I would be fine at 240 if I keep eating right and continue to exercise regularly. I may go for 220.

I'm still pacing myself, so I might go for it.

you wouldnt though, 240 or 220 unless you are like 6'8 or some shit is still very unhealthy

>not that much
>it's like eating 20 hotdogs

Went to vfw with teacher and buds from school and had 1000 calories of pizza. Still came in at 2000 for the day, so i dont feel that bad.

im 6'2", and at 240 i still looked like a fat piece if shit. cant imagine youll look any different unless you're super tall

I didn't say that but people are focusing on the high number of slices but its not that much actual food

its like drinking 3 cups of water. only pepperoni instead of water.

you said 20 hotdogs in your post, then you said that it's not that much

what are you trying to say?

24 oz of pepperoni = 20 hot dogs (~24oz) = 3 cups (8oz) of water

are you saying that you made a pepperoni shake?

Here let me make life easy for you fat fucks:

>Don’t scale watch. All the scale tell you is what you weight at that moment in time. It doesn’t tell you how much fat you lost, muscle gained, or how much water you’re retaining or lost. Focus on BODY FAT %. That’ll give you a better picture.
>Avoid meme diets... all this keto bullshit isn’t healthy. Just eat healthy fresh produce, avoid the center isles at the grocery store. Avoid sugar and processed shit. Avoid or limit red meat.
>Eat around 500 calories lower than your TDEE.
>Always add about 20% to your end of day calorie intake.
>Always subtract about 20% from the calories you think you burned for the day.
>Drink water.
>Workout at least 30 minutes a day.
>Create a program that includes both cardio and weights.
>Ignore the Veeky Forums memes: nofap, fasting, keto, all that bullshit.

Do those things and you’ll lose weight in a safe and healthy manner.

wait how is eating 20 hot dogs the same as drinking 3 cups of water? also nutrition wise this is not comparable

It's 3k calories, it's a lot of actual food. 20 hotdogs is a lot of food. A pound and a half of anything is a lot of actual food.

Do you know how much a pound and a half is? When I was born, I weighed a pound and a half. You ate a fucking baby's worth of food. A significantly premature baby, but still. For all the jokes in here about eating babies, you did it.

When did you stop being normal weight /fat/?

Me it was probably 8th grade when I went out for football. Fractured my hip growth plate and was too afraid to do sports again, eventually stopped exercising, and eventually stopped thinking.

I get those comments all the time.

I'm 6'4 and i went from 280 lbs to 247. No one would beleive i dropped 33 lbs in two months. Nor did they believe I almost weighed 300 lbs, are you tall by chance? I think taller people look more proportionate thus not looking so heavy.

>only pepperoni instead of water
Is this guy serious?

I honestly don't remember and it's kind of upsetting, but I would guess around 9 or 10 is when it started? I got asthma around that age and started doing a lot less physical activity because I was afraid of asthma attacks.

No, I'm a manlet. People on Veeky Forums have actually said I look fatter than I am, because most of my weight is in my stomach. But I'm living in a country where fat people aren't common, so maybe they just aren't used to seeing a fatty.

I have learned that I can eat whatever garbage I want and still lose weight as long as it's under my basic metabolic rate.

What a glorious revelation.

Seriously this. Confessing makes you feel like you're absolved of wrongdoing, and you 'rededicate' yourself to do better tomorrow.
That's bullshit and you know it.
You need to realize that you're in a tug-of-war your entire life, every time you lose ground it's that much farther you have to regain.
Unless you struggle, and sweat, and exert the effort every day, it can slip out of your hands, and you're never gonna make it brah.

I don't think it has anything to do with height, just the fact that at your weight it's hard to tell the difference.

watch your sugar man

Anyone here start at 400lbs+? How is your progress?

Is that really the case though that it would always be a "struggle"? I mean once this kind of shit, like working out and eating right becomes part of your daily life doesn't it just become natural and habit forming. Everything you do eventually becomes habitual if you repeat it enough. Even stuff that requires more work from you.


Not quite, but 380lbs max weight, 228 current, 200 goal weight

keep coming back user
we're all going to make it

I'm proud of you user.

you should watch your carbs a bit too, sugar is so fucking bad for you, you can eat the same amount of calories but gain wait because of sugar. Called Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

>go on a non-kazakh basket weaving forum
>old lady just starting to lose weight
>posts an update a month later about how she's so happy with her progress
>last post: 6 months ago
I hope she's ok


>When I was born, I weighed a pound and a half.

Where you born at 5 months or something? Average birth weight is like 6-7lbs.


Yeah. My expected birth month was January, I was born October 2nd. I had a 20% chance of making it then, which is why I'm committed to making it now.

right around middle school

shit just went south in my life at that point. wish I could go back in time and slap some sense into myself as I actually could have done some cool shit.

oh well I am fixing it now and that's what matters.

Yeah, it's true it will get easier. To keep with my analogy, it's like the flag is far onto your side. Technically, to keep improving is just as difficult, but you already know you're winning.

How many of you are going to indulge in halloween candy?

Be honest.

I'm going to have a little as a self control test, see if I can have just a few without eating a fuckton.

im not, it goes against my diet and sugar is bad for you

sup /fat/ 352 to 308 lbs here at 6'2.
I'm going on a ski trip in January and would like to lose as much weight as possible by then so the soles of my feet won't feel like they're on fire after a few slopes.
Have any of ya'll niggas been on a pmsf diet or just a general extreme cut like 1,2k cals a day or less (while lifting)?
Do you worry about gallstones, any way to prevent those or is it just bad luck?


>I mean once this kind of shit, like working out and eating right becomes part of your daily life doesn't it just become natural and habit forming.

Not to the point where you're completely unbothered by eating "normal" like a slim/fit person. There's a reason even the biggest weight loss success cases still relapse, even if just a little bit.

I'm not really aiming to be thin/sknny or "normal weight", that's way out of the realm of possibility for me. My aim is a body I'm comfortable with intersected with an eating/fitness level that I'm also comfortable with.

I won't be around for the 31st so I'm not buying any. If someone gives me some I'll eat it, but in that case it won't be very much so I'll work it into my calories.

Moderation can save you.

>I'm not really aiming to be thin/sknny or "normal weight", that's way out of the realm of possibility for me.
Literally never gonna make it with that attitude.

Didn't even buy candy this year. Kids are going to have to make it with one less piece or two.

I don't really like candy.

>inb4 smartass remarks