Did roids

>did roids
>police officer

How did he get away with it?

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Tons of leos juice

Nobody gives a fuck

Cops really don't give a shit about steroids compared to other drugs.

Nigger privilege

>methfag just broke into another home because hes looking to score again

Cops are usually meatheads, they like bodybuilding so probably they knew and just didn't give a fuck.

The only thing some departments will care about is hat you knowingly took an illegal substance but since it’s roids it’s the one drug most police departments don’t care about. The biggest thing is to own up to it in the poly because that is the one thing they care more about than anything.

He's natty, no roids

>bust people while you yourself inject boatloads of illegal drugs

Ronnie Coleman wasn’t an actual police officer you idiot

Dude even soldier take steroids
The go above human limitations to protect you

Remind me how someone killing a child halfway across the world is gonna protect me?

He ain't never take no steroids

Pull the roots out before they grow
Also I think you listen to way to much rise against man

OIl prices will rise

Stop asking questions go- ehhm guy.

Yeah because carpet bombing a little kid that had no affiliation to terrorist groups or even thought about being a terrorist sure did save me! Gee thanks US!

why do you even pretend to care about some mud child in the middle of a wasteland?

I'm pro cops taking roids if it means they can beat the shit out of ANTIFA rioters and BLM shitheads more efficiently.

>grows up in terrorist controlled area
>will be exposed to terrorist propaganda his entire child life
Yeah i'm sure it would NEVER happen.

It helps with overpopulation and global warming

>gets bombed
>becomes terrorist

hmmm I wonder if there's some connection.

>don't get bombed
>become terrorist anyways

Kids these days are being exposed to a whole shit load of Nazi material because of the alt right shit, so we better kill them before they become actual nazis and start the 4th reich, right? What a fucking joke

Because we kaffir are locked in an eternal war against the slaves of the pedophile prophet.

The entire world must unite to defeat the Islamic menace.


Typical for a mudshit.

The US pussyfoots around too much. If Muslim apes like this one accuse us of carpet bombing anyway (like ISIS propoganda preaches) why don't we? We should stop painstakingly searching targets for precision strikes, and just do what based a Russia does and level the apes with zero mercy.

that's right, because all the terrorists come from countries that have never been bombed. riiiiiiiiight?

I’m pretty sure some people would kill the hitler youth

Nazis are way less dangerous than Muslims.

Fuck off to Reddit with your religion of peace lies you rabid dog.

Veeky Forums - insecure poltards

Yes, Muslim apes in western countries become radicalized anyway. Their dangerous child rapist, antiintellectual, sexist, racist, hate filled, fascist, war mongering ideology demands it.

> trips of insanity
You know Russia is being shown as evil today right?
Sure fuck Muslims but you can’t do it actually without pissing off the UN


They do care about steroids, it's just more expensive to test for, and there has to be "probable cause" to test for it outside of w0w he is so jacked. A doctor in my area got btfo for supplying and they burned him and everyone that they could prosecute. DESU steroids and LEO work is asking for a heart attack.

The meth head isn't a police officer though so your comparison doesn't mean anything. Bottom line is that an officer of the law is known to have bought, used, and possibly sold schedule 3 drugs, the question being how does he get away with it.

>Russia is evil
>hates the us, but buys into their propoganda

Kek, ok pal. This world would be a better place if all Islamic nations were put on a shirt leash just like Chechnya.

There’s that one picture of a guy with a shotgun shooting a furry
I’d like an edit where the furry is /pol/ cause this shit is crazy now


Because we the people want him to beat the shit out of antifa and BLM.

Tbh the US millitary could've leveled Iraq and afghanistan back into the fucking stone-age, like complete ethnic cleansing mode.

That war was never about anything but getting (((big money))) into Iraq so they could get their grubby hands on the oil.

Look at this little freedom fighter.

>muh /pol/ boogyman
Why doesn't Veeky Forums-shitskins realize that people can actually have opinions which differ from theirs?

These filthy kaffir will be subjugated. Mashallah brothers, the time is short!

Chechnya isn’t great at all
In fact that’s Russia’s fault for not granting independence to them

You have a problem, punk?

DESU, I'm brown but I hate Muslims as much as the next decent human being. Seeing /pol/ take the blame is the icing on the cake, because everyone knows that the inbred mudshits lack the frontal lobe activity to think critically.

hi everyone!
did you know...? this is all inane nonsense?
seriously. shut up. shut up.
shut the fuck up.

jesus christ you people need to be CONTAINED. Like in a cell or something.

>jail those who disagree

the religion of peace does it again

im white but i dont hate muslims


confirmed and believed. Now I see I was wrong all along. inb4 larping (not really. get it?)

> don’t like all the racism and political discussion on a fitness board
Mods don’t ban you but crack down on feel threads
This site is fucked

>cops doing steroids turns into shitposting about the middle east somehow

> lack the frontal lobe activity to think critically.

That describes your people quite accurately as well

I'm brown and Buddhist you dumb, child raping ape.

I just don't want to sleep next to a rabid dog :)

Welcome to Veeky Forums

Ew pls go wash your skin

And the BASED centrist has arrived finally to set everyone straight with his superior neutral insight.


Wow nobody gives a shit
If you’re a real Buddhist and not some cringy wanna be you shouldn’t have internet even and should live in a temple

>calls people "child raping ape"

pretty sure you're going to be living these deeds over again in the next life, kiddo

Not Indian, but SE Asian

It was some 14 year old leftist pacifist who started talking about politics though.

Nazis have gotten more Europeans killed than any towelhead could even dream of.

Pretty sure you should look into real Buddhism, and not watered down white liberal yuppie spirituality like you have in America.

I posted the soldier thing and now it escalated to this

cops are hypocrites. what, you thought they believe in justice and following the law. most signed up just to bust a dun nuffins head through a wall silly buns

Muslims have genocided more cultures than the nazis

>Pull the roots out before they grow
More like planting the seeds for terrorism

Except no they didn’t
Name one culture that was exterminated by Muslims
Nazis literally tried to end Judaism


>do not resist us kaffir, we will terrorize you!

more like plant the seeds brainlet

Buddhists in Afghanistan
Hindus in Indonesia

The list is endless

If you weren't underaged you'd realize that its been impossible for the U.S. to just stop killing third worlders since WW2, even if they wanted to. Global geopolitics have been so fucked since the 40's that as soon as a country like the U.S. gave up its military control and isolated itself that everything would collapse into chaos worse than it is now.

About 50-80 million people were killed because of a nazi that couldn't get accepted into art school.
Muslims couldn't top that if they tried.

Excommunication isn’t the same as extermination

Hundreds of millions have been killed because of the schizophrenic ramblings of an Arabic warlord.

You can put indigenous North Africans on that list as well.

Those beautiful cultures have left this earth forever because of Islam. It did not happen peacefully either.

>About 50-80 million people were killed because of a nazi that couldn't get accepted into art school.
Stop simplifying history, this isn't some Harry Potter fan fiction.

> we wuz pharaohs an shiiieeet


Google Timur

Over how many centuries? Hitler managed to do that in less than a decade. I really fucking hate Muslims, but how can you say Nazis are any better? The Jews like to play victim for WW2 but Europeans and Russians in particular got fucked more than anyone

You do know that Arabs weren't always in NA, right?
And no, niggers either.

Buddhism and Hinduism still exist
Also religion has always been inherently evil
All of them use gods name for worldly motives

You misused the word inherently.

The child was muslim.

>those skinny arms

why are you on Veeky Forums?

Did we bomb myanmar and somalia?
>hurr dur muh ebil nazis

Affirmative action. That's also why obvious black roiders in MMA don't get caught while shlemenko a white russian gets caught

The islamic invasions of south Asia killed at least 100 million up to 400 million indirectly over centuries of trying to conquer greater India

The regions are now hideously inbred, western countries (from the most comprehensive scientific studies) have inbreeding rates of less than 2%, while most muslim countries are in the double-digits, sometimes as high as 80%. And that's been going on for centuries

You do know what affirmative action means user
It’s hiring or enrollment in college requirements not get out of jail free cards

>b-but muh crusades

>impersonates a police officer
>still got away with it

Because they tax the fuck out of me to pay for it poor fag

He got a deputy badge
Like how the prince of Britain was in the Air Force but didn’t actually do shit

Not everyone is a stocky manlet

you couldn't be more wrong

t. not even a /pol/ poster

Yo his music is really shit now these days

The biggest source of the progenitors of terrorism came from Egypt during peacetime, and the average terrorist had a university degree.

Arab is a culture and language, genetic tests have shown Egyptians are the same DNA as their earliest ancestors, i.e. brown semitic people.

West Africans are almost twice the genetic distance from Egyptians as somalis are from Europeans.