/plg/ - powerlifting general

>Bench only edition
>not crippling yourself purposely so you never have to squat again

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dead general

Why are powerlifters so fucking fat?

Why do they strap their legs lol? Are power lifters literally retarded


instead of real informative generals and discussion of ideas, nu-males on this board would rather talk boogie

Other thread dumbass

Hit 4pl8 deadlift today

I hit it ages ago


Like a really long time ago

You aren't as strong as me

Probably not as handsome or attractive either I'd imagine

pshh tell me when you hit 410 and then we'll talk

Do you think clarence could switch to lowbar and squat more than his highbar squat instantly without practice?

not really, I think he'd be weaker initially.

Normies always like to claim that he would destroy everyone in IPF; seeing that he squats 300kg paused highbar, he would surely squat like 350+ if he switched to lowbar

realistically how long until you can achieve a 4 plate squat and 5 plate deadlift? assuming your diet sleeping and all is on point

how long did it take?

what was your fitness background

Damn prutus is lookin good lately


Sean, kys.

You depress me because of the pity I feel for you.

What about my post depresses you?

>What about my post depresses you?
It's Friday night, you nugget don't tell me you spent it lurking on a dead general.

Sounds like you did

I wish I was as dead as plg

then kys, obese faggot

How much of a retard am I Veeky Forums?

>Start doing squats at the gym finally
>twice a week
>squatting 80kg 10/5
>skin on my back is peeling off like its sunburnt

s-should I increase weight and drop reps brehs? my buns are getting pretty tight, and i only have problems with like the last 5 reps of the last set

>obese insult out of nowhere
Projection much, fatty?

hey hey hey Everybody I need money to buy some more meth I need meth Its 55 USD a gram so If anyone can send me some bitcoin because I need more meth Please do it for good old blue Thanks thanks ghanms

I want milku


HAHAHHHAHAHHA >>>frog is natty

Took me 2 years for 200 squat at 84 from untrained WoW addict I think it was probably sooner when I hit 180 but I never tested my 1rm before and when I did I managed to reached 200.
Dl I haven't reached that due shit form giving me herniated disc at 190x3 but I know a guy with dl monkey arms it took him 1 year to hit 210 from untrained however his squat was only 110-120 and bench was 90-95


was yoo paypay nigga? can you cop weight and resell to give meh a return on mu invest?

Looks natty to me

looks natty yes, but that he squats 620lbs at 18 years old natty is pretty hard to believe

looks natty to me

wow you must be big and strong

hit it for a double for the first time today too, took me 11 months

what is the secret to increase deadlift if you have normal proportioned arms?

with godly leverages and 3 years of training, if he was on gear his dl would be higher than it is

pull sumo like all the other cheating manlets

looks dyel to me

Could I get some upper/lower routine suggestions other than C6W?

>find out that rippletits had a 430-450 Wilks
>12 years lifting and he said he was shit tier
>be 350 Wilks 3 years lifting
I'm fucking ending it all I'm beyond gde

Jacked&Tan 2.0 or another GZCL program
nSuns 5/3/1
Garabros 6 week conjugate method looks fun too docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IxphZifb5LAyCRVN2NGQC7kbLjUhhiXIPxY9egndLIU/edit#gid=751083075

is a 10kg gain on a 160kg squat|(so new 170 1rm) in 6 weeks good

Yeah in a year of that youll gain 80kg

>paying 55 a gram
you really try to fail at anything you do hm?

>dynamic bench feels heavier than max effort


Ive put an inch on my arms doing 600 reps of tricep/bench and double the amount of rows in 3 weeks, i have upped calories by 500 too

*im also on steroids

i cant tell if your sarcastic or not

just be honest bro is it decent progress or not

What would you add that is not programmed? There are no curls in it for example. Wouldn't it be bad for ellbow to not curl at all?

Also, would you say doing some kind of prehab for spine health is worth it? The McGIll exercises a few times a week or so?

Im not on a supraphysiological dose, im at the high end of normal levels, nowhere near a comp no point blasting real doses

No need to add anything just change the main lifts and assistance to suit your weaknesses
Curls are done every day, i didnt feel the need to programme them
All mobility and stability work is done in your own time not in the gym, youre in the gym to train not roll around on the floor
One thing i would tweak maybe is bw hypers on upper days

Okay, thanks. Anything besides curls that you felt was to self-explaining to program? It might not be to all...

I literally made it as simple as possible

Youve got every set and percentage and weight increase lift by lift session by session what more could i possibly have done? Sorry, other than tell you that youre allowed to do curls

If one assumes that the sheet tells you everything you need to know and who just wants a cookie cutter roiutine, he'd maybe not do curls and fuck his ellbows. So I was wondering, if there was something else which you deem neccessary to add in order to stay healthy. That was not meant to be rude or something, I'm grateful that you do stuff like this.

In for bench only edition.
Competing bench only tomorrow.

theres no point in supraphysiological roid usage when youre far away from competition?

I said it when i posted it and have said several times that i just wrote the most basic selection and it was encouraged to substitute things

If youre running any programming to the letter as written and not tailoring it to your needs then you deserve to have progress hindered, train smart

Of course there is, but now isnt the time

Ill add something in a few weeks and start trying pushing harder but for now im enjoying progressing slowly and building a base on next to nothing

Too many people rely on high doses to produce a performance on the platform

Its better to build a baseline of strength and muscle on lower dose anabolics, upping them as you approach comp then androgens to peak

Whats the point of slamming a load of gear and going back to square one without it

Different guy ,Yes it's good. I'm currently doing 5kg per month with Hepburn and happy with that. This is obviously assuming you're not a 130 kg 6"6 monster

oh ok that makes sense

Different guy here but what made you make the step towards roideroo ? I'm sometimes considering doing it just to get my back healed quicker but worried might go on slippery slope and start full on blasting when I'm a weak 550-570 totaler at 83

I wanted to be the biggest and strongest version of myself i could, theres no moral issue for me

Trust me if you took roids youd probably hurt your back more, peptides are what you want, and if you started blasting from the word go and not just a simple test cycle youre an idiot i wont be party to that

Cheers man, do you think peptides would lead down the roid path since presumably they come from same pathway and also require im injections? or is that a stupid question since it probably depends on person

>the same pathway

No mate they are aminos iirc

BPC 157 has been proved to have the following benefits:

A study conducted on rats revealed that BPC 157 is capable of healing detached or disjoined Achilles tendon, quadriceps muscles that have been torn and crushed or damages muscles.
Muscle tears are seen to be recovered dramatically fast.
Bone to tendon healing
Ligament healing increased exceptionally.
BPC 157 also has a wide variety of good and protective effects on the organs.
Trials conducted on human beings demonstrated prevention as well as healing of ulcers in stomach.
No adverse or negative reactions were seen in the trials conducted on human beings.
Known to counter and prevent the damaging and adverse impacts of NSAIDs such as advil or ibuprofen on the lining of the gut. For this reason, some scientists even termed an antidote for NSAIDs.

I need some meth Can someone help me out Add me on wechat its blueshoos please Hook me up



Almost done with dynamic upper

Close grip bench 9x3
Spoto press 4x8
Rolling tricep ext 5x10
High rack pull 5x5
Bent row thumbless 2x20
Rear delt fly 3x20
Dirty 30s 2x30

I meant more the place you purchase them from but that's pretty cool really tempted to buy them, did you use them for your disc Injury and for how long?









yeah in case you couldn't hear I'm dropping some HEAVY Norman khan LOGS into the TOILET right now

Let's see if I can squish out another one for you to hear




And there it goes into the pajeet bowl

Stink factor 1.37/10


Nevermind just got my first real whiff of that stinky Norman khan when I leaned forward

Gonna raise it to a 4.7/10 on the stink factor scale

Was rest day today but only gym buddy insisted I come in, so was technique/cardio/mobility work with trying to learn cleans and snatch.
Think he wants me to do oly ever since I took break from pl.

why his instagram private i want to meme

Oly not only*
Is this a script or are you really dedicated? I've been here 2-3 weeks and seen it almost daily.

Rest day, competing tomorrow. Hoping to still fit into my shirt after all the tricep work I started doing on your recommendation.

Peptides are completely legal and available online from reputable companies

I didnt no, i wasnt sure how effective they would be for a disc herniation, wish i had though, THAT is not a recommendation, do your reading

Triceps are so much more important in the shirt you should have been doing it anyway

Good luck though pal

I was doing some before but i started doing even more. Arms are 1cm bigger, and i've hit huge slingshot and board press PRs in the lead up to this meet with the added work. Thanks very much.

This week I did
4x2 @ 90% on Monday
Hit my all time 1rm (not everyday 1rm) for the easiest single in my life on Wednesday
4x3 @ 90% on Friday

This week I will have 1 extra day off (Friday through to Monday will be rested)

What rep/set schemes should I do this week? I wish to do high volume to build some muscle without relying on bench assistance.

My chest responds very well to flat bench at this moment of time.

Im doing so much i could barely do the tricep extensions on the dirty 30s

Im more impressed with the trap growth from doing shrugs and rack pulls twice a week


How do I train during cutting blocks (rep range)?

I put together this spreadsheet on my phone. Is this a good tempo to for a dude that:
>wants to keep getting stronger
>wants to not look fat in clothes
>does not want to compete (no need for peaking blocks)
>has autism (evidently)

Obviously, it’s just a plan to strive for and won’t work out 100% on point - is it a good plan?

>without relying on bench assistance

This is like a foreign language to me i dont understand what you are saying

Why would you only want to do flat bench

I dont do bulking and cutting so i cant really help

i just eat more or less depending on how im looking in the mirror and what im training for

Calories are adjusted based on proximity to meet or if im wanting to add some mass, i dont do a focused 'cut' my weight goes down by just not eating as much, my training doesnt change i just track what my weight range was over the course of a training cycle and i look back to see what my prs were in that range and aim to beat them rather than prs at a heavier weight

my back hurts after doing squats, or really any physical activity(football, volleyball). because of this I haven't ever squatted more than 2pl8 and i've never gone above 315 5x5 dead. i've been lifting for ~1 year and my bench is closing in on 315. wat do?

>peptides are aminos
correct, technically

know of any worthwhile ones? I used bpc for a tendon snap in the past and it worked beautifully, but never looked into the topic past that. /fraud/ just memes at me when I ask, I know test is best but I currently cannot pin mones because I compete in a tested sport (not PL kek)

Work on form and do shitloads of good form gms, hypers, reverse hypers and general stretches with dead hangs.

thank you senpai

Bpc is the go to for people with injuries

The only worthwile other non roid id use is mk677(ibutamoren) technically not a peptide its a growth hormone secretagogue and massively increases ghrelin, 12 strong gh pulses every 24 hours, great sleep and huge appetite

But i think its banned by wada

Yoga got rid of all my back pains, give it a try.


How fast can you notice development`? I feel like my traps grew within three weeks of tons of upper back work

I think its been 3 weeks since i started and theyre looking bigger

animus jaki masz steam?

Same for triceps by the way. Insane, how fast that works.

Its introducing a ton of new stimulus, i noticed rapid pec growth when i added a lot more bench volume, ive got deep stretch marks in my armpit where the pec joins the shoulder, got them on the other side from quick lat growth

Because its enough to grow my chest and get better at bench at this moment of time.

I haven't found a bench accessory I even like or respond to well either. Flat bench doesn't cut it for me, flies help stretch my chest when tight, but does nothing to my size or strength, and incline is a bit bothersome, while hitting my front delts more than anything.

anyone have lifting footage of Garagebro

I stopped filming and uploading stuff ages ago, very sporadic stuff no just to see speed and bar path nowadays

My gym is putting on an SPF meet today and I was going to go hang out but apparently the want $10 just to spectate. Should I still go?
