I don't get what about Western civilization makes people fat. We don't eat more than other cultures (less actually)...

I don't get what about Western civilization makes people fat. We don't eat more than other cultures (less actually), we don't move less, but the same.

I got thinking about it after watching refugees from Africa eat and move for a while. They eat much more than us, mostly carbs and they don't move that much - like a sedentary office drone, I'd guess. Yet, they are much thinner. Why?

Studies agree with me. Non-Westereners don't move more than us:

And they eat more than us:

So, what makes us fat? Is it what we eat? I mean industrially refined food? Is it no the activity level, but being completely sedentary?

I dunno, but I am confused. I mean, I knew calories in food were some bullshit metric invented around 1900 by an US guy named Atwater and we don't really know if they are even the correct unit for the fattening effects of food. But there must be something I am not aware of.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sauce on OP pic pleeeeeease

Lustig is right and a calorie is by far not a calorie.
Nutritional science is a joke desu. Did my Abitur in it and even tho we learn how the hormones react to certain kinds of nutrients we still use kilojouls and BMI to make diet plans.

So, what's the problem? It's not calories. It's not carbs, and not fat either. Is it protein? Doubtful. What's it?

Sauce is me, I'm too lazy to ink it tho.

You are wrong. Coaches the world over use the very same calorie calculations to inspire weight gain or loss in athletes, with complete reliability. Immigrants from other nations have become athletes in the US and used the very same calculations.

The answer is that you are miscalculating the calories they are consuming, or the bodyweight (and thus caloric requirements) of the people consuming them.

>J U N K F O O D

All neutral studies disagree.

>Coaches the world over use the very same calorie calculations to inspire weight gain or loss in athletes, with complete reliability
Wrong. have you ever seen the "diet" of athletes, especially elite athletes? They vary extremely. We're talking 7000 kcal differences per day and stuff like that.

You should read more.

>We don't eat more than other cultures

>America is everything
Please, at least try to follow the disussion.

Pretty cool actually:

>In fact, even though total energy expenditure did vary considerably by age, gender and by body size, as anticipated, when the researchers looked at men of the same age who each weighed, say, 130 lbs., there was no discernible difference by lifestyle group in total daily energy expenditure. On average, the Hadza were much smaller than the Westerners, both in height and in weight (130 lbs. was at the high end for Hadza males). But statistical analysis suggests that the basic relationship between energy spent and lean body mass — not including the Westerners’ extra fat pounds — was essentially the same across societies, and across people big and small.

>Those results are all the more surprising because the Hadza did appear to expend much more energy in physical activity, as they hunted and foraged. But activity differences did not translate into differences in total energy use. What’s more, even among members of the same society, Hadza people who walked a long way each day did not have measurably higher total expenditure than individuals who did not walk so much. It seems that people’s metabolisms may compensate somewhat for activity level.

Those wild men actually have a SLOWER metabolism, move a lot more and thus, expend as many calories as the fatter, sedentary Westerners. Pretty counter-intuitive, but the hunter-gatherers were a lot smaller than westerners, by height and weight, too

This implies that we, as Westerners, just eat too much.

Howerver, we also have stuff like this:
Where it turns out that skinny countries like Italy and Austria eat as much, or even much more calories on average than fat countries do.

We also have studies like these that calculate hunter gatherer caloric intake at about 3000 Cal/day, so pretty much as much as we Westerners eat overall, maybe a bit more, or less, depending on the country. This study says it's the increased carb intake of Westerners, but it ignores the fact that overall, a high carb diet always means a lower average weight of a population, no matter when or where the study is done.

So, in the end, something doesn't add up. Maybe calories are the wrong unit, maybe our paradigm is completely out of whack, but we know that the theories we usually use will not apply in the real world, for some reason.

Europeans aren't fat tho

Yes we are tho

Hunter gatherers actually had it comparatively much easier and had to work far less.
According to my undergrad anthropology 101 class they only worked like maybe 8 hours a fucking week to sustain their lifestyle lmao. Of course it requires an incredibly low population density for that shit to work.

But really our massive work requirements are essentially a huge tax to keep up modern civilization. I don't know it seems pretty obvious really but people always seem to think being a primitive hunter gatherer was like a super hard life with no time for relaxation but that's bullshit, they mostly lazed about, same as wild animals.

interesting post op, i cant add anything because im dumb



I would only classify brits as fat, and then have their own stuff like Fish n chips

>thicc shortstacks

>all these newspaper articles being used as peer reviewed publications
Spot the undergrad.

I always thought it had more to do with how much people in the West snack. I imagine in places such as Africa, your main sources of food are your individual meals.

Here in the UK for example, most people wouldn't think twice about grabbing some breakfast, then a coffee full of sugar to go with it. They might grab some crisps as a snack, then each lunch with some kind of small sweet snack. Then dinner. Our portion sizes are quite large, especially if you look on serving sizes on food.

Obligatory mention of the weird shit leaking out of plastics. We can blame it for the thicc preteen girl epidemic, we can blame it for the obesity crisis.

Simple OP. Other countries eat less processed food. Processed food is the worst thing you can eat yet westerners think that just because they buy

>fresh chicken thighs

they aren't processed. That chicken was processed from day one. Take the ultimate redpill and realize that your nutrition has been cucked since birth.

A sedentary westerner will get fat on 3000 calories, a hunter gatherers will not. The reason the studies show that westerners have the same metabolism as hunter gatherers is because the westerners got fat enough so that they burn 3000 calories a day by just sitting around.

You clearly have never been to the midwest

This basically. Sugar in particular is sneaked into many foods, fucks up insulin/leptin, makes people feel hungry all the time when they shouldn't and basically you end up with a lot of fat people who really shouldn't be.


Finish it dude, or, do you have an art blog? I just want to see more to be honest.

t. Fellow artfag.