VEGAN GENERAL - Moral Superiority Edition

A place for discussing all things vegan ethics, politics & health

Meat consumption is ruining the environment.
- Pollutes rivers
- Forests cleared for livestock
- Causes soil degradation
- Massive inefficiency
- Major contributor to global warming.

Vegan Health

Animals ethics crash course -

The most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient as retards should have the same moral status

formal argument -

(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Ad Hominem - e.g. vegans are faggots

Strawman - e.g. vegans want white genocide

Appeal to nature - e.g. meat is natural and therefore ethical

Tu Quoque - e.g. vegans buy computers

Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think. (most philosophers are moral realists and believe moral propositions can in fact be true)

Meatcucks please realise the difference between normative ethics (what we ought to do) and descriptive ethics (what beliefs do people have). Normative ethics is what is being discussed with regards to veganism and morality.

- people should not eat animals for x reason (relevant normative claim)
- people eat animals for y reason (irrelevant descriptive claim)

Honest Advertising for Omnivores



Other urls found in this thread: yolk

>Enjoying tempeh in soy sauce, tofu and bean sprouts in spicy peanut sauce over noodles
>Porkboys will claim this causes gyno

Bumping with some memes



I tried your shitty diet for a whole year and all it did is hurt my health and athleticism.

Now I want to behead every vegan on the entire planet, down to the last man, woman and child.

Literally this vegan doesn't work

doesn't sound like something a former vegan would say

No one will post a timestamped body pic in this thread because vegans on Veeky Forums are weak and frail. If vegan diets are good for gains then prove it by showing yourselves with timestamps. Hint: they aren't.

Fuck off with your false superiority. If early humans were faggots like you we would have never even evolved to this stage.

>those bags under her eyes
clearly a paragon of health

Behead OP

Behead this guy

put her on a pike Vlad the Impaler style






Fuck off. You are making me hungry.


not gonna lie, i watched what the health the other night and im considering going vegan. i dont give a fuck about "muh animal cruelty" i just dont want the build of chemicals and carcinogens. Anyone else go vegan for the same reason? Any results or feedback would be appreciated.

That documentary is trash
>eggs are as bad as cigarettes
You are too gullible, do you believe everything you hear

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism

a moralist calling others cucks, the irony is delightful

that's actually a quote from a study

post link to the study. You have read it in its entirety, haven't you?

This egg things doesn't seems too far fetched to be honest , think of chain smokers & shit , imagine if instead of smoking 5 cig they ate an egg , most heavy smoker smoke between 1 to 3 packet a day , that would be between 5 & 15 egg a day , I know lots of retard lot to act like they're le epic funny eggman egg daily but no matter how you look at it , 5-15 egg a DAY for YEARS will hurt you in the long run .
Always keep in mind that all the muh meat muh egg fag on fit are usually 16-30 years old and still never had to face their poor dietary choices .

>Huuurrrr duuurrrr, a man made poisonous concoction of chemicals burned and inhaled is as dangerous as food.
dude, I wouldn’t care if Jesus himself wrote the study

well , when you isolate other variable , one egg correlate with lifespan reduction as much as five cigarettes , that's a fact .

yeah i'm gonna need to see a peer-reviewed source to believe that

But user it’s a straight up fact, trust me I saw the documentary

umad meatcucks

Honestly if you dont care about animals just do it for the earth


What do vehicles with petroleum-burning engines, and anything electric have in common? They're all powered by FOSSIL FUELS, which come from dead animals. Vegans aren't allowed to own or use ANYTHING that came from an animal -- therefore any so-called 'vegan' that drives a vehicle or uses anything electric is CHEATING and is NOT VEGAN. They may as well stop kidding themselves and go eat a steak, they all FAIL.

So-called 'vegans' also suffer from progressive cognitive deficit due to chronic amino acid deficiencies from malnutrition. That's why vegancucks don't make sense, their brains don't work correctly anymore. People I've known who were vegan then gave it up and went back to eating animal products regularly showed positive changes in their personalities and started being able to think more clearly again.

Vegans brains are so addled that they think you can raise an INFANT as vegan and expect it to be healthy and develop properly -- which it will NOT. Any pediatrician will tell you that you should not feed a baby a strict vegetarian diet, it will sicken, fail to develop, fail to thrive, and ultimately DIE. Pediatricians who encounter parents who insist, against all professional medical advice, in feeding their infant a Vegan diet, are reported to the police and to Child Protective Services, because it is legally considered CHILD ABUSE. What does THAT tell you?

Face it, vegancucks: humans are OMNIVORES, even many vegans admit it, and your meme 'lifestyle' is anti-health, anti-HUMAN, and exists as a political statement more than anything else, erroneously placing dumb lower animals above humans, which is pants-on-head stupid.

More evidence that Veganism is a LIE and actually hurts humans in the long run:
Veganism DESTROYS the fitness of pro athletes

Vegans taste like chicken. I like to bread them and deep-fry them, or rotisserie them, slow-cooking them for a few hours, until the meat is literally falling off the bones. Delicious!

>cognitive deficit


you've been on Veeky Forums too long bro

that little guy was cute

Id eat him last

Don't forget a tasty beverage to go with that meal!

LOL (You) are not vegan.
(You) are some refugee from (YOU HAVE TO GO BACK) who can't cut it there.
(You) are probably chowing down on All Meat Marvel pizza, or a bacon cheeseburger, or chicken tendies, or Hot Pockets, even as you posted your shit-tier copypasta from Last Thursday.
(You) probably don't even eat any actual vegetables, other than the tomato sauce on your pizza.
(You) are a fag, as usual.
(You) keep posting this same shitty copypasta thread, day after day, like some severe autist, who, like all severe autists, obsessively and compulsively repeats the same actions, over and over again.
(You) need to have your nanny/nurse/keeper/whoever keep you away from computers and the Internets, so you don't waste people's time with your autistic, weak attempts at trolling.

good post
but one nitpick
>FOSSIL FUELS, which come from dead animals
only a miniscule part of fossil fuels come from dead animals, plants and algae are by far most of the weight and volume

>you've been on Veeky Forums too long bro
No, it's the opposite, actually: you've been here too long, and don't know anything other than what you read here. Everything I posted is based on facts, not the 'magical thinking' that brain-damaged veganfags believe in. So-called 'veganism' is an anti-human cult dedicated to the destruction of mankind and civilization; they need to be stamped out.

I'm looking into going full vegetarian lately. I've been having eggs though. Whey protein is good right? Its derived from milk/cheese, I don't think there's more of a veggie equivalent of it, I could be wrong.

>only a miniscule part of fossil fuels come from dead animals, plants and algae are by far most of the weight and volume
BUT DID THEY GET THE CONSENT OF THOSE DEAD ANIMALS BEFORE THEY FILLED THEIR TANKS? NO! Veganfags should WALK everywhere, in bare feet, as God intended them to -- and they should flaggelate themselves daily, in pennance for all the insects they killed with their filthy sinful feet, because they didn't get the consent of the insects before they killed them, either!

>I'm looking into going full vegetarian lately.
How long have men's penises been making your mouth water, user?

Don't make any life-changing decisions, it may just be a phase you're going through.

>too retarded to correctly eat healthily
there's no hope for you my dude, no wonder you're a meatcuck at heart


>I tried your shitty diet for a whole year and all it did is hurt my health and athleticism.
Well, you learned the truth the hard way, didn't you?
If there ever was a teachable moment, this is it:

Eschew 'veganism', it is a death-cult.

>vegan ethics, politics
Wrong board nigger If you're gonna make vegan threads at least talk about nutrition.

>VEGAN GENERAL - Moral Superiority Edition

>Meat consumption is ruining the environment.

can my vegetarian ass be here? :^)

>not gonna lie, i watched what the health the other night
>i just dont want the build of chemicals and carcinogens.

You are right.

You seem obsessed with penises. You should come out of the closet.

> yolk

My closet is full of clothes, there's no room in there for me. xD
Besides which it makes my girlfriend look at me funny when I try to fit my 6'4" self into a tiny little closet. xD
Does your boyfriend(s) look at you funny when you try to do that?
>oh sorry you've never come OUT of the closet, my bad!

>Wikipedia as a source

no true scotsman

Why don't you list the negatives of becoming a vegan OP?

what does it take to meal prep as a vegan? what are some quick, high-calorie vegan meals I could make for breakfast for example?

Please leave the bleeding heart evil factory stuff out of this, I'm considering trying vegan for health reasons not moral.

Don't go around trying to tell people how to think you jackass. You are not superior

Depends what your caloric and macro needs are. Cooked starches are the best for getting your required calories. Beans, lentils, rice, potatoes. Throw in a variety of vegetables for micronutrients.

An easy breakfast could be this:

1 cup of oatmeal (300 cal. 12 g of protein)
1 PB&J sandwich on whole wheat (550 cal. 24 protein.)

Total cal: 850
Total protein 36g

If your macros require it, you can use peanut butter with less fat, too

>i exclude a whole food group from my diet but youre the one not eating properly


we are more intelligent than those animals and we can choose to live vegan, those animals cannot

as a vegetarian that movie is kinda full of shit, some of what they say is true but about 50% is just memes

Same. Don't care so much for the animals but more so about my health. Seems a lot of research is coming out in support of a plant based diet. I mean just look at the Seventh day adventists, they are the longest living group of people in the US and they are not supposed to eat meat (and drink alcohol).

Not interested in going vegan or vegetarian (at least not yet), but I do want to cut the amount of meat that I eat. This would mean I need a better source of protein.

Currently in university with no kitchen, so anything that can prepared easily or require none at all will be great.

TVP requires little cooking. Dirt cheap and great at imitating meat. I'm not vegetarian-vegan either I eat pizza 2 times a month.

can i be a vegan if I'm not a manlet?

>soy flour

Will this fuck with my testosterone?

If you eat vegan, go for non soy products unless you want to transition.


>highlording in OP title
>half of the OP is "How to spot people namecalling you"
>linking to a wikijewdiea article on climate change

You vegans are weak fucking cuckholds that have bought into jewish propoganda that are marching into an early grave

You would all do well to fear the arrival of /beast/, because that will be the day your house of cards will fall down

True carnivore, out

Dude do carnivore, diet, you will zero out your inflammation markers, improve performance in all aspects, shape up your metabolic markers, and lengthen your DNA telomeres

>Meatcucks argument is literally "BUT ANIMALS DO IT TOO"
I guess they already have accepted that they are no different from animals

There are third generation vegans currently.

Google Jim Morris bodybuilder.
The average vegan lives 8-10 years longer.
The average vegan has 3 vitamin deficiencies.
The average meatcuck has 8.
The average vegan has 15% higher test.
The average vegan has a reduced chance of dying by heart disease and cancer by 90%.

The average vegan is healthier which equates to smarter and sexier, which in turn equates to more sexy sex with hotter partners.

I'm sure this triggers you. Keep it together for us.

>posts blog posts and news articles with no sources.
I too can Google "y is vegan bad" and post the first five articles.

can someone post an updated discord link

That guy has a tattoo. Tattoos aren't vegan

if you don't have tatts you're a shitcunt

More test by 15%? How about no. All the soybois coming out of blood test with shitty scores, most of you faggots don't work hard or lift heavy either. There's a reason your average vegan looks like they either live in Auschwitz, are king of skinny fats, or downright hormonally imbalanced and feminine.

Vegans are cultists who deserve brutal execution. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip:
>you literally cannot

I don't want to turn 100, you stupid vegancuck. Also, the average vegan numale faggot already has below average test to begin with.
>but muh outlier of the vegan outliers
The average vegan """bodybuilder""" also looks like complete shit. Literally like a DYEL.

My parents dropped meat for a while when I was a kid.
I ate a lot of TVP, yet still ended up malnourished and got gyno in my teens which may or may not be related.
It's not worth the risk, imo.

And before anyone say "hurr durr, they didn't know how to make a balanced vegetable based diet"
They didn't.
I spoke to my mother about this, 15 years later, and she doesn't even know what vitamin b is.
She had no energy while eating like that.
This is the average level of nutritional literacy, and why if everyone went vegan, we'd just have people eating as shit as they do now, but without meat.
Still fat, still diabetic, still killing themselves young.

Reminder, this is what veganism does to you folks

You can clearly shitpost as well but unfortunately can't read

none of them are vegans you fucking idiot. All of them eat high amouth of chicken and cheese and drink cow milk just like you beta faggot.

This is what is going to happen to your children if you feed them estrogen food like milk.

I want to try going vegetarian (not vegan) but I am a total noob and at a loss for what to eat for meals... usually (as a meat eater) I just heat up a couple bags of frozen broccoli each day for my vegetables. Help me out here Veeky Forums

dude you get gyno from eating chicken, cheese and milk. If your parents didnt drop that, this was the reason. Soy can only have a little bit of an effect only if you consume absurd servings (something like 19 servings a day).

why does a balding man with chest hair have such low T

stay salty soy boy

If you go vegetarian you most likely will have problems with iron absorption. This is where people fail because dairy inhibits iron absorption. Drop the dairy and go vegan dude, ton more benefits.

My day looks like this
100g oats
1 banana
cup frozen berries
cacao powder (no sugar)
30g flax seeds
30g almonds
20g walnuts
1 Brazil nut

At uni:
200g Broccoli
1 Orange to get the broccoli taste away

After Uni
255g kidney beans (can)
400g Lentils
250ml Tomato sauce
1 Onion
1 Paprika

150g Kale
1 banana
30g Protein powder
Hot Water

Without the powder I would get around 170g of protein + powder I'm at 200

uh why don't you go ahead and be intelligent without us

None of these retards are vegan.
You think any of them have the mental strength to not be able to consume dairy, eggs, and meat like every other person?

Hope you realize there's a huge sample bias towards vegans when compared to the average meat eater.

Been a vegan for 15 years. The thing I like best is not helping people understand how bad for you animal products are.

I stopped because it's more fun watching them get fat, suffer poor health, have crippling depression and anxiety and suffer constant pain in their joints, back, etc...

Here I am slingin dick left and right cause all you meat fags are overweight sickly limp dicks by the time you're 25.

You other vegans should just kick back and watch these train wrecks.

Hey, I'm not a vegan but I'm looking to add some more diversity into my diet and I'm looking for foods/recipes for good plant-sourced protein. Can you help me?