Anyone else like to lift and want to lift heavy but don't want to get big...

Anyone else like to lift and want to lift heavy but don't want to get big? I like looking lean and defined but looking big just doesn't appeal to me.

How do I get strong without putting on muscle mass?

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lift, but dont lift too much

Do a lot of cardio

You can do anything you want just don't eat in a surplus , this is what I have been doing for the last few months

lift natty, don't eat like a pig

>lift heavy
pick 1

> Dreams to be big, eats and lifts for it, feels small at 6'3 200
> Fwb/gf/ whatever it is I've been sticking my dick into for a few months doesn't want me any bigger
Gains goblin ass bitch.

But how do i get strong if i don't eat big?


1. Don't eat like a bear
2. It won't happen overnight, when you reach a level you like just go into maintenance by not increasing volume

Calisthenics is for niggers

lol cause big muscles just happen accidentally and you can workout just a little too much and be massive

Lift heavy and often, it won't be as fast as if you were in a surplus but you will get stronger

Everyone i see who lifts heavy has big muscles. I want to lift heavy but not have big muscles

Their is a reason why they are lifting heavy and are big at the same time, mass moves mass.


Stop being gay. Get huge

I wish I could accidentally get huge. All I've been doing is getting accidentally fat.

I should have aimed for not getting too big instead

it happened to me, was so focused on getting my 1/2/3/4 and accidetnally gained lots of mass, really not digging the look desu

after a certain point you don't

Tfw you want too compete at 69kg/152lb Oly meet and your gym has lots a geared power lifters that weigh 100lbs more than you and you will never hold a candle to them in terms of strength

eat at maintenance, include more "power" and "strength" based cycles than "hypertrophy".... stay natty faggot

>I want to lift heavy
lift heavy then
>Don't want to get "big"
do low reps
>want to look lean
You will not get "big" unless you take steroids, or dedicate a huge portion of your life to weightlifting. If you're a normal human being like most of us, you will continue to look normal throughout weightlifting

>not aiming for fridgemode

Same. I just wanted 2pl8 bench for reps, but I accidentally won the Kuwait Classic

Why the fuck you fags don't like bodyweight training

Because it's an incomplete training style, it's amazing for upper body if you are adding weight and progressing but there is nothing for lower body at all

>How do I get strong without putting on muscle mass?

Seriously, you don't. I think you're underestimating how difficult it is to put on serious mass. Focus on building strength. Look at these numbers ( ). Any healthy person should view the 'advanced' level at a minimum personal standard. You will get bigger getting there, but it probably won't be as big as you think--it's no where near Olympic competition strength/size.

Here's a simple game plan. Start doing a basic barbell strength training program, and get stronger. When you think you're big enough, stop increasing the weight of your lifts and just maintain that level of strength/size.

Fuck you and read the sticky. Don't act like if you touch a barbell you're going to be mr. olympia in a few months.

For fucks sake, you won't get that big with some basic strength training.

Putting on any decent amount of muscle mass takes an enormous amount of effort and focus.

Once again, read the fucking sticky. Or go die as a dyel faggot in the cold heat death of the universe and never make it.

Has nothing to do with how much you weight.
It's about how much you eat.

>not wanting to be as big as Dimitri Klokov
kys, dyel

>implying you actually have the ability to get noticably big in clothes
>implying you can't control how big you're gonna get if you lift

Because it's for teenagers who want to get "ripped" but "not too big"

show me your pistol squat with a 40lbs weight west
oh right

I used to be like you, then I finally picked up a barbell and actually got stronger. But if social anxiety or laziness is keeping you away from the gym, your at home antics are certainly better than nothing.

Train Bulgarian lite style in order to make lots of neurological gains. Still though you will undoubtly grow if you strength train.

Natties have to bust their asses to get big. Lift with a focus on hypertrophy till you're the size you want, then slash your volume in half and maintain forevermore.

What core benefit is their to pistol squatting with 40 lbs compared to barbell squats

>tfw no back like that
>tfw i have a snapped lower back
>tfw you will never achieve your goals

You can balance on one leg easier

That's literally it

Good old calisthenics delusion. Pistols are shit and you probably know it.

Dont worry about getting big if you plan on staying natty.

Pasta, but to any newfags who take it seriously just lift as much as you want. You will never get 'too big' as a natty

You're not going to accidentally get huge.

Because they dont fear/loathe going to the gym(filled with autists like them)

"Whoops there I go again, forgot I was only meant to do 5 reps not 15, now I'm too swole"

Everytime I read statements like I can't but see a lot of ego behind it. However in order to keep lifting heavy you will evidently have to build muscle.

Help me, Veeky Forums! I did a deadlift yesterday, and now none of my clothes fit!

>Calisthenics is for niggers
Thats why the military does them right?

>lift 3 years aiming for fridge mode strength mode.
>pick up dumbbell in the way
>put it away and inadvertently do 1 curl rep
>wake up looking like Ronnie coleman
Fuck this shit

Oh man me too! i did squats yesterday and now i can't wear any of my jeans

There's a difference between fat and bearmode. If you eat sweets, potato chips and white bread, you get fat, if you eat long carb products, rice, noodles and chicken breast and lift heavy at least 3-4 times a week (some people also get big through only 2 times a week, at the end it comes down to intensity of the workout), then you will transform into bearmode over the years.

This, I bench 115 kg, squat 130 and deadlift 180 kg and I look only slightly bigger than one year after beginning.
Except for my back which makes me looking bigger than I actually am. I know, 180 kg isn't impressive at all, none of my stats are.

Literally just lift and eat healthy and be natty. You'll never "look big"

I'm a fedora tipper that lifts for strength, don't really care or want to buy new clothes

Is it possible to achieve this j00cy back while being natty?

That fucking bacc tho how does he do it ,is it just low bf?

Eat like an ancient greek, fish, olives, dates, bread and onions. Meat only on special occasion

You kidding me? I want to be HUGE

vitamin T

>not niggers

Hes literally my idol.
I want to be like him
>tfw not raised since i was 3 years old to become world star olympic weightliftertfw when i snatch 100kg people think i train crossfit
>why even live

Do whatever maxx chewning is doing

You dont want to become big
Dont worry you never will.

Nobody "accidentally" into huge.

If you're doing high intensity + low volume, you're going to get stronger without adding lots of mass than if you were doing a more moderate intensity with lots of volume.

It's why Hysen Pulaku can look like "what is barbell?" mode and put weight overhead, because his programming is bare bones and basics for lower reps

Meanwhile, someone like Lu and other chinese lifters who add daily accessory/hypertrophy work on top of hitting their lifts will get jacked.

There is a big influence of what type of training you're doing and also genetics that play a role in how you look.

Lifestyle vlogging

Don't worry, you never will. Some people were just born beta.

I want to get big but also be lean to the point of mostly visible abs.

I'm pretty sure it's not possible without gear though.

Just do strength training and don't eat like a fat ass. My weight can fluctuate between 155-160 and I can bench 225