Which locker in the changing room do you use? I use 178

Which locker in the changing room do you use? I use 178

any locker with an even prime

i usually try to go with either #1 or #13
1 is nice cause it has 2 extra hanger, i don't need them but boy do i feel privileged

The definition of "even" is "divisible by 2."
The definition of "prime" is "a natural number only divisible by itself and 1."
Since an even prime is divisible by 2, it must be 2.
Therefore, 2 is the only even prime.

What if locker # 2 is in use?

I use one of the tall skinny lockers (61-63) so that I can stash my trekking poles easily. If I've gotta walk to the gym I may as well enjoy the trip.

If locker #2 is taken I usually just go with the one numbered ((sqrt(5)/2)+0.5). It's nearby anf generally seen as the most beautiful locker.

im retarded or something. i got 1.61

golden ratio

i use a different one each time because i don't want to get ocd or think that i 'didn't have a good workout' because i used the wrong locker or wrong shower etc

tl;dr autism


The one with my name on it.
What kind of shit-tier gym do you go to that it doesn't have personal lockers.

13. Apparently people are superstitious so I get it every time.

333. Its at a good spot. And before you ask, there's no 666

223, I would use 556, but my gym doesn't have that many lockers.


I use 69 because it’s up high and because I’m a faggot that needs to grow up

Whatever number the receptionist gives me. Should I tip her so she gives me a stable number? Sometimes I'm #1 though.


i use 101 cause it looks like lol

all of them, I am not a virgin who only uses one locker.

>sometimes I'm #1 though

holy fuck you must either go to a DYEL gym or be a monster user. you know the receptionist reserves the numbers based on how big you are right ? I am usually around #2 and #3 during the week at my regular times and #4 on the weekend. Once in my life I got #1 and the receptionist winked at me though so I think things might get pretty serious soon.



Right on the end next to the bench, let's me take up as much space as I need.

i enter the gym already in my workout clothes

(x^2)-3 integrated over 2 to 5

t. Brainlet who hasn't even thought about integrals in 10 years

I'm a fan of 406, but sometimes I use 420 and leave my doobtube open inside of it.

Me too. Prob a troll

I make sure my locker is nowhere near big Mike and the boys

I learnt my lesson last time



Ones with a number cleanly divisible by 3.

Not anymore, now I use 178, beat it chump

It had a picture of a naked lady in it too

Unironically 88

214 master race
used to be the channel for cartoon network back when i had a satellite dish

locker 420 because blaze it lmao

101. First locker directly when you enter the locker room.