What did he mean by this? Is this guy retarded?

What did he mean by this? Is this guy retarded?


I dont need to see this to know that depression is a meme that makes good money for (((them))).

He's right, at least partially. People are pathetic these days.

Most people that claim to have depression don't have it. That's a fact. The thing is, if the things that troubled them were treated without medicine a huge industry would crumble apart. Anti-depressants and the like make almost a quarter of the income of the pharmaceutics industry. But now, it's normalized to have "depression", "bi-polar syndrome" and many other stupid things, so people just assume that's what they have and make a huge fuss about it, hence why pharmas take advantage of it.

>it's never been a better time to be a human being in the west
I think this is false, but he makes some good points.



>nobody likes you no matter how hard you try
>girls don't even look at you
> But Haha yes depression is a meme, stop being sad man! I will go have sex with my gf now!

Funniest thing is this guy works for Alex Jones who sells weight control pills on his site


Shitposts aside.

The truth is somewhere in between what hes saying is true and what hes denying.

Is 'clinical' depression as widespread as anyone who goes on twitter or facebook would guess it is? No. But it does actually exist for a tiny minority of people who claim to be depressed.

>Letting females have full control over your happiness

I got diagnosed with depression when i was a teenager and went through a break up, they even gave me citalopram which i thankfully didnt take. Depression is a real mental disorder but all too often normal low mood and unhappiness is dramatized into a disease.



a very large number of people only have """depression""" or """anxiety""" because they were raised by their mothers who always did everything for them and they have no life skills or experience of their own. they've never needed to learn or do anything for themselves - mommy always took care of it. they CAN'T EVEN life itself. It's a manifestation of the results of being mollycoddled and overly protected. I call it "Western White Girl Depression/Anxiety"

>trying hard to get people to like you instead of working on yourself
>not working on your looks and body instead of wanting someone to like you
>not being happy without a gf by improving yourself and becoming the person you want.

user plz

>to like you
Yeah when everyone looks on you like a complete retard and you become the butt of every joke it is really easy to overcome, I hope you can experience similar things and see how easy it is

I have m8, it was because I was an self obsessed autist who talked about nazis in class and constantly talked shit and then wondered why people knew everything about me while never listening to what other people say.

tl:dr you're probably a cunt

You're so oblivious, did you even read what I wrote?

yes, people look at your like a retard because you act like one. They make fun of you because you are weak and allow it.

I have been both sides and it is your fault 100%, which means you can change it.

This guy is the right wing version of Laci Green. His stupid face be the death of us.