What can I say? I guess black men are just superior to us whiteys. Haha! No wonder my spouse likes them so much...

What can I say? I guess black men are just superior to us whiteys. Haha! No wonder my spouse likes them so much... I always catch her staring at them when we're out buying her clothes. Haha!

is this loss

Of a sort


nice try turdboi

>this is what Veeky Forums actually believes

noone is jacked without putting in hard work. just because you are a little bitch that doesnt know how to work hard doesnt mean others dont. and the reason other people look better even though you are "going full beastmode in the gym bro" is that what you call beastmode they call deload week. But if you wanna make excuses for not even trying or for your failure fine. but get out of Veeky Forums if you are such a little bitch.

work harder faggot

All these post about black people having god like genetics are just silly I played basketbally entire life making it as far as playing on an nba d league team it's called g league now but either way genetics don't mean shit. I'm 6'5 with a 6'7 wing span and go down to the local 24 to hoop these days since I'm older now and retired from competition ball and it's nothing but brothers in there and I can say first hand their genetics are not helping them much at all ( slow and unathletic) btw chad had dunked on me a few times but Tyron never once

it's the common misconception on Veeky Forums that a slightly higher average value means that literally every single person of that group has a higher value than any person in another group.

when it comes to IQ people on here think the most intelligent blacks cant compete with the dumbest white guy because on average they are behind like 10 points. what all these incels cant comprehend is that average doesnt mean fucking shit, what matters is the individual. And if they would leave their house they would see that people, no matter their color, come in all different shapes and sizes. same with the bbc myth, just because blacks on average, mostly because the Kongo inflates their values, have a few cm on other races doesnt mean anything when it comes to a single individual living in the US who is half black. And I bet some of these bbc shitposters are black themselfes and have a small as fuck penis but still masturbate to their great average value.

If your personal genetics are trash it doesnt matter how good the group is. Not like the average height of 6'0 in the netherlands will make you magically leave the manletpit if you move their. It will just make you look even smaller compared to your surroundings you fucking manlet.

can i achieve chad mode if i have 32 inch waist with cut it will be around 30 to 31...

blacks are found to be using steroids more often.

Have a nigger like this running around at the gym allways claiming he just started for the last 2 years he allways said ''I just started 3 months ago and i have good genetics'' apperantly time moves slower for them in their minds because it actually turned out hes been training for 8 years and hes on Gear.

I have been lifting for 3 years and im bigger and stronger then him.

Whites are better than blacks genetically both in intelligence and fitness though.

Look at bodybuildinh record holders. All white (or Chinamen on experimental superdrugs that die of an exploded heart at the age of 25)

Nigger, this is retarded even for a negro

Blacks make better bodybuilders.

But they make shit powerlifters, olympic weightlifters or strongmen. They seem to lack power and strength compared to all other races, especially whites


Well the black will never progress.
When have you seen a black guy do hard work?

backs dont self select for those sports. blacks with good genetics go into football, basketball, and baseball, where they've been raised to consider those the most worthwhile sports and where they can earn much more money

So my wife's son will get jacked without going to the gym?

Hahahahahahahahahaha.... ha

Blacks seem to have some bragging syndrome, like describes it. Whenever they suck it's just that they "don't try" and need more money for dem programs. Same with why they suck in academia, they always look for faults in others instead of themselves.

probably just lazy mentality. they cant get their aggression from motivation, only by micro-chimpouts like getting called a nigger

It doesn't matter. The reasons why most good boxers from western countries are not whites, are both cultural and socio economic. It's not genetics. But still, I won't say whites are better at boxing because they could be if they actually wanted to. Whites dominate strongman and pl competitions, non blacks dominate olympic weightlifting, and that's what matters.

Or maybe big nogs don't spend all day hunching in front of a monitor after 1 hour of a shitty routine.

You all see this pic? There's a couple entire generations of women who were raised believing that they ABSOLUTELY HAD TO HAVE a Barbie doll-like body, or they would be considered UNATTRACTIVE. Guess what? Not every girl had the genetic tendencies that would make that 'goal' even remotely possible -- so they would become neurotic as fuck over it. Some of them became anorexic, it fucked them up so much. Some of them died from that, or killed themselves outright, because they couldn't deal with not being able to force their bodies to look like that.

How does this relate to Veeky Forums? Because you guys keep having these arbitrary and unrealistic standards pushed on you continually, and only a small percentage of you will EVER be able to even come CLOSE to that, because you genetically aren't predisposed to it.

So some of you resort to fucktarded stupid and dangerous things like steroid abuse (which makes you look like a circus freak, while endangering your very LIFE, e.g. Zyzz or Piana), or (even more pathetic) 'leg lengthening' surgery (both hideously expensive and hideously painful, and you end up looking like a disproportionate freak).


Here's a radical idea for you all: HAVE REALISTIC GOALS THAT DON'T INVOLVE DANGEROUSLY STUPID THINGS LIKE INJECTING HORMONES OR EXPENSIVE RISKY SURGERY. Accept your limitations and focus on your STRENGTHS instead of stressing over your WEAKNESSES and maybe you'll actually make something of yourselves. Or you can continue to uselessly reach for things you can't possibly ever attain, and set yourself up for more disappointment and failure.

sub-8 cope

Nurture triumphs nature. Why do you think whites are so dominant.(well used to be)

Nice thread you dumb kike

Good posts

T.black guy

>not lying to everyone about how hard you work

did you forget law 30?

This is true. At my college gym this black guy is always being a dick to me. I was drinking coffee before I went inside the gym and to go change in the locker room. He said you can't drink that in here and no one has ever said that to me. Yesterday he was spotting me at 195lbs bench for 3 reps, the last rep I was struggling and he put his hand to help me but I pushed it up. I Asked him if it was all me. He said, yeah but you be cheating. Your feet where off the ground. I always keep my feet pivoted at 90 degrees when I set up, shit pissed me off so next set I kept it flat and did 4 reps.

I don't know why he hates me, im also black. Is it because im close to a 2 plate bench and he won't be seen as the super strong nig nog anymore? Hes also big buff nerd type

It's true, though. If you aren't barbie mode, you're gentic garbage

>implying having an unattainable goal is a negative thing

Haha, oh well I guess we should just become cucks, we're sort of responsible for all their problems anyway haha

Tldr: aim low cos you cant make it

Anyone else notice his left pec is double the size of his right

Are you implying the black guy looks better?

I know fuck tonnes of black twinklets

Yes, on average they have longer limbs, their darker skin does make them look more defined, some do have more fast twitch muscle fibre (from sprinting away from the animals we killed), some do have more test. But a huge amount is down to lifestyle - blacks view sports as a cargo cult way to become a god, and will lift like madmen to become a sporty athlete. They also have a masculine culture (fuck hoes, get money etc) which encourages lifting from an early age, whereas Jewed whitey stays away from toxic masculinity, especially if they are the product of a single mom. However blacks don't have the finesse - most are shit in a fight and swing like monkeys then run away - and aside from Kenyans and athlete worship culture, normal blacks have zero interest in cardio and conditioning that the average white man engages in - ask yourself when the last time you saw a black cyclist on his own bike. They also get bulky from their shit tier diets, whereas more whites stay slim and healthy from vitamins and good parenting.

Also, they have smaller skulls, making their bodies seem bigger, and on top of that, their aggressive behaviour causes people to perceive them as bigger than they actually are - many whites are polite and confident, many blacks are hood fly gangstas squad skrrrt orcs.

Less then no one cares about your shitty bait thread snownigger.

What's the matter. The JIDF and the Gaymafia kicked your faggot ass out of /pol/ and you're hoping you can set up shop here?