I remember when this board used to actually have threads about fitness

I remember when this board used to actually have threads about fitness

lot of qts there


Question is;
When was it ?

lol manlet

what is going on here can i come

Pepperidge farm remembers

>that first sip of the day

at least four years ago. I took a break from Veeky Forums after college and I came back to the entire board being completely different

Question guys, I've been doing SL 5x5 and while I've been seeing progress with my squats and deadlifts, I've been having trouble with my OHP and Bench. Its always the same thing

>start OHP at 95lbs
>knock out 5 reps
>2nd set, get to 3 before gassing out
>wait 60 secs, knock out 2 more barely
>3rd set, do 2 reps and gas out
>rest 60 secs, do one rep, gas out
>rest, 1 rep
>1 rep
>1 rep....

You get the idea, I've been reading that 3x5 is actually more effective but I have my doubts, what do you guys think? Should I just keep doing what I'm doing? I only do 1 rep at a time because I want to at least do them with good form.





Is that our Natalia front right?

oh yeah?

>use to call nunu a liberal faggot and laughed when he toreturns his bicep
>remember when it was health and fitness

Real Fitness thread incoming boyos

D A N G E R O U S L Y|| T A S T Y

oldest Veeky Forums meme you remember?

mine is fried eggz from like 2010-11

Cheers mate





this /sip/ consumerism trash needs to be stopped.

When you need that

lets list off the non fit shit

Pol threads
Pol shit
Chad threads
Bait threads
SS is shit threads
tinder threads
strength is a meme threads
height threads
"how do i get this body/part threads
ALphadestiny threads

QTDDTOT i think may have contributed since new fags don't know about it, PLG is the only pure place.

seriously guys: has Veeky Forums always had basically 75% of its threads being about girls?

where is this qt convention op?


Here we see the derangered ramblerings of a man who is S I P S deficient


>He doesn't sip

no they used to be 75% about guys


Whenever I squat heavy I need to cum like a few hours after if I haven't jacked off a bunch beforehand or else I get super high strung and uncontrollable. I mean need to cum, I've left fuckin work cuz I was about ready to blow I'm the bathroom. What's the deal? Do I have ass cancer?

Eastern Europe, the last bastion of the white race