Alright llads i just consumed 1g of caffeine pills

alright llads i just consumed 1g of caffeine pills

wwha t am i in for ??


call an ambulance. seriously.

I have to take 1g to feel normal

wtf am i seriously in trouble? i thought id just feel really wired for a few hours to study

You probably don't need an ambulance. But you will probably feel miserable unless you have a huge tolerance

What? Maybe if OP was a 60lb little girl.

A standard cup of coffee is around ~150mg caffeine. So is close to 6-7 cups of coffee at once

Is this suppose to be a lot?

Try to throw it up if you just took them.

Yea thats a solid amount dude.

I use to take 5 200mg caffeine tabs and 5 3mg ephedrine tabs preworkout. I’d occassionaly get black spots in my vision and feel wousy after a heavy set but other than that I felt great.

will it gwlp me study anodn?

Seems a bit much for just a cup of coffee. A standard Monster is around 160mg.

OP, are you a big guy?

im 6 and 155 no

You are seriously in trouble.

What was your caffeine tolerance previously? Have you ever taken caffeine pills before this? 1g is a hell of a dose if you’re not used to it

It’s gonna feel really weird. Last year I took 2g to finish writing a paper, but I just laid down and listened to the Dark Souls soundtrack instead.

i have never had coffee and stopped drinking soda and tea when i was tenn year sold

It’s obviously weak bait

Anxiety, heart palpitations, shakes, generally feeling very shitty.
Energy drinks put in taurine, a nerve depressant, to counter those effects.
If the pills are pure caffeine, you're going to feel shit, but not likely have any problems unless you already have health trouble.

Nigga what kind of coffee are you drinking? 8oz pour is 80mg

>am I seriously in tourble?
Yes, go to your room John

You won't die but i seriously reccomend going to the bathroom and vomiting up what you can. You will spend the next 24 hours feeling incredibly shit if you don't.

You'll probably be fine. Just extremely anxious and you won't get anything done at all. You'll probably reck your stomach too.

PLZ TELL me what this skit is called
i remember watching it one time but cant remember

Morning routine mde

Search CEO Erick Hayden by comedy group Million Dollar Extreme. It's on Youtube, and one of their finer bits.

Depending on how much tolerance you have built up, you'll experience everything from a slight buzz to feeling your soul being ripped from your body.

You won’t die but you’ll be more wired than a toddler on coke

Today I learned what taurine is for

rip OpEE

911 dude

I did that once and haven't used a single caffeine pill since. It was fucking scary. Good luck OP. Drink a lot of water since you'll be sweating a lot. Also grab a bucket just in case you throw up. The first few hours are the worst.


Sure told me, user.

when i was in high school i took literally the entire bottle of dramamine and here were my symptoms:
1) my mouth became a desert
2) when i moved a muscle, it only happened 5 full seconds after i first tried to move it
3) i saw hundreds of spider
4) i eventually passed out and when i woke up i was sitting across the room from my body on the ground
5) shit myself and puked all over myself after managing to slug-crawl my way into the bath tub

no clue why i did it but i havent taken a single pill since that fateful night


slow down before you damage yourself too much
always remember filename