Signs that you lift

How do you know if someone lifts or not, when they are casually clothed?

Shoulder and chest indents.

Forearms and/or neck.

Or you could ask.

traps, legs, forearmes (not everytime)

If they look like it. Otherwise it literally doesnt matter.

be like, "do you lift"

if they're wearing a dragon ball z shirt that says "train insaiyan"


Arms can be fatty but look big. Lots of guys have big backs and broad shoulders.

But you can only really get a chest from lifting.

chest is definitely the premier gymcel muscle group

Ask them if they voted for Hillary, if they say yes they don't lift.


>feeling Veeky Forums buddy?

Shake their hands. If its dry af with calus, they lift

Quad sweep


I'd go with this one

they squat down to pick stuff off the floor

Never thought sbout it, but this is extremely accurate

Any kind of brick layer/road maintenance guy will have this

>I-im just a l-lucky guy hehe :)

this picture makes me both but happy and sad, sad cuz hes fat. Happy because of the genuine happiness in his smile. he proud of that cake lads, real proud also sad cuz ik this dude got a lot of shit for this picture, which is stupid cuz he is so fucking happy in it. And if somebody attractive made the cake itd be fucking fantastic and that double standard is irksome

That's horseshit, you don't squat down to deadlift lmao

enjoy snap city

you can tell by their posture, they seem more solid

Friend said I looked like a movie star when he saw me from far away today. Feels good man


more like everybody that isnt retarded and knows how to pickup something properly

here on lower school they even teached you that to prevent backinjury

>cousin (15)

and it's a velvet cake takes some skill to pull that off but considering his size he had some practice, frog is 10/10 thou

is this now a frog posting bread?

never seen it from that perspective


My girlfriend likes my hands smooth. And I do too.

>having a gf
>preferring smooth skin
what are you, some kind of pooftah?

Well said and insightful, actually.

Or they have a real job

round juicy butt


big neck, traps, shoulders and forearms

the goal is to buy flattering clothing, wearing good fitting t's and not just shitty video game ones that cover up triceps and aren't flattering on the shoulders will basically just hide your gains
buy clothing that accentuates your body in subtle ways to show off gainz

by real job you mean manual labor i take it? dream big kids.

>Lift for years
>Still baby forearms

Should I just end it?

traps popping out of shirt, and they just generally look wider and thiccer

Just go to a climbing centre for a few months. Great place for both forearm and social gains

my friend does climbing for well over a year now he does v5.12s whatever the fuck that means and hes a sticklord
does not work although would be fun

this lol
