Progress Thread

Post your progress photos, fellow
Veeky Forumsizens
I haven't posted my progress in a long time because I haven't been weighing myself lately, It's been a strange month.
Just weighed myself and I was fucking 172, I'm not sure how much I've lost in the past few weeks but I was 187 at my doctor's visit 4 weeks ago. That was with shoes,clothes on and with things in my pockets though, I weigh myself naked.
I didn't realize how fucking skelly I've become. I think I really need to start bulking soon but I'm not sure when
First pic is around 300 lbs at 16,second pic 172 at 19. 6 feet tall

Do you even eat? Gj on your cut but you need to switch to a clean 6 meals a day and lift much more.

Maintain for 2-3 weeks, then start a clean bulk. There is absolutely no reason for you to continue cutting, user. It's time to build muscle.

Fuck you're probably right. God damn it, I've been dreading the moment where I have to switch my routine up. I've been cutting for so long that bulking sounds awful.

I went through the same thing, user. It's going to feel weird eating more at first, but that feeling will go away after a few weeks. Lift weights, and make sure you keep on taking progress pictures. That's going to help motivate you, and make you realize that you're becoming better and better looking.

>Those jaw gains

Good job OP

How do you get over the fear of gaining a bunch of fat or looking worse than you do now? I don't want my jaw gains to fade

wtf hes clearly a pooskin but why doesnt he have brown nips?

By turning it around slowly, making it a process. When I'd finally reached my goal, I slowly started eating more and more. You don't wanna go from a, say, 500 deficit to a 500 surplus overnight. Eat 100 kcal more per day until you hit maintenance, then stay there for 2-3 weeks, then start eating 250-500 kcal above maintenance. Make sure the added calories aren't just shitty foods/candy. Keep eating at a small surplus and adjust your caloric intake every 2 weeks (all while lifting, of course) and your body's going to look better and the changes to your face will be minimal.

continue to cut or maintain for a bit then slow bulk? i'm not sure what to do.

left - 6/10/2017 210lbs
right - 11/10/2017 178lbs

3 months

Two years and one tumor removal later

Thanks man, I think I'll follow that advice
Lookin great dude. Aesthetic af forearms
Your house is depressing to look at
Where's the rest of your body lad? Miring that back though


Considering I'm going through a divorce, I'm lucky to have a house

Not a fan of my stomach, so many stretchmarks and just no definition

She took the pole now pay the toll. Marriage is a mistake
It's still part of you buddy. We don't judge here :^)
Not bad though, Chest looks nice. not nearly as bad looking as you think

At least it's not bad, there are many people who wish to look as good as you

Looking good op, start lifting more.

Thanks man, Need to get off my ass and go to my school's gym

This, you look great man

Know I've posted these in a few threads, hit a PR the other day. so fuck it

About 6 months of recomping. Lifting heavy, 800kcal a day cut.

Damn dude nice.
What was your starting weight?
800 cal seems pretty extreme though

Why only 800cals user?

Shut up 800 is alot and hes doing very fine

I think you mean Me
Also, 800 is too low

Not sure on starting weight exactly, but I did about 1500kcal at first then about a few months ago switched to about 800.

800 is the goal, 4-500 of that I aim for protein, I really just don't have the stomach for food anymore.

800? are your lifts even going up?

Amazingly yea

Good job user that's already a huge difference. I also have the question how much has your lifing improved with 800 deficit. I do think your primary goal for now should be cutting anyway but either way good work

posted before but meh

Yea most of the training has been for trying to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. It's tough as hell, have to use slow steady movements to ration energy

I've seen some pretty good improvements more in stamina than just strength, it took about a month to go from 25's to 35's on hammer curls, then it got a lot slower progress.

what are your current lifts? and did you plateau?

Shit man you have the same body as me in your before. Giving me hope dude good work!

Thanks, bro. The best part is the face gainz. Worst part is not making muscular gainz since I'm on a deep cut

some of the gains have been hard to tell because it may just be the fat coming off.

Waiting for my knee to rehab more before I start taking on squats and dead lifts, I mainly use my set of dumbbells at home and starting to venture to the gym for more isolated stuff like bench press

Current lifts:
>150lb bench
>45's for dumbbell rows, hammer curls, shoulder presses, triceps extensions
>25's for lateral raises

I'm trying to put together a more exact routine as I go but I'm not trying to press it too hard as it's slow progress right now, though it does get easier each time i do it.

240 to 160. About a year and a half of on and off calorie counting

how deep and what's your routine?

1500cal/ day
And a variation of SS, with Pullups, curls, calf raises, and ohp added

gj dude

holy fuck user
no loose skin and it looks like you've been lifting
you starting that slow bulk yet?



Thanks user
Got pretty lucky with the skin situation. Only some stretch marks on my lower back, but they're almost invisible at this point
I went to the gym pretty consistently while I was a meatball so I had some muscle hidden underneath it all. Starting the slow bulk next week I think. Gonna feel weird after such a long cut

I want to suck your dick OP

Huge improvement. Great job. How did you get rid of the stretch marks?

Fucking incredible! Keep it up! Don't get complacent and keep pushing man, you're a inspirational story in the works

Thanks lad. Stretch marks just faded with time.They aren't a big deal

Solid results OP. You hitting the Gym next for some gains?

I did SL5x5 and Keto for 12 Months but haven't had much luck on muscle gains. Happy with the fat loss though.
>Started at 220
>Currently 165
>Would like to be a lean 175

Lookin sexy boiiii

Nice 160 lad

Never thought I'd get asked if I ever ate lmao thanks