What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode


>HGH , Test, and muscle growth?


>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?

>any more info?

>Fung talks and lectures:

>Doesn't salt make you explode?

Other urls found in this thread:


First for telling loopy avacado-screaming man to fuck off with his nightcore music

I've been gone from /fast/ for awhile, what the fuck happened, did avacado man hijack the threads and promote dry-fasting?

yes, he's trying to kill roasties that are too stupid to know better

What's his endgame?

Snake man is about to discover carnivore

Getting fatties to lose that fucking weight of course.

Get a bunch of neckbeards foaming at the lips at a thought of a magic potion

currently on my third day of fasting
its a bitch to sleep. i found out that eating a single onion before bad allows me to go to sleep, i still lose the exact same weight, remain in ketosis and autophagy, so idgaf


Have you even watched his damn videos? There's nothing magic about it and he never claimed there was. It's just an fucking electrolyte drink.

>eating a single onion
A raw onion or do you saute it?

I have this problem too

>Can longer concentrate longer than 5 minutes
>Feel sleepy
Wtf I hate eating now.

I know, its the worst

Paradoxically I still love cooking though

>remain in autophagy

The absolute state of /fast/

whats wrong with that?

>I am eating an onion which contains calories, glucose, and amino acids/anti-oxidants all of which awaken metabolic processes

so can i drink coffee?

Only if its black

only if you drink it rectally

What about bulletproof coffee?

>being this retarded
you can literally keep 90% of the benefits of fasting. look up fasting-mimicking diet by valter longo.

he found out that you basically keep most of the benefits of fasting by going very low calorie, staying in ketosis and keeping protein low enough to trigger autophagy.

if you really think 100kcal a day is going to make any difference in a weeklong fast you're fucking retarded. catch up on the science gramps.

Walter Longo is a cuckhold whose work is blinded by his love and boner for veganism

If you listened to any of the lectures on fung or would read any decent pubmed article, even a bandcamp reject like you would know that it's game over once you injest anything with any appreciable amount of carbs or glucose, low glycemic or not

Also I'm going to kill avocado man for tricking people into this cuckery

The coconut oil will help you go into ketosis, so could be a good idea to drink before you fast, but not part-way through.

Also, the butter has proteins which have an insulin response, so no butter.

stop being such an angry cuck and be pragmatic.
eating an onion a day isn't going to do shit, and isn't going to ruin your fucking fast.

i'd fast for longer, but after 20hrs of fast i can't fucking sleep at all and it just ruins the next fucking day. shit is unbearable. i need sleep.

>I'm wrong and now I'm going to call you names
>I'm a weak bitch


i'd rather it be because i'm hungry, but i just want to sleep

Past the 24 hour mark of my fast. Am i supposed to feel this hungry? My stomache keeps growling and pauses for like 20 minutes and then repeats

you are if you're not keto
most people stop feeling hunger by day three
my gf only stopped by day 5

try walking (not running) as cardio. LISS cardio is good for depleting liver glycogen stores

I'm currently on day 3 and a half and I haven't felt too insanely hungry. Had a hunger spike about an hour ago, but it quickly went away. I don't think the hunger exactly goes away, you are just mentally able to hold it back longer

I wanna fast until thanksgiving to feast, then fast right after. How do I ensure that I can safely break the fast and enjoy a good meal and continue losing weight when I fast again

take a tablespoon of coconut oil three to four times a day when you're starting your fasts if you're not keto adapted.

It will give you a ketone boost which should help jumpstart the ketone signaling in the brain which has been shown to have anti-hunger properties.

Bulletproof coffee is fine. Coconut oil and butter alike. The small amount of protein from the butter isn't enough to trigger any real sort of response unless you're throwing in entire sticks of butter. In which case protein is the last of your concerns and get plenty of toilet paper ready.

take some coconut oil. I'm not even meme-ing. The ketone boost will help with the hunger.

just eat again 3 days before thanksgiving with watery fruits/vegetables
second day make a normal meal and see how much you want to eat of it.
third day do the same.
during thanksgiving eat very little from all dishes so you can taste them all.
then fill up on whatever dishes you like.

after that just stop eating again. doesnt really matter when you start or how you start a water fast

does this work on intermittent fasting?

I started IF on monday with 16/8, so far only eating chicken and beef with shitton of vegetables, quit drinking everything (including coffee/black tea) and resort only on water.
Feeling pretty good so far but i'm still smoking (2 cigarretes a day, each after each meal)
What vegetables is the perfect choice? also what can i do to improve? and is cheese really that bad?

>What vegetables is the perfect choice?
green ones

Cheese is fine if it's quality stuff and unprocessed.

Kale and spinach are great veggies and the least touted superfood is cabbage.

If you want to cut out cigs get a tin of camel wintergreen snus at a gas station. One or teo pouches post meal.


Technically speaking from a biological standpoint the only thing that breaks a fast metabolically is protein and carbs. Fat doesn't impact it.

All coconut oil will do is boost your ketone levels.
I rock keto 24/7 and have been for the last 13 years. and I'm rock solid at 2.5mmol for my ketones in a fasted state. If I consume a tablespoon of coconut oil my ketones will jump to about 2.8 or 2.9, and a tablespoon of MCT reliably puts me up to 3.2 or 3.3.

going perfectly good then
>the least touted superfood is cabbage

People associate cabbage with sauerkraut which is usually slathered on hotdogs or beside burgers

But it has powerful horomonal effects for males. Look it up.

>month seven of IF
>don't even feel hunger anymore

just drank milk of magnesia while on a dry fast lol

RIP to my anus in about 6 hours

Who is this semen demon?

Can I chew gum on a fast?

If it has sugar or artificial sweeteners, no.


Ffs this gets asked like 1-3 times a thread, should be fucking obvious you can't.

Can I eat 1 (one) almond on a fast please

Ok, thanks.


>what vegetables is the perfect choice
All of them. The more veggies and the more variety the better.

Personally I have the equivalent of 1.5bags of salad a day with a minimum of 5 "Colors" What I call colors are anything not a leafy green. tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, carrots, etc. Anything with color. And as much color variety as you can get

Cheese is ok. With some caveats. You want REAL cheese. The processed "cheese product" like 'american cheese' is totally off limits. I wouldn't say you're limited to the quality stuff, because brick cheddar and mozz are fine.

Cheese in general should be used sparingly because of the calories it packs. It's easy to add 200 calories to a meal just from cheese alone. My admonishment to my clients is to avoid cheese and dairy if weight loss is their goal because it's so easy to overdo the calories.

Personally I reccomennd buying only whole cheese, either brick or wheel slice, and shredding off an appropriate portion for each individual meal at meal time if possible. The extra step will kind of help prevent the mindless addition of a handful from the bag.

I can't brew my potions in peace because parents.
What if their ask for a taste from my potion?
Also, today I have to eat some lasagna because that's my favourite food and Mom is doing it just for me because she loves me.

Being skinnyfat and wanting to fast is hell because they'll definitely think I have an eating disorder.

Just tell them you're fasting so that your boyfriend can do anal without getting shit on his dick

Martin Berkhan says sugarfree gum is cool

If you're skinnyfat I would suggest just adhering to a IF16:8 schedule with one fasting day per week so you can hit the gym hard and heavy. the wide fasting windows and the fasting day will help move that fat and you'll still have plenty of energy from 6 days of eating to lift heavy.

Well he's wrong because artificial sweeteners illicit an insulin response despite having no effect on blood sugar level.

say your on a spiritual journey like Ghandi and Buddha

What's a good fasting routine for someone who is 244Ibs, 36%bf, and working in construction as labor?

I was initially planning on eating at breakfast and wait until next breakfast. That way i can lose weight and burn a bit of fat. Maybe have a 2 day fast a week and switch it to the 24 hr one

i have done a workout yesterday after 7 days of fasting. i was fine.
you will just work somewhat slower then normally.

How many calories should I eat during the 8 hours?
I'm 74kg 13% bf my squat is 1pl8 for 5x5

as little as you can if you want to lose fat

did you try exercising like walking to help sleep

Starting dry in a few hours aim is 72 hours at least.

How do I hydrate quickly? I forgot to drink today

Can someone help me with my fasting routine?
5'1 141lbs femanlet
I train 5 days a week, lift 3 of those days in the morning.

I have been trying IF 16:8, not a problem, sometimes drink black coffee beteween fasts as a preworkout, and can last until 19:5 or 20:4 if I feel like it.

I'm eating around 1100 calories a day, mostly protein.

I'll try to add coconut oil to the black coffee before starting another fast.

Any suggestions, critiques?

You spam this in every thread.

1.you'll be fine

ok get some water

now drink it

>141 lbs
man the harpoons

but if you want my advice, do monday-friday no eating

then Saturday-sunday do 8-16

you could try to skip eating for a whole day on a day you dont workout. so that would probably be close to a 48 hours fast once a week.

Is that Jordan Peterson?

Would cardio fuck it up? I could try it on a cardio day. Thanks for the advice

nothing fucks you up while fasting except not getting enough salt

you can go on a 7day fast right now and do cardio everyday.

hell i went to the gym for an hour after 7 days of fasting. and tomorrow is my 9th day and i will go again.

all i feel is hungry. i dont feel any light headedness.

>tfw contemplating eating a chocolate bar so I can go to sleep tonight


Your fat is a constant source of energy

Try reading

Ok thanks, in the 48 hour period water is permitted yes? Is also coffee allowed? should I take salt?

go for a jog or at least a 10 min walk

i have the same. just go out for a walk for however long it takes to calm down.


Low-carb diets burn off fat even better than a fast. When a low-carb diet was pitted against a 10-day fast in an American study, those who'd fasted lost 21 lbs in total, but only 7.5 lbs of that was fat, whereas those on the low-carb diet lost 14.5 lbs in total , all but 0.5 lbs of which was body fat.

Several other studies confirmed these early findings. In 1965, Dr Frederick Benoit and his associates at Oakland Naval Hospital in the USA decided to compare the effects of a 1,000-calorie high-fat diet, including 10 g of carbohydrate, with the effects of fasting using 14 men weighing between 230 and 290 lb (104-132 kg). With the 10-day fast there was a loss of 21 lb (10 kg) on average. Most of this weight loss was in lean body weight, and only 7.5 lb (3.4 kg) was of body fat. But with the high-fat and 10 g of carbohydrate diet, an average total loss of 14.5 lb (6.6 kg) was recorded.

Coffee & water are allowed

You should take salt if you feel nauseous or light-headed

instructions not clear enough

in 48 hours salt is not really necessary but if you get headaches or light in the head lick your finger dip it in some salt and stuff it in your throat. potassium is needed for longer fasts (+2 days)

you could take coffee but its not very good for the stomach (doesnt really compare to other health issues though so you could just ignore that) just dont go overboard.

water is always permitted unless you do a dryfast.

losing 14lbs of fat in 10 days is completely impossible, unless you are 700lbs

Well you're wrong.

Splenda, the Yellow has 95% dextrose and maltodextrin which are both calorie molecules hence it raises blood sugar with the balance being sucralose. Therefore it is NOT an artificial sweetener, but a sugar substitute. 3.4 calories per packet.

The PINK packets Saccharin, has zero calories and is a true artificial sweetener

The GREEN packets, stevia also have no calories.

The BLUE packet, Aspartame has 4 calories as well

They all increase insulin regardless

But by how much, and for how long, is the question

If you do the one day of fasting per week then I would suggest you consume your TDEE in calories the other 6 days of the week. The calorie deficit from the one day fast will average out to aroun 400-500 calories per day over the week. And by consuming your full daily needs on feeding days you're providing plenty of metabolic energy for your growth.


>they all increase insulin

No. they do not. the yellow and the blue will. But the pink and green do not have any effect on blood sugar or insulin. You're making a claim. Now back it up with research. I'll wait.

should i eat fat right now if i have not eaten in 6 days?

Fung references studies in his book

Some more than sugar, some less. Regardless you cannot consume them without consequence.

Eating anything, including pure fat, does have an insuline response. But that's based on hormones your stomach makes when food enters and not blood sugar levels.
But It's often not worth considering.

Anyway, one reason not to use artificial sweeters would be to get over your addiction to sweetness.

If Martin Berkhan jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?

Its in Fung's book which means its probably on his blog.

Insulin levels can in fact increase or decrease regardless of blood sugar level. That's the misconception which leads high-fructose-corn-syrup to score low on the glycemic index despite being worse than sugar for developing insulin resistance and obesity.

Thanks, will try this tomorrow and see how it goes.



In the book Ferriss details his process for his 3 day fast that includes the use of exogenous ketones and C8 MCT Oil. MCT or Medium chain triglycerides are found in high concentrations (62-65%) in coconut oil and are metabolised into ketones in the liver.



Which kind of tea is better for fasting? or should I stick with coffee?

Green tea has general health benefits, so probably that.

Been 13 hours and still not hungry.

Am I going to make it?

>13 hours?
You haven't even begun.

So you went to bed, woke up and skipped breakfast?

You're gonna make it brah.
Super hardcore.
watch out, we got a fucking yogi over here.

so even though i am 6 days in i should stop my fast to eat some fat?

You can add a teaspoon of sperm if you want for flavor