ITT: unpopular opinions

>squats and deadlifts are bad for you long term. Do glute bridges and quad isolation/weighted cycling instead to avoid straining the spine.

>T-Bar rows and OHP are also probably a bad idea when you have alternatives that don't compress your spine.

>counting calories is impossible, as these calculators cannot possibly guess what your body is actually burning. Food calories are also averaged estimates. You should learn to gauge by feel.

Other urls found in this thread:

> martial art are dumb, everyone knows how to throw a punch


Jordan Peterson is a faggot

>starting strength isn't a meme

wait do glute bridges/hip thrusts work hamstrings?

>everyone is agile to headkick
>everybody is used to fighting, quickly and calmly react to any danger
>everyone can basically throw a fast punch with bringing his whole weight in it
am i retarded for responding to a bait? or ami the bait?

>starting strength is a meme is a meme isn't a meme


I’m really not sure

If you’re in a fight you’re not going to try and high kick someone
I’m not a boxer but I know how to punch without winding up my fist, it’s not rocket science

obviously never seen lefty soyboys make a fist with their thumb tucked inside their fingers


>Squats and deadlifts are bad for you long term.
Just don't load up 300 lbs on your shoulders like a fucking idiot trying to break himself. Don't pick up anything that weighs more than you do, and damn sure don't throw it on your shoulders.

>squatting and diddlying your bodyweight
What's the point?

The first fight I was ever in, the guy charged me and I planted a high side kick in his chest. His torso stopped, his arms legs and head went forward, then he dropped.
I learned how to properly plant my foot and execute that kick as a kid in karate.

a little bit.

There's also hamstring curls

An older person (late 60s onwards) would really benefit from doing that and maintaining that ability. Not so much young bucks in their 20s.

>lifting doesn't help with athletic/sport performance nearly as much as just practicing for said sport as much as possible
>bodybuilders look stupid in formal clothing, no matter how well-tailored the clothing is

Reps for endurance. I do 30 squats a set and I can carry my girlfriend on my back a mile uphill. Why would I need my legs to be stronger than that?

>lifting doesn't help with athletic/sport performance nearly as much as just practicing for said sport as much as possible

Is that an unpopular opinion? Seems pretty obvious to me.

I’ll believe Satan
But still most fights I’ve seen and been in end up being a wailing match or throwing each other to the ground

t guy with messy room

>chads don’t represent any kind of ideal to anyone but boys. A real man needs elements of the alpha and the beta
>stacies aren’t particularly attractive
>a woman with some maturity, humility and loyalty is worth 3-4 points on the looks scale. A woman without them is minus that
>big thighs look good and chicks love them, and it’s one of the best body improvements and skinny DYEL can make
>rocket league sucks because of its camera issues and fumbly gameplay, and videoball was a considerably better game that didn’t deserve the stillbirth it got

>actually believing a 300lb squat is particularly heavy

100% agreed with everything. Replaced squats with a bunch of accessories and I don't hate leg days as much as I used to

videoball is a shit name no wonder it failed

Worst taste I’ve ever seen

Yeah. Squats are also really taxing on the knees. Do it for years and it'll catch up to you.

Exactly what I was thinking man. Squats are a great exercise, but the problem is people saying "LMAO 4PL8" and then slowly fucking their knees up over time. What's the point of doing more than 300 pounds? Yeah, sure, I know it's possible, and I bet there's lots of people doing it on Veeky Forums, but at that point you're already stronger than even 90% of people who lift semi-seriously. If you're not intending on competing, you might as well try and get the best form possible and start increasing your reps at 300 pounds instead.

Personally, I'll probably never even try 300 pounds in my life. I know the most I've squatted is a total DYELfag tier 150 pounds for reps, but I'd rather have working knees in my 40s than being able to squat 400 pounds one time. My goal is right now just to get up to a more respectable 190-200 pounds or so for reps in squats. That's it. I don't need to do the heaviest humanly possible, how's that gonna helps improve knee pain? It'll probably just do the opposite at that point.

>Deads are not worth it
>Brosplits are optimal, nobody cares how much you can lift
>Only hardcore athletes can "overtrain", casual lifters just use it as an excuse to be lazy
>Big legs are as unaesthetic as tiny legs

>big legs are as unaesthetic as tiny legs
Disagree, unless it looks out of proportion.

>you don't need perfect technique to reach elite level
>machines involve movements that are worse for your health than barbell compounds
>you can load dips as heavy as you want as long as you are built for them

>your testosterone does not fluctuate enough throughout the day to have any noticeable effect on your mood, and there's no single thing in your daily routine that's tanking your test which you can fix and make all your life's problems go away
>people who hate juicers but try to "naturally boost" test are hypocrites; they're trying to do the same thing as juicers but avoid the stigma by doing meme shit that doesn't actually work
>most of the ideas of manliness and being an alpha on this board read like retarded caricatures dreamed up by weirdos who seem to have never actually met an "alpha" in their lives

The safe encampment is 2 miles up a mountain while your gf is incapacitated during the apocalypse and the lava/floodwaters/zombie hoard is rising

I disagree. If you can't squat down or pick up shit from the floor without hurting yourself, you're probably doing it wrong or you have some sort of imbalance. There are tons of people in their 60s who squat and deadlift and are perfectly fine. And the OHP is one of the most essential exercises for developing upper body strength, there really is no replacement for it and again if you get hurt doing it then you're probably doing it wrong.

Increase intensity for 8 weeks straight and then tell me about you feeling not overtrained.

Genuinely not sure if bait.
The only world in which a 200lb squat is respectable is a world in which you were born with a vagina and weigh like 135 pounds.

So, would squatting around 2pl8 for the rest of my life now that im almost there be a good idea, or no? Same about with deadlifts, it's a bit over 2pl8 with deds though.

Addendum: I prefer a lean physique anyways, so when i finally finish my cut down to 175 I'm hoping to stay there.

Do you know what fucking kind of meteorological event must be happening that the floods are rising up a mountain faster than I can climb? The ice caps would have to be boiling. I can afford a short break between one mile sets. And in the case of zombies, i've got two shortswords.

you need to do more than 1 or 2 exercises per bodypart
you don't need to go above 6 reps for a compound

Yes, dude. That's a fantastic strength to maintain. Once or twice a week at the most to just keep your strength there. If you must push yourself, add reps.

Oh fuck off man. Jeez. I know the biggest dudes squat 3 and 4 pl8, but you're exaggerating. Fuck off with the "if you can't do at least 300 pound squats and 400 pound deadlifts you're a dyel" meme. You know damn well that only the most dedicated chicks can do 2pl8, and most normies can't even do 1.5pl8. I'm not fucking fat either, I'm skelly, and I assure you that dyels that AREN'T FAT can't do 2pl8 with ease. You're fucking exaggerating and you know it.

2pl8 is just how much I feel is pretty damn decent. I know you can do way more than that safely, but at that point, I think form and reps is more important than trying to max that shit out. 3pl8 is fine too but honestly, doing more than 3pl8 isn't fucknig worth it in my opinion. Yeah, I know, "BOO FUCKING DYEL" but man, people act like everyone on the street can squat 2pl8 and anyone who lifts should be able to 4pl8, it's ridiculous. If you see your form slipping once you reach 2pl8, focus more on that. If your form is fine, keep going. But be warned, it's PROBABLY not a good idea to try and do more than 3pl8 unless you know what you're doing and/or have perfect form.

>strength training contributes considerably to improved aerobic performance but aerobic exercise contributes virtually nothing to strength
>the snatch and clean and jerk are not particularly difficult to learn, and almost everyone should be doing them at least as assistance work if not as primary exercises
>your form is probably much worse than you think it is, especially on the squat
>if you injured yourself squatting or deadlifting, it’s most likely because your form is not as god as you think it is
>the most expendable of the main lifts is, by far, the bench press, and its the only one that should probably be done by fewer people than it is

You're discounting the gigantic tidal waves an asteroid hitting off of a coastline would cause. Do you live near the coast? This is a life and death situation man!

Thanks, I have been thinking this for a while, reassuring to know I was on the right track.

>T BAR rows compress spine

What the average person can do doesn’t mean shit, kid. The average person in the West is appallingly weak. A 4pl8 squat is quite simply not that heavy for a guy. It’s probably around the point you should be at if you want to be ‘strong enough.’ 220 for a woman is about the same standard. It isn’t ‘beastly’ at all and it isn’t difficult to reach, even if most people won’t do it. There’s a LOT of shit that’s good for you that most people will never do. Your knees are in more
danger from you missing your footing at your level of strength than they are from your squat.

Not the guys you replied to, but I will throw in my 2 cents. I am DYEL by Veeky Forums standards. I weigh 79kg, started strength training 7 months ago. In that period I got to 130kg squat, 140kg diddly and 90kg bench, which is mostly laughable, but I achieved this having my test levels in lower 400s. So I would say that the meme called 1/2/3/4 is a good benchmark and ANYONE and I fucking guarantee you ANYONE can get to those numbers without hurting themselves. Also, you will probably disagree with this one, but I would strongly advocate against increasing volume (in terms of reps not sets) on compounds as your form will break down. For myself it is harder to do 10 squats with 80kgs than 5 with 115kg.

Also, any kind of sport where you actually move (football, real football, tennis, running,..) is 99% worse for your knees than heavy ("300-400" apparently) squats with good form. The short pressure on your knee from landing on one leg after going for a header or a quick change in direction is much stronger than the static pressure of some weight on your back. Just look at injury rates. Strength sports are on the lower end of the spectrum.

Guess I overestimate how hard it is to gain. I'm one of those dumbasses whose only lifts are decent are the bodyweight lifts, skelly af by Veeky Forums standards, "pretty okay looking, but skinny" by normie standards. My problem has always been "1 day i eat more than enough, get good sleep, work out, fuck yeah" and the other I skip dinner, get shit sleep and make 0 gains. I make it much, much harder than it has to be for myself. Had I slept and eaten properly (learned to make food for myself) and actually kept that up CONSISTENTLY, I would have made gains wth every workout. I worked out consistently, that was fine, but holy shit did I fucking mess around after working out.

The sad part is, if you go on 500 deficit one day, you've not set yourself back a day, you've set yourself back TWO days, because you need to go on 500 surplus the next day to make up for it. Anyway, I guess I'll start seeing gains when I stop doing the whole "fuck around for hours at the computer instead of making food" thing I do. Until then, I'm just gonna stagnate forever...

This. Stopping and starting at high speeds absolutely destroys knee joints.

This is the real b8

This, according to one study I will link in a next post you will 'enjoy' 0,06 injury per 100 hours of training. Whereas in football you will get around 3 injuries per 100 hours.

Diet and sleep routine can definitely be beneficial to your test and overall mood if you change it for the better faggot. That's not an unpopular opinion just a lie

>finding the optimal program is a complete waste of time unless you are training to become elite in your sport
>being lean is overrated, so long as you don't go full Amerilard
>skinny girls are as gross as fat girls, chubby girls are the GOAT
>squats and deadlifts are bad for you long term, maybe, but not doing them makes you less of a man
>9/11 was a failed test of self-flying airliners, terrorists and jews were blamed to protect plane manufacturer from stockholder fallout

Slightly tangential but worth adding to this: more people have given themselves a serious shoulder injury playing tennis in the past year than have ever given themselves a serious shoulder injury doing the press correctly since the invention of barbells.

>squats and deadlifts are bad for you long term

I have even underestimated the numbers, but there you go.

No that guy but I do this without issue. Make sure you sleep and eat enough, also take fish oil

Yeah, the reason I mention this is because my left knee is fucked from soccer (Patellar Tendonitis - aka "tough shit there is literally no explanation why it happens"). Still sitting here squating 4 plates without any pain.

>Lucky larry taking out the biggest insurance policy on the building possible shortly before attack.

>luck larry and all of his (((spawn))) luckily didn't make it into work that day

>the pentagon also gets hit

>financial files pertaining to billions in missing dollars tragically the only thing harmed from the crash into the pentagon

Yeah bro it was to protect the (((stockholders))).

Source on this, I'm interested.

reread what I said. I'm not talking about restructuring your diet and sleeping habits (the effects of which take more than a few days to notice and aren't all connected to higher test), I'm talking about "one small trick" shit like cold showers and nofap. retards hop on these things for a day and think they can already feel their test surging.

Gaining strength and explosiveness through lifting will absolutely help you in sports. It won't make you better at any of the techniques of any sports but that doesn't mean you shouldn't lift as an athlete.

>one heavy lifting day
>one Clean or Snatch day

Exactly...all of these were made up by the plane maker. they funded zeitgeist through a shell company. all the interviewees were actors. 9/11 commission all got campaign donations. Alex Jones is on the payroll too. Insurance company that made payout is owned by same conglomerate

the best way to hide a crime is to confuse the population as to who did it.

It wasn't to protect stockholder, it was to protect company from stockholder lawsuit.

If it was prototype self-flying why were they testing with giant passenger jets? Why wouldn't the plane have been shot out of the sky? Still could've made up the story of a foreign attack if the plane was shot out of the sky.

how could you replace bench press?

Cus most fights are with participants who don't know how to fight. Most fights involving fighters/martial artists tend to be much shorter...

bro just do calesthenics at that point

But Bench is the only one where my form is actually good and doesn't hurt me when done too heavy...

They were planning on announcing the first successful flight after the fact. It became self aware mid flight and calculated that the international bankers were the greatest threat to the planet. Broadcasting on all military channels its conclusion, it was determined that Flight 93 (codename: Icarus) must be terminated. The Koch brothers, George Soros, and Rush Limbaugh conferred with Dick Cheney, the Clintons (Chelsea is the real head btw), and a deep state operative simply referred to as Mister came to the conclusion that without a war the secret of Icarus would be too destabilizing and would likely cause a world wide socialist uprising.

By your objection, it seems as if their plan worked.

>Skipping squats
But that's how I orgasm without breaking my nofap and it feels better too

You're right, bench is gay sex of the ancient greeks, the other three main lifts are all necessary while bench is is an intellectual endeavor and reason of its own, the achievement and the reward lie in itself

>And in the case of zombies, i've got two shortswords.

>Isolated training is less dangerous than team sports with mostly constant contact
You don't need to do a study to fucking know that.

Is it okay to say "oh jeez" when I'm repping heavy weights? I get weird looks at the gym but it's just what comes out naturally, and Veeky Forums told me to be myself.

"good form"
Let's get something out of the way.
People don't lift with good form 100% of the time
They don't lift with good form 50% of the time.

All injuries from strength sports? Who cares. The lift is two seconds long in most cases and they are practically coddled while lifting.
The real problems are the years of wear and tear on the joints and slip ups in form that we all have adding up.
Claim that it's perfectly safe is disingenuous to say the least.

Injuries from sports are different from the injuries you will get and accrue in the decades of trainining(for nothing)that lifters and runners do.

Lifting simply to lift heavier stuff is an athletic endeavor, not a matter of health and longevity.

>oh jeez

of all the things you could possibly say, why this? and do you usually just say it on grinders or repeat it over and over?

Usually just once, I might repeat it on the last few reps of a difficult set. Is it really that big of a deal?

>compound lifts 3-4x days a week with occasional isolations/calisthenics as accessory work is all you need
>you only need to do 1 bulk when you start and 1 cut after that, from then on you only need to eat around maintenance and get stronger
>tracking macros to the t and eating clean is a meme that lowers your test, if you overeat or eat shitty for a few days just up the training volume for a bit
>getting drunk is fine so long as it doesn't mess up training the next day
>getting good sleep and hydration will do more than any supplements
>you can't be a genuine bodybuilder without taking PEDs
>you can achieve very good lifts as a natty
>you can't "become a Chad"
>99% of "natty" fitness personalities, athletes and actors are on PEDs
>the vast majority of people in gyms and a significant percentage of posters on Veeky Forums are never gonna make it
>Zyzz was a cringy faggot with an autistic fanbase

not really, but it is sort of an odd thing to say. on par to saying "hoo boy" or "wowzers" in my mind

>its actually very easy to overtrain for some people

If your genetics are really bad, working out too often causes aches and pains.

Being ottermode or slightly beyond by doing weighted dips/pullups for upper body and sprints/run/stairmaster/jump rope is the patrician tier athletic build.

>don't do deadlifts or squats
I slipped a disc and can never lift again


It literally takes like 3 weeks to reach a 200lb squat on SS and then another one or two to hit 2pl8

probably even less

I think I have found it on Elite Fitness, but they probably didn't carry out the research, just published, or more likely copied from somewhere.

Theres no reason not to inject test.

>Lefty soyboys

You have no clue what is good for your community or the benefits of balancing soy into your diet. Stop being a follower and think independently for once in your life.

t. low iq sjw

>squat and deadlifts are bad for you long term

There's a difference between having an unpopular opinion and just being wrong

not everyone knows knee locks, choke holds, choke holds escapes, takedowns, etc

> Genuine slow clap

Don't warn other people off because you ego-lifted with shit form

There's no such thing as a person who routinely
does heavy squats and deadlifts with healthy knees hips and back.

Shut up

>excuses as to why I am small and weak the post

I have a 520 squat and a 570 deadlift. I have no problems with my hips, knees or back.

This is the biggest goober shit I've heard. No shit heavy lifting isn't conducive to living into your 90's. Do you think any power lifter or body builder gives a fuck? You skellington mother fuckers just like to project because deep down you'd rather live ad a sheep instead of a lion. Now go, enjoy your estrogen and peggings from your girlfriend and allow the real men do the heavy lifts.

nonbinary detected