All you need is red meat, organs, and spinach

You get all your protien and fuel from fats in the meats. All your nutrients from the organ meat. And spinach is for extra nutrients and fiber.
Grains, starches, and root vegetables are not needed.
You need protien. Eat more protien from real meat.
You want bulk. Eat more protien for those miscles.
You want fuel. Eat that animal fat that wont weight you down like unneeded carbs do.
Whey powders, supplements, fad diets, are all corporate mind control to get your money and do not work.
You want fat muscle keep eating carbs and starches.
You want real muscle eat meat and fat. Its that simple

Other urls found in this thread:

OP is unironically telling the truth but nobody here will ever listen.

They will eat the seed jew and be nice low fat vegetarians like Dr. Bagelstein says and then wonder why they get fat and sick

Whenever I upped my protein to be 50% of my total cals i noticed a big change


that's your suggestion of a high fiber source?

ummm no

You will not live a long life on that diet.

You are not a carnivore. You are an omnivore, with a digestive tract designed to efficiently digest and utilize plants.

Meat is secondary.

Bullshit. Animal nutrients are FAR more bioavailable than nutrients from grains and plants. Meat digests very easy too why do you think youll sometimes find corn in your shit but never chicken pieces?

Its true Meats, organ meats, and green leafy vegetables are all you need. Look at how grains affect your insulin levels amd all the havoc that can wreck on your body.

> You will not live a long life on that diet.
[Citation needed]


(2/2) really makes me think

faggot I want to eat your liver for the gains

That map supports the less grain, more meat = longer life

If you're being serious you need to read The Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall

>Below is the diet in a nutshell. From Chapter 13: Practicing The Starch Solution: The core of the diet focuses on eating starches complemented with nonstarchy vegetables and fruit. The diet excludes all animal foods (meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs) and all isolated fats and oils, including olive oil.

A vegan trying to shill in this thread. Unsurprising.

After seeing the effects of my body on a vegan diet vs the effects of my body on a paleo diet, I want to start one of those internet whitehouse polls to see if Donald Trump will sign an executive order to behead all vegans.

Demons will be purged with holy fire.

He isn’t lying but there isn’t only one to be healthy, it’s not black and white

No, it supports the more money = longer life idea. If you look at the stats for those long lifespan countries, there isn't a pattern of those eating lots of meat living longer - it's the opposite. Which isn't to say meat is bad, but the people who eat the most meat tend to be fat fucks with heart disease and a gorillian other health problems. They just have good enough health care to outlast pajeet and clickclick in spite of their awful lifestyle.

How is spinach not a high fiber source?

or just eat everything

you don't need spinach. plants are poison. fiber is garbage. oxalic acid is bad for your teeth.

The data does not control for wealth, medicine etc. It is retarded to say the least.

Just comparing diets the traditional okinawan and vegan diets are the most life-lengthening. Even the okinawan, containing only fish as meat makes you live a lot longer. Nonetheless, the portions are smaller, you eat less meat overall, no dairy etc, which is basically a pescetarian diet with less fish.

Fish also can fuck you up, it contains xeno-estrogens from the plastic swimming in the oceans.

So yeah, for now the safest is a vegan diet. Nonetheless, in early life I think it is beneficial to eat meat weekly, to keep up your IGF-1 levels so some extra growth happens. After your 20th I don't see much point to keep eating meat and dairy etc.

I throw a little spinach powder in my beef proton shakes and my shits have been god-tier since

People that eat alot of meat also tend to eat lots of fries, buns and sides. Correlation=/= causation

>After your 20th I don't see much point to keep eating meat
If youre a man and dont want to look anorexic

Not true.
I have eaten 2lbs of meat (g.f. beef / ground chix) within 24 hours and zero startchy carbs.... only broc / cauli / carrots with olive oil.
My co-workers are shocked I get by in life without wheat, sugar, or dairy.

>They're locked in there with me.

If your shits get fixture from max 15g of fiber you are unbelievably deficient and need to up your intake a lot

>implying organ meats and animal fats in general aren't desaturated and nutrient deficient thanks to antibiotics and corn/soy-based feed
We are entering an era where you literally cannot be truly healthy without supplementation, I guess this is the dream of all "Star Trek" style sci fi nerds finally come true (following their insidious plotting starting in the 1960s).

All this info is completely wrong. No one in the long lived zones eats a vegan diet. Okinawas load up on seafood and in Scarcinia they tank up on goat milk and sheep cheese. Do actual research before trying to shill the unhealthy vegan fad diet.

Here are food stories of the actually longed lived. Not some 20yr old fad diet vegan.

Better go grass fed and organic if you are living in America agrabusiness land. Europe and other countries should have bo problem getting quality meat.

>It's interesting because all the groups of people the author studied ate meat, dairy and animal products. Just like in the book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” Weston A. Price says in his exhaustive studies none of the world's healthiest people groups were vegetarian.

It's a complete lie though, even "organic" and "grassfed" animals produce nutritionally deficient food, principally thanks to antibiotic health regulations etc. etc.

Basically, we NEED bacteria and living a completely "sanitary" lifestyle at all times is not something our genomes are intended for. Not to speak of of course soil depletion which means that even wild grass is now basically air... Will become a huge problem in the near future, soon we will all boil inside-out as our blood turns to piss in our veins. Welcome to the anthropocene.

longest-living != healthiest

Most don't know this, and misunderstanding this concept is essential to the vegan bugman ethos.

I agreed 100%

Note that I am not saying that you need supplementation to be "healthy" (in so far as "healthy" is defined as "not sick" by western medicine), but it will be more or less impossible to be or become as robust and virile as your potential dictates and as your ancestors were.

>Vegetarian diets are healthy, but they don’t help you live longer.


Been on keto for about 2 weeks and feel top

Can the word "up" be used as a verb? Serious question, I'm not a native speaker

>digestive tract designed to efficiently digest and utilize plants
>Can't even digest cellulose
>literally sits in intestines and rots

Was it that nobody wanted to be in the same room as you after you fart?
Was it that you needed seven scoops of PWO just to make it through a workout because you had no glycogen stores but were eating enough protein to kick you out of ketosis?
Was it that your grocery bill tripled?

>More meat

I had a similar experience when I was younger.
Decided to gone on the Steak&Eggs diet cause fuck it why not I like simplicity.
Classmates were all like OMG ur gonna dieeee!!!
Especially these two vegetarians that were fucking anemic in their early 20s because of their retarded diets, would always tell me how horrible and unhealthy it was.

At nothing but a lb or so morning ribeye and 6-12 scrambled eggs, and the same at night for 3 months.

It was fucking delicious, lost tons of weight, felt plenty strong and kept lifting heavy just fine, and fucking killed it out in the field (geology, so lots of running around in the wilderness smashing rocks and shit lol).

Good times.

It's colloquial/slang. It means "to increase" as in a dosage

maybe if you want to be a low intensity piece of shit like most carbs dodger .
Keep on eating your 500$/month grass fed meme diet , and if you don't go for the grass fed enjoy your antibiotic diet .

>no carbohydrate
>build muscle
Want to know how I know you're a skinyfat DYEL ?
This is the article referenced
Not one single factor had higher risk heterogeneity for vegetarians (higher HR indicates increased ability to positively predict disease in the population)
Just another journalist trying to make sensational headlines and hide your ability to fact check.

literally every bodybuilder worth a shit eats carbs-pro-fat , all 3 .

>Can't even digest cellulose
We call it dietary fiber and it's important for gut health and hormone regulation. It doesn't rot in your gut, it ferments and feeds helpful bacteria. Meat on the other hand can putrify in the gut, releasing ammonia and other toxic chemicals that lead to colon cancer.

you can have your red meat, organs, and spinach. i'll have my chicken breast, olive oil, and broccoli.

Plants aren't about quality but quantity - thats why most herbivores eat so much. Grass has shit for nutrients but if you eat a lot of it it all adds up.

Okinawans eat like pic related. Sardinians only eat meat on sundays and special occasions and 7th day adventists of loma linda are in large part vegan/vegetarian.

>Look at how grains affect your insulin levels amd all the havoc that can wreck on your body.
What does a bowl of oats do to your body?

What would a week of groceries look like on this diet? I've never purchased organ meat. Currently eating %70 Fat %15 Protein %15 Carbs, lot's of dairy, 1/2 of beef or pork per day.