Does anyone on Veeky Forums have any experience with phenibut?

Does anyone on Veeky Forums have any experience with phenibut?

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Wondering the same. Ordered phenibut online and should be here tomorrow.
Curious as to what I’m in for

Im also curious, i just ordered 125g of the shit. Guess we'll see if its any good

It gives me cool, calm feeling but social interaction does get easy as some say.

i have used this probably 50 times, kills all anxiety for the day. best for presentations, job interviews etc

Where did you guys order it from? I couldn't find it on liftmode. I'm thinking of getting it from Nootropic Depot. Anyone have any experience using that site?

Is it me or are different nootropics/drugs related to it becoming more popular?

Why has this suddenly gotten popular?

Used it for sleep. I took like 1g a night before bed and it worked for a while. My sleep problems stopped being an issue and I stopped using it for that.

Another time I was at a party and not drinking so I took about 2g of it and I felt really sociable and not anxious at all, was pretty cool. I'm usually pretty awkward so it was nice.

And the only other time I've used it was when I had a job interview, worked pretty well for confidence.


I've been hearing about it here for at least 3 years

Honestly I'd try L-theanine instead, that stuff is great and basically has the same effect as phenibut but no withdrawals.

Ordered from there Monday. Says it’ll arrive tomorrow so far so good I guess

Overrated as fuck, this is basically fedora the drug. Just take a shot of vodka it feels the same but you don't have to wait hours for that shit

lots, been using it consistently for theater workshops and social stuff. it's good. needs an empty stomach obviously. try potentiating it with alcar.

I use RC benzos now, but phenibut is still great for off days, cycling etc.

I take theanine with caffeine but i don't think it's near as anxiolytic. takes the jittery feeling off of stims though.

a shot of vodka lasts like 40 minutes, dehydrates you and messes up your motor skills.

daily user here

you need to sign in on liftmode to see it
taking both, theanine doesn't even compare desu
again, doesn't even compare desu

Side effects?

How long after you take it do you feel the effects?
How long does a 1.5-2g dose last?

What is this?
Can I buy at CVS?

phenibut HCL is caustic so it will hurt your stomach makes it bloated and gassy
once a week won't do this but everyday use will
so i mix it baking soda to neutralize the acidity
not at all, you can use phen medicinally or recreationally
just don't chase the euphoria by keep increasing the dosage (because tolerance) and you won't get addicted, i use it everyday to fight anxiety
i still do the recreational once a week by bumping the dose
2 hours or less on empty stomach, you'll start getting some tingling, don't eat until you feel that tingling
1.5g-2g is high dose for me, it will last 36 hours, it will have tingling come up for 2 hours, peak euphoria 4-6 hours, and calm anxiety until the next day
many people say they sleep better with it, but i personally don't see any effect on sleep

i mean calm from anxiety until the next day

beware, this drug will turn you into normies

Where can I get this in Australia

kek it's banned in Australia

doses bigger than 3g give me a pretty nice high in addition to the anti-anxiety effects

Lol more like penisbutt haha

dose is pretty much body weight dependent but yes this is the recreational effect you want
newbies can try to find their perfect dose by titrating up slowly in .25g or .5g increment

I dose 2g every time I plan on going out and having a drink. For me personally I notice it makes every drink around 3-4 times stronger and I am way more sociable and euphoric. I used to dread socialising and wanted to stay home but now I love it all thanks to phenibut!

Also if you are going to take it make sure it's on an empty stomach or else you won't feel the effects

don't forget to lift the next day after taking phen, don't want those HGH go to waste

Of course it is. Fuck this country

It isn't banned.

this is a nootropics depot viral marketing thread


Tried but it seems im a none responder.
I went as high as 4.5g but couldn't notice anything.
Really disappointed

Bulk nutruents

I've been doing it about once a week for like 2 years now. People who say it makes you a social god or some crazy shit are either exagerrating or getting placebo'd.

I generally take 1-1.5 grams on Saturdays at about 5:00 PM, and essentially it feels like about the strength of a couple beers except it's a slightly more warm and friendly type of feeling. Effectively it just saves me from buying more drinks when going out that night

Solid drug overall, just don't expect any effects stronger than that of a couple beers

I want it to be true, but it's viral bs until I see at least 5 legit papers on it so link the research

Do the research yourself faggot. Why the fuck should we spoonfeed you

How long have you been taking it, an has your anxiety gotten better when you're not on phenibut?

Hey shitheads

I use 2g of phenibut once a week. Do not exceed dosing once every seven days- if anything do it less. It's addictive, the effects dissipate rapdly with tolerance, and w/d's are highly unpleasant. Take on an empty stomach- you need the acid to ionize it.

That said, it's pretty great. Very relaxing, great for job interviews, hanging out. Might do some today.

So is it legal or something?

For me it has. It's got a really long halflife so it's actively working into the next day.

Yes. The effects are nice, it will probably become illegal shortly. I bought 5kg.

It's your viral thread you fucking faggot, you're the one pushing this.

is it mostly for anxiety? can i use it for mood swings and low motivation?

It doesn't seem to work for me, which was very disappointing considering how much it's shilled. I still have 11 grams left, what do?

Ok dudes now what?

take two teaspoons, black out, and wake up in ER

Now what? Can I drink when I take this?
Should I not take it if I’m sick?

Used daily for a few months, 500mg every day.
Does tolerance build quickly? Yes, usually within a week.
Does it still work? More subtle, takes the edge off a bit like you smoked a cigarette or two. Might be placebo.
Addictive? Not if you stay under 4g a week as recommended.
Permanent effect? Once I stopped taking it I noticed that I was slightly more confident and less anxious than before.
Withdrawal? Felt like I had a cold and a headache for about a day. Completely tolerable.

Would I recommend? If you think you can prevent yourself from upping the dosage, sure, it's not the best solution but it can work. Definitely recommend to keep some around so you can take 1.5-2.0g before going to a big event.

Been using it four about 5 years now twice a week.

Its bretty gud.

Been using it for four years on and off.

The tolerance builds up quite fast but levels out at ~2.7 grams for me. I take it three times a week on training days.
I have only experienced withdrawal symptoms once where I could not sleep for one night, I think I took 3+grams three of four days in a row.

Oh, forgot to mention drinking alcohol while on it. It won't kill you, but it sure as hell amplifies the effect. One beer feels like three. Just take it easy.

Alright, fuck off. Never use it, faggot.

I used it casually for about a month and a half. Maybe 2-3 times per day. I felt like shit and had nasty withdrawal for about 10 days after stopping. I was confused and wondering why my body went to shit, so I took a small amount of phenibut and an hour in, the pain went away. It was surprisingly addictive and very difficult to quit for such a mild drug. I would not recommend it. Even if you use it responsibly, the tolerance and addiction happens so much more quickly than you realize.

^ Actually meant 2-3 times per week. Not sure why I said day, huge difference there.

Where do I get it in Canada/does anything work similar that I can easily get?

Don't bother. It's nice for a day or two, then becomes unpleasant. It builds tolerance fast and will be uncomfortable to quit even if you take small doses only occasionally. Trust me, you are doing yourself a favor avoiding this one.

KSM-66 (ashwaganda) is safer and has similar results.
Kava kava as well.

suwoop clonazolam gang reporting in



Hey, Veeky Forums, guess what?

just tried it today. the fight or flight response is definitely suppressed and makes you a more sociable person. i never understood the less sociable side of me anyway, the build up stress over the years has made me more irritable, less social and less talkative. on this stuff i remember how i used to be, the more carefree self.
but will all substance i'm not going to keep taking it, i'm just experimenting. my goal is to be carefree without taking shit.

>i use it everyday to fight anxiety
>recreational once a week by bumping the dose
mate at this point it's not even having an impact on your anxiety anymore lmao it's just placebo,you should know that dropping phenibut for days on end without taking t breaks results in suppression of the effect.


It is shit for me. Works oddly enough within the first 0,5-1h then gives me a massive brainfog and irritation. Next day i feel depressed. Could be the brand, could be my organism. I noticed not a lot of recommended 'nootropics' work for me.

I buy it at the nearest drugstore. In any drug store here, actually.

Just took 700mg for the first time an hour ago. Still waiting on effects. I always wanted to try it and this thread reminded me so I ordered 125g and it just came today. Surprised thread is still up.

Will update when I feel something.

>Could be the brand
Does it has a table of contents? And has something besides "phenibut"?

first time here as well but my dose was just around 200mg

Also I took it on an empty stomach for the first 2hours.

>when I feel something

Those are rookie numbers. You wanna feel phenibut you need to take around 2 gram first thing in morning then another 2 or so 2-3 hours later (after breakfast) then take a 2 or 3 smaller doses later in the day. Anyone that says otherwise are tolerance faggots that cant handle noops from the mother land

where the fuck did you get 5 kilos from

man russia's wild

Don't forget to eat to keep your blood sugar stable

it stopped working entirely for me

was great for a while though

Im the 70pmg guy. Feeling was really mild. Ill shoot for about 1g tomorrow. I drink way too much and I read that alcohol tolerance can also cause phenibut tolerance. Maybe the dosage was too small. Will report tomorrow. Might even try for 1.5-2 grams.

hey dipshit, boku no google the drug you're taking and then talk about the sides. withdrawls are the same as what you get on benzos

If I were you at least take 1.5 as a first morning dose, wait an hour then eat, wait another hour and take another 1.5 or 1

You can take 8g in a day if you really wanted to, ive done it, but at that level its too unstable and wavy, I found 5g was a good amount for keeping functional. And from my personal opinion the wait between days taking it should be at least a week if not more, some people go a few days but you will build to high of a tolerance, even though its safe to do so

Also citriline malate and phenibut work well together, cant really feel much of a difference (imo) but your stamina in bed will be godly. Think ive read about that combo curing ed before..

Will be banned in February :'(
stock up now!

>not addictive
> i use it every day
Kek, now thats fucking gold

700mg guy here. Took another gram as it has been over 4 hours and the effects are very mild.

If this dont work ill take a bigger dose tomorrow then wait about 4-5 days tp try again.

How did you use it and when did it stop working?

Wait a few days before you do it again bro, trust me its not only for your health but the sake of the pheni working as well as it could. It will be worth it

been taking it 3 months short time i know, on and off, researching,
experimenting, scouring every single study and anecdotal post about phen on the internet
i won't say my anxiety gotten better physically when i'm off
but mentally it really helps to have 2 different perspective
you can learn from the experience when you're on phen and use it when you're off it

it suppresses the euphoria effect not the anxiolytic effect
my daily dose is way lower than weekly dose
i don't want euphoria or high daily at my work, so it's actually kinda good that the euphoria is gone on that low daily dose
calm down user
first you didn't ask me about how much i took, if we're talking about good or bad effect, dosage means everything, i took safe medicinal dose only daily
withdrawal isn't as hard as benzo, physical withdrawal is only insomnia no seizures like benzo, or alcohol
mental withdrawal is severe anxiety and depression, but i've never had that since i'm not a junkie to it
i did stop a couple times with practically zero effect whatsoever, no addiction
i stopped from caffeine before, 1 cup of coffee a day, it gave headache for 2 weeks, caffeine withdrawal is worse than my daily low dose phen
kek it feels good when i look at people in the morning with their starcucks cup and realize i'm way less of a junkie than them

What starting dosage would you recommend?

Hey Veeky Forums, guess what?

What faggot?

Chicken butt

if you're looking for euphoria (this means once a week) then around 0.2g/kg bodyweight, you can feel the effect and adjust the dosage afterwards, do small increment at around .25g when adjusting
for daily, i suggest to start at .25g, never exceed 0.75g, find the lowest possible dose that still give anxiolytic effect

lmao peenibutt XDD

Holy fuck absolutely rekt

And anti-anxiety dose?

my minimum dose is 300mg
buy medicinal scale with milligram accuracy

same user from my daily dose is for anti anxiety
in russia they sale this OTC, dosage is around .25g daily
the phenibut you buy from the internet will be most likely phenibut HCL which is less pure than the russian, so .3g phenibut HCL is around the same as .25 pure pharmaceutical russian phenibut
HCL is acidic, so neutralize it with baking soda at 1:1 ratio