The sticky needs revising

The sticky on this board should be changed, it has bad dietary advice using bullshit epidemiological study findings from the 1950s as science when relating to saturated fat. Saturated fat is not bad, at all, and it makes you sound like an idiot when you perpetuate that lie.

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we know

Hijacking this to bring attention to its claim about eating at night
I was rereading and it said that it doesn't matter at all and you don't gain fat when you eat before bed, but every time I do this regardless of my eating during the rest of the day I wake up bloated especially in my face
it makes sense that we'd store calories eaten before sleeping as fat since you consume less calories then and your body is rebuilding

Eating within 2-4 hours of bed or less is counter productive if you’re trying to lose weight. That section should definitely be changed

Meal timing only matters in the sense that late at night your hormones are shitheads and will lead you to binge eat, but eating 800 calories in the afternoon is no different than eating 800 calories at 3am, but at 3am you likely will eat an additional 800 calories without realizing it.

I fucking hate this board
See you guys tomorrow xx

If I was trying to lean bulk would consuming a lot of calories but not consuming within 4 hours of sleeping work? Just to prevent fat gain during sleep
Or is that too similar to IF?
So is fat never bad? Or is it transfats and monosaturated fats?

You aren't going to gain fat by sleeping, hormones are just easier to deal with if you don't eat late. If you want to fast to control your hormones better you could just do Keto, makes intermittent fasting happen naturally since you lose the need to eat every couple of hours without trying because your blood sugar never fluctuates. Transfat is the only bad fat, all carbs are actually bad carbs (your body treats them all as sugar, because that is what they are.)

This explains what I mean about hormones and sleep.

Monounsaturated fats are healthier (Olive Oil). Palmitic Acid triggers the endotoxin receptor TLR4 which has inflammatory and pro-cancer/angiogenesis effects. Also there's way more things wrong with the food in your pic (sausage, red meat) or dairy than its saturated fat content. Coconut Oil and MCT Oil are pretty safe/healthy as far as sat fats. Not your shit meat full of carnitine (anti-thyroid, pro heart disease), histamine, dioxins (anti-androgen) and endogeneous estrogen.

>counterproductive to eat before bed
I'm trying to gain weight and make it out of skeletal mode. Should I eat a fuck ton of food before bed?

>it makes you sound like an idiot when you perpetuate that lie
Ironic. You sound like an idiot when you start spouting fringe, alternative science ideas like saturated fats are good for you, which the PURE study does not say anyway.

The sticky doesn't need revising, you just need to stop falling for every diet conspiracy you read on the internet.

Literally everything you think about fat is bullshit from vegans who try to influence the dietary realm with really bad science that ignores anything that goes against their belief system

I am dating one the of the lead data managers for Dr. Yusuf, the PURE study is extremely controversial because it promotes saturated fat so hard. You are wrong lol

If you want to get fat just try to sleep 3 hours a day and switch to hyper palatable foods with high carbs and high fat, like ice cream. You'll get diabetes doing it too long but you'll not be skinny

you should eat however much you have to whenever you can to gain weight

any food you're used to is palatable, retard. food addiction is a meme because no p300 phenomena. food reward doesn't explain why food reward is broken only in some people.

I don't care if you're fucking Dr. Yusuf himself.
>Saturated fat intake ranged across the countries studied from about 6% of calories to a high of about 11% of calories, again all lower than average levels in the U.S. and much of Europe, and actually very close to recommended levels. Headlines encouraging populations that already eat more saturated fat than this to add even more are not merely unjustified by anything in the study, they are egregiously irresponsible.

i actually gag eating the other half of a sandwich. I've gotten beyond hunger pains now and no long feel hungry

No, it's based on studies dumbfuck.

You think vegans have been at the root of nutrition science for the last 70 years, convincing the global collective of researchers that everything that's true is actually the opposite somehow?

The exact kind of person with the desire to get people to stop eating meat gets a job that changes what people eat? You are surprised? It's the same as being able to guess which person decided to get a degree in African Women's studies and a person who got a degree in applied physics

>huff huff post
>anything but click bait
you played yourself,at least user linked actual studies.

Shitloads of people on intermittent fasting eat late, mostly because it's the most convenient time for them.

I have no trouble either gaining or losing weight on IF.

There is absolutely nothing that would indicate eating late would be bad for you.

It's a fair assessment of the study. If you read the PURE study, you'd know the criticisms are valid and are major flaws.

The actual doctors of the study do assessments without help from huffington post writers that give completely different summaries though.

stop this fucking hair splitting

the sticky is about basic and straightforward advice (i.e. CICO). The point is not to overwhelm newbies with speculatory bullshit about such tiny things as meal timing. Remember that the person reading that sticky probably doesn't even know the concept of "caloric deficit". Meal timing is not something they need to be worrying about.

Fucking this.

keto niggers and lardfags need to be contained in their own shitty board.

>Sticky reccomends SS
>still taking it seriously

the sticky also says that the active ingredient that assist in fighting inflammation in Omega 3 fish oil is DHA, when it is in fact EPA.

Your body needs 1000 mg of EPA daily to function normally.

DHA is found in breast milk and is really only beneficial for toddlers, pregnant women, and senior citizens with dementia/alzheimer's.

We all know that, but at least we can tell who has bullshit opinions here, which is funny. Just read this thread.
On a side note I was writing some stuff, but I won't be back at doing it until late January. Just do your own research.