I'm 19 and I still get fucking acne. What should I do to cure this shit...

I'm 19 and I still get fucking acne. What should I do to cure this shit? No dermatologist can help me and I grow new pimple Everytime another one dissapeared.

2 drops of oil of oregano mixed with pure aloe vera in the morning
don't scrub your face, don't wash with hot water, don't use soap, don't use chemicals
keep your diet clean man, no junk food, especially no polyunsaturated fatty acids ie. canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, sunflowerseed oil etc.

Eat better foods.
Veg, clean grass fed organic meats. no dairy, eliminate grains, cut out all excess sugars.
Change your bedding.

I had it even through college. Always ate like shit my whole life and had a sedentary lifestyle. Then I made a life change, run 10K 3 days per week and lift 3 days per week with plenty of fruits and vegetables and very limited junk food. Maybe a drink or two with friends on Friday or Saturday only. Within a few months of doing that, it all cleared up. I still get a single pimple every now and again, but that's it.

In addition to other advice, drink way more water.

Keep trying new things until one works
Don’t give up user
Being frustrated and insecure adds more suffering to something already painful.

I know this board will disagree but not watching porn helped my acne

don't touch your face. in every media(movie tv show) it shows some asshole dramatically running his faces over his face, dont. Wash your hands thouroly then rinse your face with cool water throughout the day. avoid chems in food. talk to a dermatologist.

Um. I'm 100% sure there are antibiotics for this level of fuckery.

Source: GF is a pharma tech.

i think some would, my frien. if you fap only when your horny enough to do it without porn, it ends up being benevolent for your system

Apply 20% azalaic acid to your face in the morning, then apply 10% hydrogen peroxide to your face in the evening.

Or get your doctor to prescribe you antibiotics.

If your case is severe talk to your doctor and get him to start an accutan treatment. Its basically the nuclear bomb of all acne treatments, and always works. After six months you are either dead, or acne free. In both cases the acne dies.

I turned out to be allergic to half the shit that's in acne medicine and what I finally found that worked was Witch Hazel. It kills all the bacteria on your skin without irritating it. I use Thayers witch hazel and aloe toner on my skin. I'd had acne from the ages of 12-24 and it works. Also shit that contains witch hazel

>I'm 19 and I still...
You're still a child. I didn't stop getting acne until I was 24.

>No dermatologist can help me
They can only prescribe you stuff that kills bacteria, that's never going to work.

Healthy skin needs healthy bacteria, just like your gut.

I was in a similar boat, acne till 25 and what finally worked wonders for me was not using any soap or product at all on my face, just cold water twice a day.

i saw this pic and thought it was a funky piece of pizza

stop eating soy

Don't do accutane, unless it's really really bad.
Try using a clean towel every night on your pillow and washing you dirty fucking face, you piece of shit.

Accutane will literally nuke this shit and if you take it right you won't have any noticeable side-effects other than chapped lips.

I now realize Accutane might speed up natural balding and your hair will probably thin out if you take it, so take it into account. Still, at this point you won't regret it, it's the steroids of skin care.

Mine didnt clear up until around 22. Im 28 now and I still fuck 18 year olds. Just not being covered in zits sent my confidence through the roof. Minimize scarring if it wont go away now because it will soon.

This. Accutane is the end all of acne.

Just look up supplements to take while on it and be fuckin careful. Don't overdo it.

You havent seen a dermatologist you idiot

Become a pirate captain. Start calling yourself Blackheadbeard. Terrorize the parking lot in a cardboard ship.

Accutane will clear your skin up. I've half-way through my second month and my skin already looks a lot better.

>Wear cover up everyday to cover my acne
>My face will never be clean

Ghrp 6
Cjc 1295
Fixed me right up, clean skin lushious hair reduced bodyfat hard cock

this. i had really bad cystic acne and i was using anti bacterial ointments like crazy. then i stopped with it and shampoo. cleared up within 2 months and took about 8 months for my scars to fade. all the dermatologists are shills man

Keto is the only way.

drink water and wash your pillow case

I recently tried calamine lotion and it mellowed mine out heaps, got acne at 19 and now im 21 and its starting to go
Anyway calamine lotion is cheap as chips, apply at night after shower, wash off during morning shower

Well, i have 6 more than you, and i still have it.

Keep going to different dermatologist until one finds a solution god damnit.

Every 3 years i do a 6 months of roaccutane, not a big deal.

(Except for the joint pain, the brutal dryness, the fatige and the scars)

Wash your face with soap every day and wash your pillowcase every week. Stop eating sugar

Reddit is for fags but these subreddits fixed mine: r/asianbeauty, r/skincareaddiction. Get oil cleanser, BHA, Niacinamide, and good moisturizer to start. Good luck.


only thing that works besides accutane.

Been on Retin-A for almost three months, all it has done is cause me to break it in cysts more often than I used to.

it takes at least 9 months to see results. trust me, it does work.


retin-a works by super exfoliating your skin basically. so, it is resurfacing acne you have, and acne you thought you didn't have. so new acne is going to pop up. which sucks. but it was going to pop up anyway, so might as well get rid of it sooner than later.

the first 12 weeks are killer. because retin-a resurfaces acne, you get that popular breakout everyone talks about. and believe me, i got it, and it was bad. almost bad enough to make me give up.

but really, be patient. after 12 weeks, i was unhappy, and my doctor gave me something that was a little stronger (tazorac) and finally it worked. but don't go switching to tazorac. the retin-a would probably have healed my acne later on, but the tazorac just made the process go a little faster.

but it changes from person to person. i would give it 6-9months. its a long wait (and hard one) but totally worth it. it can also make your skin younger. the only anti aging cream that actually works.


Take NAC and eat well. Works like magic.

Stop eating junk food and oil.
Wash your face often, start eating fruits ex: banana, tomato. Use oxigen water (those for skin damage), some anti inflammatory medicines are good too.

As many times as you want, you'll still be wrong

topical salicylic acid. Apply to acre once daily

all of these tips will help, probably. I'm 23 and I still have moderate acne despite a great diet and skincare routine. Think about it more like this, do you have more acne than your peers? are you doing anything different than them? No? then you got fucked by genetics.