Holy shit the little Bri'ish boy got obliterated by VG.

yeah kinda

>let's sign some waivers
virgin gains is ready to murder this guy with his bare hands we really dont deserve him

>consumes tons of soy
>takes roids
>still talks and acts like a soyboy


Pasty dyels calling other people betas is one of the funniest memes

I didn’t watch his whole video, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
It seems like VG didn’t make a case that soy does not contain xenoestrogens. In fact, he agrees that they are there, but says that it does not affect most people or that it’s not in sufficient amounts. There’s no scientific consensus on that.
He’s right in saying that beer have them too however. But we’re not giving beer to baby boys.

VG: Always insufferable
PJW: Usually funny and/or right

Not even gonna watch the video. Fuck VG

I’d rather take the word of the guy who criticises letting in tarrahushers than the guy who doesn’t want to have kids and is submissive to his tomboy gf.

threads like this are ruining this board

fuck this board

>some guy makes a fun video where he points out various things regarding people who eat soy in a casual manner mostly to make fun of leftists

Does that nigger know he is on Youtube, not some medical journal? Fucking retard.

Sorry to offend you and your wife’s son

I hate both of them so much I could only make it through half the video. Vegan seemed to be in the right here, though

Nigga sounds like a 12 year old boy, the white dude doesn't. Has a beard, well formed masculine face unlike this green alien meme. Shouldn't have drank that soy boy, maybe you could have been white.

Holy shit VG's voice is high af and cracking the whole video. He looks like he's gunna cry.

He has the voice of a pussy

>A fun video in a casual manner as a joke
You clearly don't know who fucking PJW is

Can you check the catalog before you post dumb vegan propaganda theres already a thread about this

>>some guy makes a fun video where he points out various things regarding people who eat soy in a casual manner mostly to make fun of leftists
Yes like when Sam Hyde donates thousands of dollars to Stormfront "ironically"


Valid points

Go suck a soyboy dick you faggot

>425 DL PR
Why is /pol/ always right?

I fucking hate both of them, but VG would fucking dominate that soyboy looking little faggot Paul.

VG seems incredibly defensive about critiques on soy though, almost a little TOO defensive, like he's secretly worried about becoming feminized. His voice is very high pitched...

wew lad bunch of meat neets projecting

If white DYELs don't stop shilling milk we're all gonna start getting called feminine milkskins.

>Is atheism feminizing, PAUL?
Yes it is

It honestly is. Lots of things associated with the far-left are strangely feminizing.

VG has been exposed years ago. You can't take anything he says seriously, but we have a huge amount of vegan shilling on this board nowadays, so obviously you suck his dick.

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Let me post fgts

Post body.


someone else feels like he dropped in testo after starting fucking his husband? His voice used to be deeper, nowdays is sounds like his soul is fading away.

DYEL? Just low bodyfat and lighting. You also have a higher risk of heart disease thanks to being a meatcuck.

Go bait somewhere else, faggot.

>muh culture and tradition
>we gotta keep doing everything even if it's wrong
Why are meatcucks so regressive?

Post your soy tits faggot


PJW looks and sounds like a soyboy which is ironic. Also, not very intellectually honest, or rigorous, but I get his soyboy video might have been intended as a joke to rustle some feathers, start youtube beefs and make some money.

VG, looks and sounds like a soyboy and also is one, which is also ironic.

I just wish we could go back to times when we picked tribes over sports teams and stopped politicizing everything including science and diets to the point where we just look up lines of arguments for confirmation bias. Buncha fuckin soyboy pseuds both of them.

I just did basic calisthenics, running and most of all muay thai when this picture was taken. My resting heart rate was 48 this morning, so my heart is in good shape. Fight me.

Or post your body.

lol nonwhites cant drink milk


You look like absolute shit lad, what the fuck is wrong with you?

post soy tits or stfu

This one is older you dumb frogposter

Maybe by bodybuilding standards, but your response is all I needed to know how pathetic you are.


>meat neet
are you just saying that because it rhymes?
that's hardly good name calling

go to 9:45 and tell me this guy isn't a fucking soyboy, jesus christ that voice and babyface

Wow /pol/ really does have Veeky Forums in a headlock.

Never thought I'd see a day when Veeky Forums sided with a pencil neck dyel over someone who actually lifts.

Veeky Forums doesn't lift

dont be delusional, all you have to do is click on a cbt thread to realize that 70% of this board doesn't lift, and 25% look like shit (by lifting standards)

This is the same board that unironically believes it is impossible to hit 1/2/3/4 without steroids. Just come here for the memes, don't listen to anything else

It's weird, because Clarence is also vegan.

Is this a joke? I hit 100 ohp my first workout

>0:59, do i look like a pussy to you?
Yes,you look and sound like a pussy.

>unironically believes it is impossible to hit 1/2/3/4 without steroids
Literally nobody believes that. You're fkn retarded m8 1/2/3/4 is easily achievable in a year unless you got low test and shit genetics

Lol what, I had a 150 ohp before I even started working out. Veeky Forums really is nothing but dyel's

>"do I look like a pussy to you?"
>insecure body language
>weak soft voice
>soyboy face


I'm not joking. OHP should be at least 2/3 of your bench weight

>Literally nobody believes that

I left out in less than one year, and yes there was a whole thread just yesterday of people claiming e-stats because I said I hit 1/2/3/4 in 6 months of training

suck my dick

VG hates muslims and feminists and black culture. He apparently plans to own guns too. If he wasn't the victim of coalburning /pol/ would suck his dick.

>it's impossible to lift weights and be wrong about something
>if you're skinny, whatever you say is inherently wrong
nice logic

Leave then pussy


>lifting for this

he looks like he only does arms

Wh-why is he so unsettling to look at?

wtf is with his skin tone?

Olive oil?

>Do I look like a pussy? I eat soy, but also offset it with anabolic steroids, PJW BTFO
I know PJW can sometimes be insufferable, but this fag is on a whole other level

He can eat what he wants on the amount of juice he slams

there couldn't be a worse poster-boy for vegan lifters lmao
shit insertions
always green
annoying ass voice
alien head
he's giving us a bad name

Lmao why is it always little dyels that talk about how other people are pussies. Doesn't lift, doesn't do martial arts, yet calls vegans pussies. Absolutely pathetic

I get it now. when he talked about being visited by "grey aliens" he was just looking in the mirror



he's canadian lmao

This is old, he is much bigger now.



>le ebil /pol/ boogeyman
Maybe it's more the fact that people are waking up to the liberal bullshit being spouted by soygoy vegan youtubers and degenerates.

Meetneet cope

Nobody wants to watch your dying channel Richard

Hey newfriend, nice post but I think you can squeeze in some more buzzwords

Watch the whole video he comes to that

Literally a nu-male

logic checks out

looking at the cbt threads then coming to this thread makes it much easier to understand the retarded comments itt

Coming up next on user Projects His Insecurities

> anymore
There was a time when this board was home of the autistic and the mighty...

But Veeky Forums is normie-tier now. Trump ran, Pepe memes came out, edgy kids followed the trail back here.
Veeky Forums used to be:
> I'm an incel who struggles to understand the world. Also, I hate women.
Veeky Forums today is essentially an anonymous version of Reddit. With normals gradually pushing out the people who made the chan worth visiting in the first place.

Yeah like this one because how fucking retarded is it that one can relate cbt threads to how retarded and shit VG is?

Did he insult your bf?

Kek I guarantee you could destroy ever single one of these vegan soyboys posting in this thread rn

VG doesnt obliterate anything except his own asshole with a cucumber every day

>takes you down
Shoulda learned grappling fagboi

> Because you are a liar
I am 99% sure you gave people the impression that you went from couch, to gym, to 1/2/3/4, in six months - with no history of lifting prior. No true DYEL enters the gym and OHP's at all faggot. It takes an eternity just to wean them off machines and light dumbbells.

Fuck Veeky Forums really. Meaningful threads get deleted every day for not being 'Veeky Forums related'. Yet vegan shitposts stay on all the time.

Mods are probably jews trying to manipulate us all to turn into soyboys. No high test males are allowed to exist anymore

Vegan soyboy got TRIGGERED!

Reminder: This is the poster boy veganism kek

This sounds pretty similar to the plot of Destroy All Humans.

>Post body, I bet you're dyel

>Vegan General (bait thread)
>Half a dozen daily shill threads trying to convince us to eat soy (vegans? maybe, but they don't seem to care about veganism so much as shilling soy)
>Race baiting threads
>Thinly veiled race bating
>More meatcucks btfo threads
>1000 illiterate 3rd worlders asking questions that could be answered in a 5 second google search

And the mods delete threads that produce quality ments, threads like Friday Feels which have been a part of board culture for a long time and which consistently get 100+ posts for not being "fitness related". Fuck the mods, they come through and delete half the catalog whithout reading anything in their 10 minute nightly sweeps. I'd rather have no mods than these lazy 10iq shitskins.

>implying hes not an alien himself