Routine Critique

I'm looking for a critique of my routine for building arms & chest aesthetics. It's original (not taken from a website) and I'm fairly inexperienced with how to design routines.

Flat Barbell Bench Press: 4-5x12
E-Z Bar Biceps Curl: 4-5x12
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 4-5x12
Barbell Curl: 4-5x12
Dumbbell Bench Press: 4-5x12
Dumbbell Curl/Alternating Dumbbell Curl: 4-5x12
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4-5x12
Hammer Curl: 4-5x12
Dumbbell Flyes: 4-5x12
Dumbbell Farmer's Walks: 4-5x12
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Press: 4-5x12
Wrist Curls & Reverse Wrist Curls: 4-5x12
Skullcrushers: 4-5x12
Overhand Dumbbell Curl: 4-5x12
Triceps Pushdown: 4-5x12
Chest Dips: 4-5x12

That's the routine in order. I'm trying to see how often I should do it (I currently do it on Fridays), whether I should replace/switch/lengthen/shorten the routine, reps and sets for each exercise, etc. I'm basically attempting to minimize/maximize the routine and make it more efficient. Thanks in advance.

Other urls found in this thread:

I also have similar concerns regarding what I do for back/neck/shoulders and legs/core, but I'll save those in case I get replies concerning the OP.

I forgot to mention that I'm also on a cut.


Unfortunately, which is why I posted.

Looks like garbage.

How do you do sets and reps of farmer's walks?

Is this bait? So you gonna do 16 exercises that amount to 64 sets, in a single day?

If not lets start at the basics. How much time do you have? 3 days -> Full body. 4->Push/pull split or Upper/Lower split.

3 days? Do Greyskull. SS is not for you obviously.

4 days? Push/Pull/Rest/Push/Pull/Rest/Rest Or Upper/Lower/Rest/Upper/Lower/Rest/Rest
Push: Bench 3x5, Overhead Press 3x5 Tricep accessory 3x10 Lateral raise 3x10 Squat 3x5
Pull: Chin ups 3x6, Rows 3x10 Deadlift 3x3-5 Cruls 3x10 Rear delt work 3x10

That was a mistake, it's 3 sets for one minute. Yeah, it isn't great

Dood. Just do Starting Strength. In 6-9 months add exercises to make up deficits if any.

Not bait, I just try too hard.

Not OP but would it make sense to do a push/rest/pull/rest etc. ? I always find it hard to get motivated after 2 rest days in a row, or will I risk injury by doing that?

You can rearrange the push/pull exercises for the Upper and Lower days.
Alternatively you can do the Push/Pull routine 3 days a week with alternating weeks like Push/Rest/Pull/Rest/Push/Rest/Rest

Another concepts to research are linear progression and progressive overload. Maintain proper form, research the exercises. Do not flat barbell bench press if you want aesthetics, they are not optimal for that.

Rate mine: ABxAxBx:
A, Push:
Squats 3x6
Bench 3x6
OHP 3x6
Dips 3xF (at 15 reps adding weight)
Weighted calves pushes 3xF
Neck curls/lateral/extensions 3xF

Deadlift 3x5
Rows 3x6
Weighted Pullups 3xF
Bicep curls 3x~12 (supersetted with oblique bends and shrugs with the same dumbbells)
Abs (usually slideboard body saws 3xF)
Rear delt flys SS Lateral raises 3x~12

Are you a beginner without any prior sport experience? Suboptimal, you need the recovery or you will snap your shit up if you try to actually lift or you can just stick to baby weights and never progress.

> ABxAxBx
Makes no sense. Either do ABxABxx or just AxBxAxx BxAxBxx
> Dips 3xF (at 15 reps adding weight)
I do not see the point Bench and Ohp give enough stress to your muscles imo, but if you feel like it you can go for it.
> Lateral raises 3x~12
I would do these on your Push day

I typically go to gym three days a week (Monday = core/legs, Wednesday = back/neck/shoulders, Friday = chest/arms), but I can go probably five days or so. Also, is Greyskull good for aesthetics? Perhaps that's dumb to ask, but I'm doing this for aesthetics (and to strengthen my upper body)

Dumbbell Overhead Press 3x6
Rows 3x6
Squats 3x5
Snatch grip behind the neck press 5x3
Rear delt flyes 3x10
Reverse Hyperextensions 3x10

Incline Bench Press 3x6
Chinups 3x6
Deadlifts 3x3
Hyperextensions 3x10
Curls 3x10

Dumbbell Overhead Press 5x3
Rows 3x6
Squats 3x5
Rear delt flyes 3x10
Lateral raise 3x10
Reverse Hyperextensions 3x10

I want a thick back and juicy shoulders, literally all I care about. The rest is just there to balance out my physiqure

I've heard SS is a meme though? I've seen some before/after pics of guys on SS and they seem pretty bottom-heavy, and I mainly need to work on my upper body strength and aesthetics

Calisthenics strength routine (Not enough money for a gym)

2x4s Front Lever Training
3xN One Arm Chinup Training (Rope climb or some shit like that)
3x6 (+15kg) Pull-ups
3x8 Chin Ups
3x8 Ring Body Rows
3x8 Ring Curls

2x4s Back Lever Training
3x6 (+15kg) Dips
3x6 Handstand Pushups (Wall)
3x8 Ring Flies
3x8 Straight Bar Dips
3x8 Sphynx Pushup

I practice Box so cardio, legs and abs are made on the same day as my training (Not directly)

Pull-Push-Box-Pull-Push-Box-Rest / PPBPPBx

Should I move something or is it ok?

guys why cant I build inner chest? Even when I was doing near two plate 3x5 I didnt have inner chest. Its one of my biggest aesthetic qualms.

ty for any tips!

Day 1 chest/back
Bench 3x10-7-5
Lat pull down 3x10
Cable flies 3x10
Pull ups 3x failure
Barbell flies 3x10

Day 2 legs/shoulders
Back squat 3x10
Arnold press 3x10
Extensions 3x10
OHP 3x5
Leg curls 3x10
Dumbell raises 3x10

Day 3 bis/tris
Dumbbell Curls 3x10
Skull crushers 3x10
Ez bar curls 3x10
Tricep extensions 3x 10
Hammer curls 3x10

Abs every day

Still pretty new to lifting so don't know how efficient this is but I'm getting stronger and more defined so that's good.

Ive got a weak upper body, relatively stronger legs and back. Just started training after a while off.

You could do PBPPPBx, increase the sets or add more Box

No muscle there.

You're literally retarded.

You can't magically unfuck yourself if you start "bottom heavy."

Strength is a function of muscle cross-sectional area. At least the part you can control.

Training for "aesthetics" is a meme. Volume + weight on the bar + food in your belly is primary. If you want to look like a sick cunt, pick a goal date, go back a month, then cut hard. Lift like you're not a retard the rest of the time.

Op here, I have similar issues. I'm around 175 lbs and my max for squat is 260 lbs, 235 for deadlift, but 175 for bench press. And my arms look like noodles. So I'm focusing on my chest and arms for now, while still doing back and shoulders and neck for aesthetics.

Okay, so is all of this supposed to tell me that SS isn't a meme? I understand some of this to a degree, so I'm asking how to make my lifting routine not-retarded

To clarify, I understand that "aesthetics" is low body fat + muscle mass and that muscular growth (hypertrophy) is volume + weight + nutrition + sleep. I'm currently on a cut. I'm posting because I know my routine is retarded and am trying to unfuck it

only meme on this thread is the shitshow you posted in the OP.

The single best way to unfuck your training when you're still a newbie.

I understand that it's a shitshow

Trainer has me on a
Monday curls and tricep pushdowns
Tuesday legs
Wednesday benchpress and lateral pulldowns
Thursday legs
Friday rest
Saturday only cardio and sunday rest but I was wondering if there was any reason not to do
Monday all 4 upper body workouts
tuesday legs
Wednesday rest thursday repeat basically.

The 2 workouts a day seem silly even if I get them in good and while I know Im a beginner Im worried they set the bar so low out of fear id get intimidated and quit.

Also fitting cardio in here somewhere is a given for me. I really enjoy running so I guess its just figuring out when Im not too sore to run

there is no reason for 3 rest days desu,

Is that the worst thing about it? I could make one of those rest days a pure cardio day

Also I was thinking of doing it with no regard for day of the week so 2 on 1 off 2 on 1 off etc

Five exercised a day.

NEVER more

Also, don't underestimate the psychological factor. A bro who walks in and has a shopping list of sets will never be able to do a full on merciless blitzkrieg routine on his muscles the way somebody with three exercises does.

Day A
Leg Press 5x5
Hamstring Curl 4x8
OHP 5x5
Cable Crossover 4x8
Weighted Pullups 5x5
Seated Cable Rows 4x8
Plank 4x60s

Day B
RDL 5x5
Quad Extension 4x8
Incline Barbell Bench Press 5x5
Dips 4x8
High Pull 5x3
Chinups 4x8
Cable Crunch 4x15

Is this too much volume for AxBxAxx/BxAxBxx? Lifting several years, trying to maintain physique and iron out weaknesses. Can't squat or DL due to adductor tear.

Trainer, aahahaha.
If you are not oly lifting there is never a reason to have a coach

Literally just one of the trainers at the gym who is answering my questions free of charge. They put together a schedule as described and here we are

absolute dog shit garbage.

if serious about fitness: pick an established novice routine that focuses on full body development, do it for 2-3 months then graduate to something more specialized

if serious about being a vain curl chimp/bench bitch fraud: fuck off

>several years lifting
>mostly machines and a deadlift assistance for legs

role playing chump with shitty twig legs spotted

Can you read? I have an adductor tear that surgery has only a 50% chance of improving. Not worth the money for that. I used to squat and deadlift but can't do it without debilitating pain (any lateral stabilization fucks me).

What I think I'm gonna start doing next week

Deadlift/front core exercise
OHP/pull ups
High pull

Pendlay rows
Back extensions
Front core exercise

High Pull
Landmine press/landmine row/ mason twist
Arnold press

Front squat
Cable row
Back extensions

Power clean
Push press/ pull ups
High Pull
Dips/ leg raises

>muh "adductor tear" role play

BTFO idiot, enjoy your twig legs and shit strength.

>5 days a week

don't even need to bother with the rest because that right there lets me know it's 100% garbage.

SS is a meme if you actually know your body and how to program. If you're a retarded beginner you're always 100% of the time better of following a general program that someone else with knowledge made.
SS is a meme, but it's better than whatever your dumbass can think of.

The back and legs are the only thing I'm doing each of the 5 days because recover fairly quickly, and it's not like I'm hammering them everyday, I just like the frequency.

Here's my mine:
Triceps pulldown
Lateral raises

Bent over rows
Seated cable rows
Pull ups
Face pulls
Preacher curls


lel terrible take a lap

Shit list of exercises and you didn't even tell us anything about the volume, intensity, or frequency you fucking fag.
All you dumbass newfags think you can just shit out a routine.

Lmao post urs then faggot

This is a limiting way of thinking about the farmer walk. Measure the distance you walk and the weight that you use. You'll be first to make walking gains, which will hit your calves, and also stress your legs back and core a lot more.

Hi, can you please educate me on something, im a beginner. I've read on places that doing low reps is a strength builder and if my maths is right you're doing up to 60 total reps for most of these but in 12 sets. Can you tell me how this compares with the other way 'hypertrophy' which i've heard typically follows a '10x10' regimen. Could you do a 10x10 if you wanted, and if so why would you do it (and why not) ? Thanks a lot much appreciated for education

Any critiques/changes I should make?


t. morbidly obese fedora moron

5x12 means 5 sets of 12

Here's mine

Squat 3x6
Paused Bench 3x6
Pendlay Rows 3x15
Curls 3x12
Tricep Extensions 3x12

Conditioning, ab wheel, pullups

OHP 3x6
RDL 3x8
Incline Bench 3x15
Curls 3x12
Tricep Extensions 3x12

HIIT, ab wheel, pullups

Deadlift 3x6
DB Flat Bench 3x8
Leg Press 3x15
Curls 3x12
Tricep Extensions 3x12

Don't do it. Beginners shouldn't make their own routine. Do a proven program written by an expert

Im really new but I ran it by the trainer at the gym and he said go for it
Incline and decline chest press 3x8. Trainer suggested building a little strength for a week or two with that befoee doing actual bench press
Then lateral pulldown
Barbell curl
And tricep pushdown all 3x8
Then I just ran a mile after
Then tomorrow was going to be squats lunges and leg presses followed by more serious or longer distance running.

And for order he suggested getting the compound lifts knocked out first

99% of personal trainers have no business programming for training because the joke certifications they have don't teach them how to program. Take what they say with a grain of salt

Will do, but any opinions on that workout? I planned on doing that twice a week and doing the leg workout twice a week

I don't know about getting any tips from me since I'm apparently a retard, but I simply did 4x12 for everything because everyone I've talked to has said that 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for an exercise is good for an exercise. I haven't heard of a 10x10 regiment before, though perhaps it's because I'm fairly new and inexperienced (I've been going to the gym for 2 years, but have only recently started following routines, made the mistake of making my own without learning more/better).

>muscular growth (hypertrophy) is volume + weight + nutrition + sleep
it's about breaking down the muscle the most, going to failure with light weight is not a meme

I have the same thing, there is no solution sadly. That's just the way your muscle insertions are.

My opinion is that you shouldn't do it

That's called metabolic training, right? You're right about that, but I just go for moderate weight + moderate sets + moderate reps. But the end result either way is to break down muscle fibers and regenerate them, yes indeed

Anything specically bad about it?

Give one reason why you shouldn’t do ABxAxBx that isn’t autistic

It is a days worth of exercises that was thrown together randomly. It isn't even a "routine"

My plan was to do that then the mentioned leg day then a rest day and start over on repeat to build some strength.

nothing for hamstrings or calves?

>Shit list of exercises
it's pretty good except only squats for legs, no idea about reps and sets so could be retarded still

>he said go for it
I bet he didn't even think it through before saying it, you're missing hitting a few muscles
my suggestion is to pick 2 exercises per muscle group, one vertical and one horizontal movement and then come back or take a good beginner routine

>That's called metabolic training, right?
>The short definition of metabolic training is completing structural and compound exercises with little rest in between exercises in an effort to maximize calorie burn
nope, just google hypertrophy training and that should link you to some articles

dude. Face the fact that you are a novice who doesnt know what he's doing and that OKAY we all were there.
I know this is a meme, but I reccomend you do Starting Strength Linear Progression if strength is your goal. Even if you want to be "aesthetic", you should still focus on strength first because as a novice you will make strength gains at a rate faster than any time in your lifting career. If you don't build a strength base early on, you may regret it.

Huh, alright, seems I'm even newer than I previously thought. Thanks for being a polite guy

I dont mean to not "face the facts" but I didnt just make the workout up myself as aside from the trainer it seemed to follow a lot of what is said online about ppl. I just wanted to know what was wrong with the actual workout for learning purposes since I cant undo todays workout but I can do better next time.
Thay said, thankz I'll read that and
Also thanks, I had thought I was doing the whole picking 2 with lateral pulls paired with curls and chest presses with tricep extensions

Back to learning

Pls rate mine guys

Flat barbell bench 3x5
Incline dumbbell 3x8
Decline barbell 3x8
Flies 3x12
Tricep pushdown 3x12
Skull crushers 3x8
Dip machine with kickbacks 3x12
1 mile run

Lat pull down 3x10
Barbell row 3x8
Close grip pull down 3x8
Seated cable row 3x12
Dumbbell curl 3x8
Hammer curl 3x8
Barbell curl 3x5
Reverse 3x10

Squats 3x5
Lunges 3x10
(Play sports so this is enough legs for me; squatting 120kg)
OHP 3x5
Lateral raise 3x8
Front raise 3x10
Real delts 3x12
Shrugs 3x12

Incline barbell bench 3x12
Tricep pulldown 3x12
Dip machine 3x12
Rear delts 3x12
Bicep cable for both heads 3x12
1 mile run

Your goal should be be able to do 6 movements for every muscle you want to grow.
For example triceps.
rope tricep pull down 3x12 (2 warm up sets)
Seated Triceps Press 3*x8 (*do as many sets as posible, increase weight up to retard struggle, i f you cant make the 8 then stop)
tricep cable push down wide grip 3x12
Superset skullrunchers and close grip benchpress 4x16, that means 16 skullrunchers and 16 benches.
Dips, 3x12 IF you can make it.

Now, to handle that kind of volume you must be stronk as fuck, because the only way youll grow from that many volume is moving some respectable weight AND for getting stronk SS, sheiko, texas method or anything related is king.
So i'd say jump on any stronk program, get used to be under the crushing preassure of the weight, in the "rest" days do some brosplit and after 6 months see what happens.

>Your goal should be be able to do 6 movements for every muscle you want to grow.

Have you tried something like that?

if you push yourself super hard through 3x12, the following exercise will suffer, doing 6 different exercises for triceps is stupid unless you're roiding and your recovery is amazing

You don't need to get hit in the balls to know it's going to hurt.
Most of the anons itt are dumb beginners and should do a novice lifting program instead of trying to make up their own dumb lifting programs without any actual programming. Go pick a novice lp, do it until you stall 2 or 3 times then move on to an intermediate lp and milk that for all the gains you can. By now you should be advanced and know what does or does not help you. Alternatively you can blindly stumble about for years while reading and watching what you can to learn about programming and hopefully find out what unique style your body responds to.

Im talking about years fgt, you are probably thinking about 6 months in.
Thats why i said get on ss for 6 months, do brosplit as your accersory/rest day THEN try the 6 movement per body part.
Because cucks like you suck each other dicks and talk about how awesome is ppl, but you homosexuals soy abusers doesnt get that you are basically doing 2~3 movements per bodypart.

>Im talking about years fgt, you are probably thinking about 6 months in.
no I'm not and you're still retarded

You won't get a better full body routine than this one:

AxBxAxx BxAxBxx

Workout A:

Bench press
Pendlay Row
Chin ups
EZ curls

Workout B

Overhead Press
Front Squats
Chin Ups
EZ curls

Throw in press ups and or dips whenever you want. Substitute in Romanian Deadlifts for the conventional deadlifts if you're worried about hamstrings. The curls have been thrown in everytime for the girls, biceps quick recovery anyway.

This hits everything. Most important thing is diet though.

PPL is fucking dumb and so are you. Literally no one is going to need 6 exercises hitting the same muscle to achieve results. You just need the right amount of volume and intensity. An intermediate can easily just do one or two movements provided the lifter uses sufficient poundage and volume. An advanced lifter can easily do the same thing. The only thing that changes is the time frame required to make gains and the weight on the bar.

No such thing as an inner chest muscle group, the answer is to obtain more mass then lose the chub

>trains less than 5 times a week

t. dyel loser