*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
Well Veeky Forums... What do you do?

go 360 degrees and fly under him

*teleports behind u*

i would greet him, he would too because i'm 6'2 and black..

nuh uh i had a shield

*breaks your shield with 3 earth shattering kicks*
heh... is that all you've got?

Ask if he'd want to play MYFAROG or something

it was a poop shield and now you have it on your feet

>Hej Varg, vad gör du här?

Not let him into my apartment that's for certain

Made for BBC

Nothing to worry about. I'm no filthy M*d.

Top kek.

Cast summon TheGoldenOne

I double leg him

Quick, someone post the webm of him beating up refugees.




Please let me become your disciple.

yare yare daze...

Star Platinum, Za Warudo!

*stops time*

*punches you in throat, once*
Only reason you lost, is because you really pissed me off


what does being black have to do with anything?

niggers always think that they are relevant


Shoot him straight through the spine. Let him bleed.

When did the sudden influx of niggers and bbc-lovers on this board happen?


Prepare to die, M*dnigger

>amerimutt sharts in the mart


I would send in the KANG

holy shit so he is a black albino after all.

>"dunkelheit" is a really great song bro

never should of come here

Just in case no one knows he's a White Nationalist who took that thinking to it's natural conclusions, i.e. realizing Greeks, Spaniards and Italians (Romans) have heavy North African admixture and true white culture is living in tribes in the caves not in cities and worshiping just a single god.
