Veeky Forums BTFO

Veeky Forums BTFO

made for bbc

I could beat him unconscious, take his woman off him and he'd wake up tied to a chair and forced to watch as I had my way with her

and what could either of them do about it?

>and what could either of them do about it?
not live in a neighborhood with niggers

ghengis khan wasn't a nigger, he was a man and a real man at that
why would you not want to be him


I'm skinnier than this dude and even I know he's a complete pussy faggot bitch

*really short man

I dont understand the meme with the bbc. Its a shitty broadcast tv but there are far worse out there.

it stand for above averaged sized penises belonging to those very dark in skin color.
the Bavarians think it's about them though because they've killed all their brain cells in Oktoberfest.

>coping this hard

oh big black cock lol okay

What is black zyzz called?

>I'm skinnier than this dude
Please post picture m8, fuck

B Zizzle

Since I don't have much of a face, which muscles should be prioritized to maximize male sexual characteristics for mate attraction? I say

Tier 1:
Delts, traps, neck, arms, calves

Tier 2:
Back, chest

Tier 3:
Legs, abs

>"The Beautiful Ones" refers to the male mice in an experiment done by John. B Calhoun who withdrew from society and only engaged in solitary, self-centered behaviors.

>tfw we are the beautiful ones




I'd put calves in tier 2 and back in tier 1

>forgetting the t h i c c ASS that women love so much

Lmao its funny cuz his face isn't even that great, he halo'd hard by his hair and coloring.

>I wanna be a rapist because a guy is more handsome than me

this is good

he's literally being interviewed over how handsome he is and you're a nobody

Itt jealous uggos

He goes from mm to average half spic

post your face user

Pls no bully

he still looks good in both pictues..

I never said he wasn't gl, just his facial features on their own aren't impressive.

height gets their attention '
face starts a conversation '
body gets them in bed
dick keeps them coming back
money makes them stay