Have you done enough to improve yourself today? Don't just lift - sort yourself, clean your room

Have you done enough to improve yourself today? Don't just lift - sort yourself, clean your room

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No I failed today.
Tomorrow will be better.


His fanbase is almost as autistic as the Rick & Morty fanbase.

I'm cleaning my room right now, sir!

I don't have a room or a gf to share it with

my room has been stolen by old people. also fuck you Kermit i'm already sorted.

I got a haircut, which I've been putting off because the anxiety of staring at my ugly mug and having to make chit-chat with a middle-aged lady while she touches my head was too intimidating. Got it done though, phew.

>tfw she fucked up the back and I don't want to go back and have her fix it


I unironically woke up early, went for a run, did some meditation, went to buy a shiton of healthy groceries, ate a nice meal and then went for a good shoulder/upper back workout, followed by a cold shower and a visit to my dealer. Then a spliff in the sun while listening to an audio book, followed by a two hour reading session on social intelligence. Then I hooked up with a friend and made plans to go out on saturday with him and his girlfriends, wrote two business plans and scheduled separate dates with two smoking hot girls, who had found me on insta after they had seen me at work.

Id say today was a good day. Oh and of course, first thing I did was clean my room.

I'm happy for you lad but that pic is some bad and you should feel some bad

Merit-based income is the one true path user


Did I merit the $400,000 I inherited?

i cleaned my car today. got some stains out and vacuumed pretty well.
my sheets are drying but overall today was a good day.

Such a shame what JP's become. The status he enjoys amongst his cult followers is completely unfounded.

No, been pretty lazy today. These damn Mondays are always terrible and unproductive for me, because I'm a normie who parties all weekend.

80% of current billionaires are self-made so this argument doesn't really hold up

probably not, but who ever it was that you inherited it from likely did and decided to pass it on to you which is their right. However, you can do your best to make yourself merit it
>don't let your ancestors down my friend

>To cucked to debate Richard Spencer

Controlled opposition


You didn't answer my question. Did I merit the $400,000 I inherited? This isn't hypothetical. I will inherit another million or so in the future, and I feel very conflicted about it, but not enough to give it away or anything. Doesn't seem fair though.

i love rock and marty and profersor petersson

you've been given a rare opportunity, just don't waste it. Life isn't fair, you just got the good draw. Use it wisely and make yourself worth it

Can you give me $3k so I can go back to school

>listen to him for an hour
>get inspired
>jerk off in shower
>normally last like 20 seconds jerking off or sex because I’m anxious as fuck
>close my eyes, relax, and jerk off
>fucking hit a state nirvana
>last solid 5 minutes
>forearm actually getting tired for the first time
>in a moment of pure bliss I have an epiphany that i have to overcome my anxiety and it just goes away
>depression goes away
>complete self acceptance
>automatically start cleaning the house
>perfect hygiene
>made a killer resume
>got interviews
>multiple job offers for first time in my life
>broke plateaus in the gym
>losing weight
>abs and veins are showing up
I know it’s a dumb story but it’s true and I had to share. I had an epiphany while jerking off thanks to this man and it completely changed my life and it’s been months of success after that. I just bought his shit even though I don’t plan on using them, I just wanted to give him money

yo dawg, can you send me like $1500? I need a new rig, thanks

>Cleaned my apartment
>Bought a new book
>Quitting smokes

he legitimately said that your parents don't matter any more than any other random person. he said you shouldn't value their opinion any more than you value the opinion of their friends
what a fucking retard. that's something I'd expect from molymeme

>literally jerks off to Jordan Peterson

The absolute state of Veeky Forums

I wasn’t thinking about him, I was thinking about some girl I used to fuck. I just jerked off after listening to him and used his advice to relax while doing

>jerk off in shower
>last solid 5 minutes
Is this the power of Jordan B. Peterson?

He's not wrong, generally speaking your parents will just hold you back. I know mine do.

JBP largely appeals to people with poor parenting, and especially daddy issues. He's a surrogate dad for all these soyboys.

being a parent isn't a hard thing to accomplish lad
>well maybe for you it is

but not everyone is blessed with good parents, my mom does meth do you think I'd take her advice on how to run my life?

I stopped eating sugar. Been clean since saturday. Feel like shit tho.

bro once u rescue your father from hades you can last 7 or more

That's because you're detoxing essentially. I need to do the same with alcohol but shits hard.

Wow, three whole days without sugar? You're so brave!

>defending Sam Harris

>defending jordan peterson

I haven't vacuumed my room in a year or so.

I've read more than JBP has today, a better book and thought more deeply about what I was reading. He can seriously kiss my sweet, thick tight ass

Yes I applied for a couple of jobs today and I am fairly certain I will get at least on of them. Nothing major just part time work to do parallel with my studies.


>Not having a Veeky Forums barber to shoot the shit with
Seriously, stop going to the fucking Lemon Tree and get your haircut by a man, or at least a hot grill

>defending (((post modernism)))

if the only thing inspiring me is a fucking benchlet with a worse fanbase than rick and morty then i guess my self shall remain unimproved.

> defending things on Veeky Forums

take advice from anywhere you can. Don't judge on the outside look. If the advise is good, take it and go on.

Doing a two day cleanse. Feel like utter shit, but it has to be done.

>sam harriss
>post modernism
You're getting your memes mixed up, soyboy.

self professed christian who doesn't know if he believes jesus rose from the dead and says ill have to think it over and get back to you

i need a fucking job i dropped out of school and have never worked a day in my life, stagnating social gains but weight gains increasing monthly. i fear change deep within my heart. i need to start the hero's journey

>misunderstanding his statement this much
Absolute brainlet

pseuderson lmao

>Nietzsche said we must imagine Sisyphus happy

>interpreting him as anything other than a psychologist
He's never claimed to be a philosopher or guru, simply a man that observes the world around him through his Jungian lens, and comments on the psychological aspects of it
Sort yourselfs out


>assmad because JBP doesn't dedicate his life to edgy Jew hating

Back to /pol/ you go


Muh dick

>The Lion King

The second I saw this I knew whoever made the image hasn't actually listened to Peterson. Pathetic.

Sam Harris literally wrote an entire book on why postmodernist moral relativism is horseshit and that moral truth exists TEN YEARS AGO. He has more in common with Jordan Peterson than he has disagreements with him. Stop being a little fag fanboy.

is that a cartoon hillary on her shirt?

>Quitting smokes

Thats a tough one mate, but you can do it. The cravings will still come and go years after you stop, but just keep reminding yourself how much higher your T is going to be after you have quit for good.

Fuck me, mate. You are and I are the same.

no thats chucky

if i can do it tommorrow, i will not do it today.

Three interviews next week. Lifts going up.
Room is a mess.

I hate being a fanboy but JP has helped me a lot. Also whenever someone gets even vaguely successful, some fag on Veeky Forums has to go out of their way to cut them down. It's crab mentality to the extreme and it's lame as fuck imo

If I can do it today, I won't do it tomorrow either.

My hairdressers are all qt braphogs who push their boobs into my neck.

Absolutely disgusting.
Also reminder JP is for pseuds and MAGA-pedes who can't read a book more complex than Game of Thrones.

>When you're a two bit academic
stopped reading there
clean your room bucko

>tfw my apartment is so clean people are freaked out

>Jordan Peterson

>le fanbase meme


>Jordan Peterson
Shit taste

Today, dammit. Today I will get my room completely clean. It is not impossible. I know I can do it. If I were getting paid and my boss was watching I could do it in an hour.


>mfw started a journal of sorts today
Time to write down all my dumb pseud thoughts

>Veeky Forums is falling for memerson
Not a surprise.
Eat your Onions to increase your Testo.

Yes, and I'm not done yet. About to hit the gym

>clean your room

I’m not a 15 year old

your parents merited the right to give it to their offspring, just like you will if you live your life intelligently

>tfw people shitting on him but he's helped you sort a lot of shit out in your life


I agree

Life isn't fair. Deal with it.

You have a duty to not only enrich yourself by starting your own business with that money, but also to give back to your community in some way. It is the only way to abolish your guilt.

So send gibs to your follow neets here on this mongolian fireworks stand.

I'm learning guitar. Would Peterson approve?

Die leftypol vermin.

Okay Peterson. Please tell me more about your fucking insane conspiracy theories about the post-modernist, cultural marxists that lurks at every corner and wants to bring at end to western civilization you maniac.

If he sorted out your life you had the most bitch basic problems and just needed to get off your arse

sorry bud

keeping a daily journal is one of the best decisions I've made

Did it help you think? That is what I am hoping it will do for me. Enable me to elucidate on my thoughts and develop a more complex sense and comprehension of self (as being in the world)

>develop a more complex sense and comprehension of self
Go get a fucking hobby and do stuff, writing bullshit in a book isn't going to help you that much

What good is creation if I can't even make a qualitative judgement of the self? I feel like this might be why I stopped composing, playing etc. in the first place, I had nothing to say as there was nothing substantial on the inside, perhaps only essence but not a construct.

Maybe it is cause you talk like a nonce and worry about dumb shit. Just do you and have some confidence

>I had nothing to say as there was nothing substantial on the inside
cause you are being a boring cunt and scribbling in a diary about nothing

At this point I prefer doing anything over nothing. Isn't that the whole extent of Mr. Petersons routine? Small steps begin the greatest journeys and so on.