How do I short women?

How do I short women?

What is this

ok for real this no makeup app is making women look far grosser than they would appear without makeup.



Get LGF, its the only way so that you control the majority of influence before she inevitably moons 3 years later.

Get em at 22, drop em at 29.5 years or earlier.

Get them at 18 actually and drop at 27.

invest heavily in sex doll businesses.

>ok for real

woman detected

you do realize that app just applies a generic filter to skin tones, it doesn't reflect reality

try it on your own face

Get em at 10 and drop at 18 t.b.h.

Really there aren't any downsides to a fembot. Especially if they have some great AI and can cook and clean and give you back rubs in between smash sessions.



sell she, then buy back cheep

this can actually spell disaster for western civilization and japan.


Spot the roastie

kek. ya'll niggas all playin.

Japan already lost from a bunch of anime pillows.

Is there a way to combine this app with Tinder?

Biz says women are a depreciating asset that you aquire at the ATH.

But the question is, how do you aquire one before it reaches the ATH?

Whats a good way to sell it at the ATH?

Seriously. Wasn't until I joined the Army that I realised the lying fucking world I'd lived in until then. Every time there was a fresh intake of female recruits turning up in normal civilian clothing, makeup onetc, they'd be getting ogled by all males whether recruit or instructors.

Next day seeing them at breakfast in shitty uniforms and no makeup on and all hair uniformly tied back not one of them looked remotely fuckable.

You know it will be soon. I personally reported it.

gtfo moneyskelly

AI waifus with artificial wombs will save Japan

Western civilization is already dead though.

>Western civilization is already dead though.

Explain please

fucking brilliant.

There was a report on German TV today (I only caught a few seconds of it) where they say the birth rate has been increasing here since 2012.

Of course they have shown a white baby.

>tfw my gf never wears makeup
>keep seeing hot girls at my uni
>remember this app
>remember theyre all wearing makeup and probably ugly as shit
>meanwhile my gf is a 7/10 without using any makeup

Feels Good

BUY asian/arab/black girls, lads. SELL all white girls asap theyre going to 0

Allahus are blowing up westerners left and right but westerners just roll over and take it cause they're afraid of standing up for their civilization.

be an asshole when others are gentle and be gentle when others are assholes

>Really there aren't any downsides to a fembot.
Doesn't reproduce.

Seriously, I had this great gf who was extremely rich but also really, really understated. She'd have her school bag and then her Prada bag out away from normies. Never wore makeup except for media things and maybe a ball, hot as fuck still.

I think she broke up with me because I'm too poor. Single-digit millionaire poor. :-(

>Allahus are blowing up westerners left and right

I love how /pol/tards make everything sound like a warzone

She sounds like a total whore

I'm starting to realize that your guy's problems with women are because you have horrible taste in them

Gf left me because I wouldn't marry her. We were together for 4yrs, lived together and loved each other. I don't want to get married to anyone because it's just a scam to sign away 50% of your finances (hur dur but muh love, because you need to spend loads of money to confirm that, right).

Anyway I also know that women get jealous and ugly when they age so I probably would have lost interest, anyone that thinks a relationship can last forever is naive. Just enjoy the best parts and make sure you know when it's done and time to find the next.

Having to explain this is why the west is fucked.

Well that's the women's fault. I hope they're happy.

>tfw I like girls without makeup

Keep taking your daily blue pill and tell yourself whatever you want, bucko.

Nice answer bud, you sure put a lot of thought into that one

cut their legs off

>tfw /pol/ ruins every board you go to

Can I get some eth?

yea as far as I can tell it's just a crow's feet filter

Hey me from the future. Thats what monero is for buddy. 40% mom/ 40% monero / 20% cyanide pill to hedge against divorce


The path to salvation is through robowaifus, artificial wombs and blockchain based economy.

Try using that micro brain of yours to figure out what's going to happen over the next 20 years as the boomers die off and reduce the global white population by about 70%. Don't forget to factor in the unlimited 3rd world immigration.

>female recruits

>Everything is fine, letting the bankers do their thing in 2008 and importing exploding muslims and third worlders hasn't impacted the economies and quality of life of Europe or the US. Hey, let's watch game of thrones!

Idk man, my girl is beautiful without makeup

But maybe that's just because I love her

It literally hasn't. Back to your containment board with you

You faggots are wose than furries


I ask my girl not to wear makeup. She looks better imo.

What are good sex doll businesses to invest in? Ones that are working on AI and put their revenue back into the company.

Let me guess soyboi, you live in a gated community in a 99% white zone?


Ask him

>Single-digit millionaire poor
stfu larping nigger

Is soyboy the new cuck? Sounds so fucking gay either way

Yeah, kind on sinonyms. I don't even like it that much, just figured this one would enrage more someone secluded enough to think the world hasn't changed in these last ten years.

Soyboy is reddit's word for cuck.

My heart skipped a beat reading this

Get that shit checked out. Sounds like a murmur.

>niggers attempting to mock the superior species
>in english

lol. hear that, guys? it's not that every major corporation's leftypol political agenda -- subverting everything from your video games to your favorite music to the encyclopedias you read to the fucking ice cream you eat (that's Ben and Jerry's if you're that clueless) -- is ruining shit, it's that pol is ruining things by talking about it.

a person can't even try to argue at this point in time that they're just annoyed by rightwing politics, because every bit of media and beyond is leftist by default because that's where the overton window currently is. even if you just insisted that you were annoyed by politics and didnt want to be surrounded by them all the time, you'd have to be annoyed by leftist politics because they're pushed in everything; there's a handful of places that aren't, and you're in one of the few, so i don't know what the fuck these people who complain about pol are doing on Veeky Forums if that's a problem.

you have 99% of the rest of the internet and the real world to talk about business and crypto bullshit with your #woke #comrades.

reddit awaits with open arms. get the fuck out.

>reddit's word
oh user..

Nah, the normies took cuck a couple months ago, maybe before that. I'm pretty sure Veeky Forums came up with soyboy, and it hasn't escaped quarentine as far as I know. shit flies outa Veeky Forums so fast nowadays though, wouldn't be suprised if I heard someone saying that irl too.

trump won dude, get a hobby.

There have been 15 bombings in Sweden in the last 30 days.
Their media won't cover it because it's "racist" to identify bombings.
I just want to ignore politics too, but at this rate the Swedish economy will tank 90% in the next 50 years.