What are your goals for 2018 Veeky Forums?

What are your goals for 2018 Veeky Forums?

This picture gives me a major cringe attack

eat 1 onion/day everyday

not use Veeky Forums anymore

Stay lean or get leaner until summer, then start slow bulk to winter.

Touch a girl in a consensual manner

Increment my daily drawing hours to 5 hours a day to 10 hours to prepare myself for art college.

Continue getting fit to cuck everyone there.

Talk to her

Hit 1/2/3/4
Get gf
Invest in crypto currency
Read books

200KG Squat
140KG bench
13pl8 leg press

Bulk to 70-75 kg then cut
And become a sick cut I was Destin to be...

Go to uni
Drastically reduce my time spent on the internet

Get to 6 days a week training
Shred down to 5% bf
Start taking jiu jitsu
Make more money than I have any previous year

don't you'll just find out that she's boring and has a shit personality. The fantasy you've built in your head is greater motivation than the reality of "her" will ever be

same as the one ive had for the previous 28 years:
lose my virginity

Squat 220kg 5x5
Run 5km in 25 minutes

Stick to my cut, train more often and more effectively, make more money, fuck my girlfriend more often.

Unless you loose it in a lovely relationship, that isn't something you should be proud of, user.

>10 hours
>fell for the fzd meme

No idea what you are talking about, user.

I just want to make sure I'm in my finest hour when I try to apply for college.

Continued sobriety and to reach 200 pounds (183 now)

this is a 7/10 in Texas


I'll get it once I hit certain stats, right?

>/fit says to the faggot
>You no can lift
>Girls laugh
>and the faggot whispers back
>"I am the Manlet"
10/10 much motivation

>get promotion
>pay off debt
>gain 30 lb of muscle
>THICC qt 3.14 gf
>go back to school

Year of the gf.

This time for sure.

Get more flexible and start taking martial arts classes, i'm done with bodybuilding

>What are your goals for 2018 Veeky Forums?
Not kill anybody.

The goal of not killing myself in 2017 is almost done, but everybody I meet is a goddamn retard.

gain 10-15 lb lean

>>gain 30 lb of muscle
not possible in 1 year natty

Kek, this. I had this huge crush on a girl from my highschool. Drooled over her for... 6 years i think? Anyway, eventually I manned up and asked her out, and she said yes.

I was still pretty stricken by her but roughly halfway through the date I stopped viewing her as some celestial being of pure perfection and realized she's kinda weird/boring for my taste.

She has some things in common tho with my current gf, I wonder if I'm somehow drawn to weird girls.

Cut to 10%bf, gain strength, start making hypertrophy gains in that order of priority.

To not post stupid gay shit on /fit

>at least you are still in 2017

Stretch everyday

Same, bro

2018 is going to be the year, it has to be

I'm so lonely :'(

Perfect deadlift and squat form
Bench lmao1p8
Stop skipping uni classes

>freshman feels

52 books in 52 weeks.

Lose 5kg until the end of 2017
Lose another 5kg until the end of January 2018

Get into strict diet and 6 days a week gym again

Save money and make money

Work to be a decent person
Propose to my gf

Good luck on the proposal to the gf user!

Get gf

That was also my goal from 2007-2017

why do I have to live in cuckachusetts reeeeee

Watch people shitpost on the streets.

You just gave me the motivation to do it. Thanks brother.

break 200lbs then cut to 175-180 7%bf. bench 225 for 10. heal my disc hernias.

Digits for her to say yes

your 2019 goal: lose 25 lb

Not sure, don't really set that long term goals. I guess losing my virginity. Shorter term goals though is hitting 220kg deadlift before summer,and benching 100kg 5x5. For squat the goal is actually being able to squat without form being trash and getting cancer in lower back and left hip. Also getting lean for summer,

More lifting, less selfhate and cute redhead boyfriend with nice butt

read the sticky faggot, if you a new to the gym you can gain 25 lbs in one year so gaining 5 more than that is totally possible depending on genetics proportions ECT.

Hit 1/2/3/4
Have sex
Manage to get that comfy job I have in sight
Have sex
Get second job on weekends as life guard in summer
Have sex
Have sex

My goals are to lose 40 more lbs. And start lifting weights.

I do a lot of cardio but I don't know where to start with weights.

1/2/3/4 would be nice
i'm at 105/140/190/260lbs right now, do you guys think that's achievable by next december? I figure i probably won't be adding 5lbs each session as things get heavier.

Lol that's possible before summer, at least for 1 reps

-smash this local race thats about 10k where the winner ran about 4:05 per KM last year

-finish my first marathon in fall and do it under 3h

same here...

Thank you, I'll focus on improving as a person and getting my shit together.

do what i did, save money for a set of weights and look in internet for exercises

get better for you user!

Cut down to 205 for my wedding

After my wedding:
>6pl8 Deadlift
>4pl8 Squat
>3pl8 Bench
>Buy a house

That's easy to say if you're not a virgin

Get a job related to my degree
Total of 1450(+200 lbs)
At some point reach 175 lbs(down 15 lbs)

pl8 Deadlift
pl8 Squat
pl8 Bench
>6pl8 deadlift goal and 3pl8 bench goal

How the fuck are you guys so good at deadlifts, yet so shit on bench?

Their workout routines are all bottom heavy because that is the part of the body that responds easiest.

Problem is that all of the lower body emphasis and de-emphasis on upper body and isolations will lead them into a brick wall and snap city.

But most of them will never workout long enough and to be honestly well enough to achieve anything that can fuck them up TOO badly.

My routine is balanced I've just naturally got a strong back. I could dead lift 3 plates the first day I walked into the gym.

I r duh Dan ger

never to post such a cringey quote anywhere, ever

And then the anus said, "I am made for BBC".

May Kek's blessings be upon you user.