Why aren't we talking about all the estrogen in milk...

Why aren't we talking about all the estrogen in milk? Soy seems like an easy target since it's associated with "soyboys", but isn't milk just as bad if not worse?

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>just as bad
It's pretty bad, not just for estrogen but also the sugar content, not to mention that any beneficial microorganisms are destroyed in processing


Wouldn't it be worse since milk has real estrogen vs the phytoestrogen in soy?

Let's just put it this way, they're both on the "no drinky" list so I don't care to split hairs about which is worse

Milk sugar is dimers of glucose and lactose. Lactose is eventually metabolized to glucose as well. Fructose is not present in any physiologically significant amounts, unless you're buying some shitty "milk drink product" with added sugar. Glucose is not responsible for any metabolic pathologies unless you're eating like a fatty.

>Glucose is not responsible for any metabolic pathologies
user I... fuck it, whatever. Drink all you want dude.

because you would need to drink 28 gallons a week for it to effect your testosterone and estrogen levels

Milk is yum tho :'^(

Just another reason to switch to the almond milk masterrace.

t. someone who never read a study regarding the topic.

Don't be fooled by these brainlets. Milk is by far worse for you thank soy. Soy is completely healthy and does not raise estrogen at all. Dairy on the other hand does. It also directly contributes to the development of osteoporosis, which is ironic that milk shills try to tell you it creates 'strong bones'. Countries with the highest consumption of dairy also have the highest rates of osteoporosis. This is because dairy increases the body's acidity level (muscle acidosis). You body corrects this by leeching calcium from your bones, causing them to weaken and become 'porous' which eventually makes you a sufferer of osteoporosis. I know most people who disagree were just indoctrainated into this world view that you need meat and dairy by their parents and the media. Unfortunate that the interests of the animal agriculture industry is to manipulate the population to by more of their disease causing shit products. Your parents then eat up that BS info and pass it on to you. Break the cycle of delusion user. Do the research for yourself and look at studies that are not funded by animal agriculture.

Most soy studies are inconclusive. Soyboy is just a meme.

Adequate Vit D and K2 intake abolishes this process.

Nice try vegan shill.
The amount of milk you would have to drink to effect test level is ridiculous.

Now get out of fit you soyboy.

no sugar tho

Soy contains phytoestrogens which do not increase estrogen levels in consumers. Milk on the other hand contains MAMMALIAN estrogens (which is what we humans use as well) and does raise total estrogen levels in humans. Don't falls for the milk industry's campaign to sell your their pus-ridden tit juice.

> Countries with the highest consumption of dairy also have the highest rates of osteoporosis

Countries that drink the most milk are also colder countries with little sunshine. Darkies may be short, but they don't get osteoporosis because of the amount of sun they have there allows for them to adequately absorb Calcium much more efficiently despite having a (from a Western perspective) a Calcium poor diet.

Keep eating your rotting corpses goyims. You need it to be strong and healthy! You're clearly well educated in the field of nutrition!

*teleported behind you*

- Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life


- Vegan B12 in traditional fermented foods & seaweed e.g. tempeh, kimchi etc.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC242746/ - Tempeh

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3062981/ - Traditional Korean fermented foods provide adequate B12

- Loads vegan products fortified with B12 (produced without the use of animals)

godairyfree.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/So-Delicious-Dairy-Free-Cashew-Milk-Nutrition-Facts.jpg - Cashew Milk

static.openfoodfacts.org/images/products/319/817/200/0120/nutrition_fr.8.full.jpg - Corn Flakes

- USDA 40% of US population flirting with B12 deficiency due to modern farming


- Processed meat lowers sperm count


- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man


- Casomorphine in milk is addictive


- Milk gives you prostate cancer


- Milk gives you acne


- Heme iron in red meat gives you esophageal and stomach cancer


- Meat gives you colorectal cancer


- Eggs increase cancer risk even when adjusted for intakes of macronutrients or for other food groups



I've drank a gallon of skim milk per day since I was 12 years old and I'm the strongest person in my gym by far at 35 despite being perma natty. All my bloodwork is flawless and I've never had a single health problem. Now Veeky Forums is telling me that I have osteoporosis and any day now I'm just going to collapse and die of estrogen poisoning because I didn't become a soyboy. LMAO at this board. As bad as /r/fitness.

There's a reason we don't use anecdotal evidence in research.

Fuck you I love milk.


Shit, I'm doing 4GOMAD

the "no drinky" list? Did you literally just switch browsers from reddit to Veeky Forums to post that? Do you even know why you aren't drinking milk or are you not drinking it because "LE FIT MAY MAY XDDDDD" ....neck yourself

>Why aren't we talking about all the estrogen in milk?

because the actual amount you would have to drink in order for it to effect you noticeably is insane. People who care about this meme just can't handle milk

>implying estrogen is bad for you if you're not low test

Some estrogen is good, especially for growth and maintaining organs.

The strongest and biggest guys all say to drink a lot of milk. Who am I going to listen to Rippetoe, Bugenhagen and all the other milk advocates that are big and strong or Veeky Forums?

just look at what gomad does man look at this soyboy in pic related. Look at how feminine he looks, look at his gyno, all his acne and the rest of the horrible side effects that supposedly come from milk. I would hate to look like pic related so I avoid milk

>manlets shitting on milk because they're too late to get the height gains from it
I had 2 glasses of milk nearly every single day of my life up until 13 years old. It made me a little chubby but I'm forever grateful to it for getting me to 6'4" and allowing me to tower over peasants.
Now that I've worked off the chub, I can safely say milk is one of the best things to happen to me.

Estrogen in milk is a meme. Even if it's true, it does much more good for muscle gain than anything else
>Ingestion of milk following resistance exercise results in phenylalanine and threonine uptake, representative of net muscle protein synthesis. These results suggest that whole milk may have increased utilization of available amino acids for protein synthesis.
It's just as good as whey
>Despite evidence of increased rate of digestion and leucine availability following the ingestion of whey protein, there was similar activation of MPS in middle-aged men with either 20 g of milk protein or whey protein.
It's great for fat loss
>With energy restriction, in one study, higher dairy plus higher protein resulted in greater fat loss, lean mass gain and improved bone health in overweight women
It's better than soy for muscle gain
>Milk proteins, specifically casein and whey, are the highest quality proteins and are quite different in terms of their rates of digestion and absorption. New data suggest that whey protein is better able to support MPS than is soy protein, a finding that may explain the greater ability of whey protein to support greater net muscle mass gains with resistance exercise.

This one has so much information it's difficult to find a single paragraph that's not worth quoting
>This study did not determine what contributed to the change in net balance (change in synthesis, change in breakdown, or both), however, the evidence did show that protein metabolism was enhanced with a single bolus intake of milk after the resistance exercise.
Would THE BUGEZ ever steer you wrong?

Man I can't stand this regular stuff, but choccy version is god tier

some of these studies are pretty crap.

The one that literally just plotted the frequency of meat consumption based on a questionnaire against sperm quality just plainly sucks.

and then there is the pajeet study that measured for test right after drinking milk, when tons of processes happen in the body that lower is during food consumption.

ayy lmao buddy

is your pathological empathy towards dumb animals really worth all these health roundabouts? just eat those eggs you faggot, chickens are fucking basic creatures and you're retarded for changing your entire life to avoid harming them.



>bugez has been doing GOMAD for 8 years and is possibly the strongest natty in the world
Care to explain?

>encouraging someone to eat chicken periods

>encouraging someone to eat the product of covering seeds in cow shit
lmao @ ur life

i drink a shit ton of whole milk my whole life, like a gallon a week at least. This is good right? I'm still skinny as fuck (140 lbs). Did the soy do me in or just genetics?

u ok?

>Why aren't we talking about all the estrogen in milk
Because if you're actually effected by it then you should be taking test from day one. If you can't handle a gallon of milk a day (the most you should ever consume) then you are not cut out for the lifting life.

There is even estrogen in the drinking water in part due to all of the birth control pills women take in the US. That's part of the reason I try to go /out/ at least once a month to keep my estrogen lower.

God damn it

A gallon a week is not a "shit ton"
A shitton is two gallons a day. A lot is a gallon a day. A good amount is half a gallon a day. A decent amount is a quart a day.

Even a quart a day is a little bit under 2 gallons a week.

its funny how all the arguments against dairy and meat are only true for the cheapest and shittiest products from the factory farms. they completely fall apart when looking at grass-fed and organic foods

you also have to take most research with a grain of salt when its carried out on the average person, because the average person is overweight and almost entirely sedentary

Milk makes me bloated so I avoid it when cutting or summer time. Great during winter though

same here at 6'2". except i was skinny as fuck until i started lifting

>if your body needs more estrogen, it aromatizes testosterone into estrogen
>if you take in exogenous estrogen, your body wont aromatize as much testosterone because you wont need as much endogenous estrogen
should we all binge drink milk and soy products?

i dont get why vegans dont just own their 1 or 2 chickens.
>be nice to them
>get some delicious eggs
>absolutely no possible moral quandary

also why we should all be buying reverse osmosis water, if you can find a store around you its only like 1.75 for 5 gallons. i keep forgetting to look for one since i moved

Eat up goy

Like everything else, chickens need protein too. Ever seen a group of hens go after a mouse? Everything turns into fucking jurassic park in a heartbeat.
I would love to see a vegan's reaction to that.

i will, thanks :^)

yeah, i hate that eggs put "vegetarian diet" on cartons like thats a good thing. its healthier for us and them when they eat worms and shit

Eat up soy

>not even quoting the meme correctly
Yea FUCK off

>puts garlic butter on meat
>hurr its an abcess

ITT: Vegan shills paid by the gigantic subsidies they get from Agriculture to Grain, is lying about the cattle industry that gets next to zero subsidies.

Quit milk for 2 years now and I'm never going back. I drink soy milk instead, soy really isn't the issue desu. Keeping yourself lean matters more because the more fat you have the more estrogen you have.

Almonds ain't even got titties

unless its raw milk

Because the estrogen in milk gets broken Down long before it reaches store shelves. Also our stomache acid takes Care of any leftovers so you gain NO ADDITIONAL ESTROGEN FROM DRINKING MILK.

Fuck me people on this board are retarded

Your body will produce glucose from whatever it has available via gluconeogenisis because neronal tissue is picky af and will only metabolize glucose.

They also shill on pretty much every board they can. Gotta to hand it to them they work hard for their money.

thanks for all the sources from articles and studies.

Yeah lets listen to the delusional chick on steroids for advice on what milk to drink

>milk doesnt turn men into puss-....

Soy is for faggots

what the fuck pjw

so is alcohol, dairy, and any hormone loaded industry meat
triggered soyboy, you just cant handle pauls high TEST

itt: a bunch of jelly lactose intolerant intolerables

Because virtually everything we eat is filled either with hormonal disrupting and cancer promoting compounds found naturally in all fruits/vegetables/grains/nuts/seeds or added with synthetic pesticides that do the same thing but they're found in much smaller concentration.

All meats have hormones, some of them specially fish and poultry have pcb's which have been linked with stunted genital development in boys.
The issue is with the concentration, and milk has a pathetic ammount of estrogens(total, including phyto and mammalian and xeno estrogens) compared to some products such as soybeans/tofu/soy milk/tempeh/miso/flax/sesame/licorice, etc.

Soy milk's isoflavones have been shown to cause issues in some babies, breastmilk hasn't, and human breastmilk has unironically the same estrogens concentration as cow milk.