Finished putting together my home gym tonight, including a hand-built platform

Finished putting together my home gym tonight, including a hand-built platform

Open to questions and suggestions, but mostly im just fucking excited

Other urls found in this thread:

The bar is a B&R 2.0
it's my christmas present from my dad this year, gifted early since i told him my plan

The mats are a pair of 4' x 6' horse stall mats from tractor supply, $40 each. One is split down the middle, the other has two 2' squares cut off the end

Your gym looks fucking comfy bro. You live in a house? And what about the floors when you want to dead lift

Actually looks solid user well done.
I would look for a way to do pull-ups and dips, could you install gymnastics rings?

It looks beautiful OP. I can't wait until I have my own house and can follow suit.

The platform is four 4' x 8' x .75" blonde pine plywood sheets (two layers, with two sheets each), topped with a single maple piece of the same size. Applied two coats of semi-gloss polyurethane to the maple for sealing and protection.

You can look up any guide on google on how to actually make a platform, that's what I did

gj user i have the same setup in my garage.

fucking cold desu

looks good bro

mirin your setup

looks good! except the american flag lol.

anyway welcome to the homegym club :)

To avoid any visible screw heads, I screwed in the top piece from the underside. Getting the whole stack raised was a fucking ordeal, since each plywood piece weighs 65 pounds -- that's 325 pounds of really awkwardly distributed weight. Quite scary crawling underneath.

I rent a house with my gf, it's fortunate enough to have a really sizeable garage. We can still fit both our cars in.

Well there's a pullup bar on top, and the rack is a Rogue SML-2. They make a "matador" dip attachment you can mount on the inside

yeah hence the little space heater down there. try getting a plug timer and setting your heater to turn on like a half hour before you plan to lift

>That arnold pic
mirin. It's going to be awkward as fuck to OHP with that overhang though desu.

Just used liquid nails for the mats. It doesnt seem like the strongest hold; I can screw them later if it becomes a problem.

>cant bench press a 325lb platform when it falls on you
functional strength etc

It stops right at the rack uprights -- I always take a step back anyway, so its no problem.
The Arnold pic isn't actually available anywhere in high resolution -- i had to upscale it using Waifu2X

It looks fucking amazing man, I'm jealous.

>Arnold UAB shirt

Going to hang one of those pictures in my own personal gym one day since I graduated from UAB.

What was the total cost desu?

Oh man you're the dude who had that poster printed. Shit turned out so well, man

The vertical resolution of the poster is only like 3k or something; since waifu2x is intended for anime stuff it makes it a little chunky/blurry, but it still looks excellent from afar. Printed in 24"x36" by allposters, was like $35. Very good quality print.

Here's the big buy I made from Rogue on black friday, since that's the only sale they have every year -- the biggest part of which is $5 shipping. Usually shipping on this order would be like $150 (just from Ohio to Kentucky)

The bar is $295, but again my dad's the one who got that for me

The mats were $40 for each of the two.
The lumber was $25 for each of the 4 pine pieces, and $50 for the maple, plus like $30 of misc materials for sanding, applying poly, screws, etc

a snug fit

Looks good bro. What a comfy looking homegym. Congrats user, I'm mirin your setup.

Why does literally everyone hang their US flag vertically behind the rack?

Not complaining I'm just curious.

because my arnold photo is in portrait orientation, so i wanted them to match

also, the ringlets are on the side, not along the top

really close to what I got but I went with a full rack. instead of just the stand

forgot to mention, the floor of the garage is obviously concrete, which i wouldnt want to drop steel plates on over and over. hence the platform, which deadens any impact

The flags a littler gay

I thought of a full rack, but I want the option to wheel my rack into the driveway on sunny days

I found that the best thing to listen to while lifting on this new rack setup, is a video on grappling and gaming intelligently

are you an engineer by chance?

because that's fucking autistic


where would someone even find a video like that

for any who are curious, i followed this video for applying the poly:

What is that rack and bench bro?


Looks comfy, breh.

>Open to questions and suggestions
Put up a poster of le scoobs between the flag and Arnold. Pic related.

>wake up in the middle August to the sounds of birds chirping
>my wife is fast asleep next to me.
>make some coffee and go get the paper outside
>birds chirping, fresh coffee bright sunny morning
>all of a sudden see my autistic neighbour pulling some out of the garage
>is that a rack?
> proceeds to load up 2 plates and begin benching
>hasn t realized that all driveways are slanted downwards
>begins to roll down the driveway
>continues to rep out his sets
>mirin hard at the rolling god of bench
>hear lightweight baby as he rolls out of sight

as fucking hilarious as that is, the wheels stick out the back of the rack -- you have to apply serious leverage and tip it over for them to engage

plus my driveway is only a very mild slant

Sheeit shoulda lurked harder. Ty user.
Mirin setup.
How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?

25 breh

also, if any of you do go and buy horse stall mats, they come with a heavy industrial rubber smell -- you'll want to scrub them with simple green or some Zam degreaser or something, and hose them off a couple times

Noob lifter here
This looks so comfy, you've made it OP
Can't wait to make my own someday, but until then I'll keep this faggot purple keychain on my keys so I can walk into a 24 hour gym filled with soccer moms and fags

Again, good job OP. You should be proud

this looks mad nice, my dude. absolutely jelly of your set up.

plaster those fuckin walls with posters and more flags and shit

I like the implication that someone this retarded owns a house and I still don’t.

this actually inspires me

I'm torn on girls like this

One one handed, probably the best fucking possible. So fun to grope etc, her whole entire body looks sexual

On the other hand, a skinny qt girl with a pretty face seems so much more lovable in the long term of dating

You get what im saying my niggers? It's a rough decision

Skinny girls tend to have more mental/emotional issues. Take it from somebody who has dated them most of his life.

Looks glorious.
Maybe move the speaker and light in case you have to dump on a bench press or some shit.

I hear you dog, thicchog slapbrapps are the most fun in bed but I find petite, pale women to be the most attractive.

i only rent the house
$1100/month, split two ways

Can I come over and do oly lifts?

Go with the one that brings you lasagna at work, Dante.

the spotter arms are actually in the perfect height where if I un-tighten my back my stomach goes just beneath their level -- so i can dump a bench onto them no problem

you can't just post one picture of her

oh, fucking word my brother. Let me live in your spare bedroom.

I go to the same chain as you just enjoy the fact that you look like a monster to everyone there if you deadlift anything above 3pl8 lmao

Who do you lift for?

the preposterous standards i've set for myself (t-thanks, Veeky Forums)

>probably the best fucking possible
Nah man.
You can't throw her around the same way you could your 103lb ex-gf, or give her a bear hug and watch her completely disappear under your muscles, or hold her up by her hips while she's on top and rail her pussy from underneath, or carry her to the couch in the living room when her roommates aren't home with your dick deep inside of her, or have her compare the thickness of her arm to the thickness of your dick.
I'm doing too much reminiscing

Besides, that other girl is gonna be messed up in the head after what happened with the old dead Jewish guy in the bathroom

because murica!

double dubs of truth. S T I C C for life.

Why you do dis to me

>amerimutt flag

guess what

america is legit fucking great

>the average yuropoor will never, EVER have enough free space for their own comfy home gym with quality (yet affordable) equipment manufactured just a state away

The paradox between a yearning for both lust and purity in a girl

I am currently shopping around to start building my home gym. Anyone have advice/tips/things to avoid? I am looking into used equipment.

Lol, you actually believe this

Got these same ones, they smelled awful for a long time

Posted before I scrolled down to that. Mine took several washes with a good scrub brush and soap

Buy dildos and make a dildo bench. About 10 dildos. 1 to 10 inches long and each dildo wider than the last. Train your asshole for gym werebears they are like werewolves but stronger

This wasn't funny at all, my man


>except the american flag lol.

>except the american flag lol.


>all these jelly yuropoors

My home gym. Had to stop using it for about a month while my pops worked on some shit, but now it looks really nice outside so I never complained.

I love my home gym, but I still own a 10 dollar gym membership to jump rope or just workout with friends.

Needs some color but that’s some good shit

I agree, I think the all white looks ugly but it's a large space and we're also putting colored bulb lights on the ceiling like pic related. I guess the idea is the white will reflect the colors. I respect the fuck out of my pops, so if he wanted to paint it fucking neon green I would have said yes.


I need some posters or some shit in my gym.

is this your living room? lol

Only change I would make is to add a second plate rack on the other side so you don't have to make so many trips back and forth to rack and unrack weights. Looks rad user.

Yeah, it's where I live.

Should have gotten an adjustable bench instead of just a flat bench.

whats her name tho?

nah, i've still got an actual gym membership for more esoteric stuff like angled benching and GHRs and whatnot. Plus socializing.

that flat bench is rock. fucking. solid.
does not move no matter how hard you brace. i love it.

scrap the basic bitch poster and youre looking great mate

avoid cheaping out on the barbell. if there's one brand-new thing you get, make it the bar. A good one costs about $300.

When picking a bench, lay down on it and brace. If it shifts/clinks/rattles when you do so, I personally would not get it.

How much did that rack cost? Btw mirin setup.

the skinny will get thick during pregnancy, and then go back to skinny where the other will just go whale and stay whale unless she exercises too


(the rack on its own is only $450 or so)

>only 450$
>literally my monthy wage

It sure sucks to be in a second world country. I should learn welding and make a DIY stand for myself or something

Marry for purity, cheat for lust. Also, get a job that requires occasional travel. Doesn't count if it's not the same state.

I make $450 in a day and a half.

Looks perfect desu.

>Not buying calibrated plates and IPF approved bar.

Kiddo please.

Sometimes I feel like I ought to move to another country but I don't want to become a nigger so I won't.

Oh well, people were dying in trenches a couple decades ago, so it could be much worse. Money isn't everything I suppose.

>non adjustable bench
enjoy not getting full chest gains