Training with light weights in the 12-15 rep range

>training with light weights in the 12-15 rep range
>training with heavy weights in the 6-8 rep range
Which is better for a bodybuilding program?

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fuck it just do 10s all the time


Doesn't matter, as long the intensity is the same (lifting to failure)

I alternate 8-12 X 4 for muscle and 5 X 5 for strength every 4 days and its working for me.


but user, the answer is 8-12

how do you have the time for so many fucking sets? a gym sesh must take 3+ hours

I have a personal gym bro, and if you don't fuck around it only takes 1 1/2 hours

After about 45-50 minutes you start going catabolic.

Wrong. After doing heavy weights my muscles become flat and after high rep workouts they get pumped and more defined. Training with heavy weights is a meme.

I do 3x5 5x10 main lifts and 4x10 accessories PPL 6 days a week. sessions take 2 hours + shower

You're over-training.

post proof fag.

I don't do shit for free.

It’s called lactic acid buildup geez you people sure are stupid

are you saying hes damaging the muscle with too much lactic acid, or hes just temporarally experiencing lactic acid build up but he will still see the gains later

Yes, but that's vastly outweighed by the extra useful volume you can put in for ~1 more hour.
If you only lift for 40 minutes because muh catabolism, you're gimping yourself.

Always hit 10, bro, just to be sure,

If you're natty you only need to do 8-12 sets per muscle per workout. 12 being the ABSOLUTE MAX. The only caveat is you have to train the same muscle after 48 hours again.

post body, retard


timestamp, retard

It’s just a pump you idiot

i've been told that for almost a decade

How many Mr. Olympias have you won in that decade? Or are you training "for yourself"?


Its probably retarded but i do warm up cardio first then do high reps X 5 sets for all my lifts. I mostly just try to hit all my muscle groups while keeps my pulse above 110 bpm (resting is like 65bpm) for my whole lifting session. It usually takea me bout an hour and a half to get all my lifting done


Same size regardless.


Training heavy is better for strength.


Muscles grow for 36 hours post lifting, therefore a routine that pushes every muscle every 36 to 48 hours is optimal.


2-3 sets per exercise is optimal for growth and amounts over that do seemingly nothing.

>Putting this all together

Heavy weight, full body 3-4x per week with 2-3 sets for upperbody compounds, 2-3 for lowerbody, and another 2-3 for each to work auxilary muscles that were not fully pushed during those compounds (accessory exercises). This is scientifically the best way to train.

>Why do bodybuilders do high reps?

Competitive bodybuilders use steroids, even in Men's Physique. Various steroids, including basic testosterone, increase red blood cell counts. Red blood cells are used to carry nutrients through the body. With more blood, you:

A) Fill the muscles with more nutrients
B) Recover faster as a result
C) Hold a pump for multiple hours at a time

Natties hold a pump for 30 minutes to an hour max - the above study shows that protein synthesis is highest at 24 hours AFTER lifting, therefore your pump lasts for 1/36 of that time and dissolves well before they reach their peak. Steroid users are in a constant state of peak synthesis and their pump lasts well into it. If you're natural, training for strength is the best option; it's either equal or better in all respects

This guy is right. No joke, do 8 hour arms. It doesn't add actual size, but it does show you your muscular limits. You notice extreme declines in strength after 4 sets to failure, another at 8 sets to failure, and another at 12, then after that your working weight stays relatively the same. This asserts that your muscle has been fully broken down at 12.

>He trains in the 6-7 rep-range