Veeky Forums girl thread

Veeky Forums girl thread
post fit girls for motivation and inspiration

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I've been sick for a week now, haven't been to the gym. Feeling a bit better, should I hit the gym? Bit concerned that I might spread germs and I wouldn't want that to do to gymbros but then again maybe I'm just rationalizing and being a lazy piece of shit.

What do broskis?




>tfw 20lbs away from 2/3/4/5

I'd personally play it safe. better to go a few more days feeling like a lazy piece of shit to ensure you're actually healthy than to go to the gym, do terribly because you get super exhausted quickly, and then realize you're actually still sick and now you've set your recovery back a bit


if its just a common cold id hit the gym and still eat big,



>2/3/4/5 as gril
sure sure user






Yeah I think you're right, the smart thing to do is to wait till next week, I might risk making my situation worse. It's just a bitch because I really want to continue lifting heavy and I can't stop thinking about all the gains I'm losing.

that's a man, man.






Who is this semen demon? She's gorgeous.

man's man.


















pic and post were seperate
i'm a boy, user.

have more of my wheyfu.

dream girl














Now that's what I call thicck





all made for BBC

Trust me user, wait till you're completely healthy so you can go 100%. I've been sick for about 4 days and I'm finally getting over it, gonna pick up my routine on Monday

Oh yes they are

she's really cute, sauce?

cindy landolt preimplants

Mmm. Big Bavarian cock.

Who is this thick bitty?



Olivia Jensen. She's much thiccer now.

>try to do this out of curiosity in my gym
>climb to top within 3 "reaches" of my hands

ape arms wwu




I know this girl

Wut that’s not Olivia Jensen, do you have face blindness?


she actually looks really good for a Veeky Forums whore good for her

>dry lips
>yellow teeth
People post this all the time like she's actually attractive. BTFO

and her tits are fake

i like his man bun

I hope there's a fat tumblerina lurking this thread right looking at my post knowing she will never have a 6'6 guy like me unless she looks like this.


That photoshop

The fact that you can't even stare at them IRL and don't even think about touching them while they sleep with any guy they want motivates you?

