What's the 1/2/3/4 pl8 equivalent for the weighted pullup?

What's the 1/2/3/4 pl8 equivalent for the weighted pullup?

1/2 your bodyweight in additional weight, or 2pl8 on average.

Or did you think the 100lb guy and the 300lb guy are doing the same amount of work when they do 10 pullups?


So 100kg?

6 plates

>can only do 2 strict pull-ups with body weight
>200 lbs 6’4” lanklet

What do I do, Veeky Forums

for reps or just one?

no, 40kg you fucking idiot

can do several reps, but cant keep core in normal position and end up doing the in an L sit position

is there even a point if you're not dangling a 90 pound nutsack?

So it's 40kg bench?

I do 3x5 body weight pull ups at the end of my work out and I never seem to get stronger at them.
I've been doing them for a couple weeks and the 5th rep is always a serious struggle. How come they aren't getting better.

sets of 2 reps until you can do 3

start alternating pull ups/chin ups and start increasing the volume, even if you can't get another set of 5 add a few more to failure twice a week

But 2plates means 100kg in 1/2/3/4 why would it have a different number now?

More pullups obvs

Seems like a good thread to ask
I can do 3x12 regular pull-ups but how many do I need to do before can start adding weight?

you are not lifting the bar

Think about how each exercise is performed and it makes sense if you have any brain function.

1 rep

same as 1/2/3/4 plates

5 one arm chinups

Semi-related, but why is training pullups until failure not recommended?


the virgin pull up

I'm a newfag what's 1/2/3/4 and why do I see it so much

>Not attaching a loaded barbell to your dip belt

You're doing it wrong.

Its called a reverse pyramid, and in body building, it refers to being able to do your 1 rep max 1 time, then 2, 3, and finally 4. It's what the pros use to get incredibly swollen

Eventually you will reach the point where your cardio vascular system is the limiting factor and not your strength (you'll have to stop because you're out of breath), and then you're doing cardio not muscle building.


Ignore the faggots;
1 plate over head press,
2 plate bench,
3 plate squat,
4 plate deadlift.

fucking nigger


dont do them at the end they are major movement, squat for upper body.

how many times a week u do them? SHould be no more than 2 and do 4 x 5 with last set maxing

Using the symmetricstrength website and indexing against 1pl8 OHP the correct ratio is:

OHP - 135lb
Bench - 205lb
Squat - 275lb
Deadlift - 315lb

Weighted pull up - +50lbs

all values for a 185lb male

> fit
> actually using sources and not just pulling numbers out your ass

Dude, you're just out of shape.
Nothing in your post made any fucking sense.


12 reps with 45 lb 200 6'3"

I can do a 1 arm pull up as well

3 years weighted pull ups for that

I do them 3 times a week and I do them the same day as bench, OHP, and squat
I just started last month and have no idea what I'm doing I just want to feel sore when I wake up the next day and make incremental progress.
Everything is going up except OHP and pull ups

It refers to the progression from 1, then in time to 2, then after a long time to 3, and finally after becoming what we call a "master," to 4 dicks in your ass at once.

how did u become good at them?

Weekly routine?

thats too much you're burning off.

twice a week is enough. Dont trust the soreness, it will stop eventually no matter what u do. Numbers speak 4 themselves.

And have you gained body mass? I also started doing them few months ago but I gained about 5 kg since then so no wonder reps are slowly slowly coming up.

When I was 18 I did them every other day and I peaked at 3 x 7. But I was lighter back then.

start by biting a 2.5kg plate between your teeth

i do 1 pl8 5x5 but i still can't bench 2pl8
am i just retardedly disproportional

also i weigh 183 or something along those lines

Can you make a webm of you doing one?

It's rare to see men our height who can do them.
I'm 6'3" and 230-240 and can only do a few assisted one arm pullups and maybe a half one arm chinup if I'm feeling it.

If you can ohp 60kg for sets but you can't 1 rep bench 100kg then yeah, that's pretty fucking weird.
Do more chest is your solution.

no i can do 5x5 1 pl8 pull ups
i can also do ~3 reps 60 kg OHP

This makes sense and backed by facts. So roughly 1 plate and a little extra.

>people unironically said 2 plates

>he can't figure it out himself
You absolute brainlet

Keep doing it and in a month you can do 10 are you retarded?

Do pull ups every time you go to the gym or at least 5 days a week, to squats every time you go to the gym

or you can just do your normal routine

You could have already started.

That's fine if you don't wanna make it I guess

i can do 1 pl8 added 5x5 at 183

It's the exact opposite, and you know it!

my nigger

>half your bodyweight
>2 plates

Do 5 sets of 5 at least twice a week.

For each set, perform as many pull-ups as you can, and do the remaining reps as very slow, controlled negatives.

I followed this method from the time that I couldn't even do one pull up, and now I'm up to 20lb weighted. It works fairly quickly.

You know you have to be 200 lbs to post on Veeky Forums right?

>tfw 75lbs x 5

try harder lol

But 2plates in bench is two on each side, why would 2plates mean 2 plates in general in this example?

Buy pic related, and do pull ups constantly.

it means being able to OHP 100 kg; bench 200 kg; squat 300 kg; and deadlift 400 kg;

Only true master of lifting can achieve this

I can do 10 pullups using close paralel grip, I honestly haven't tried going non paralel or wider
Will they be harder?

I only do them before leaving the gym to remind myself I used to be a fat fuck, I'm on SL and I'm tired as fuck after deadlifts and rows works about the same muscles

I believe one armed pullup is the 2 plate bench equivalent.

t. Someone who does 2 plate pullups for 6 reps

One armed pullups are a lot harder than a 2-plate bench, though.

Essentially this. Pullup progression is weird.

but this makes it even easier for manlets.

you're not a manlet, are you?

>Or did you think the 100lb guy and the 300lb guy are doing the same amount of work when they do 10 pullups

Ignore the idiots, it's 1 divided by 2 divided by 3 divided by 4 in regression analysis. It refers to the time spent over time gained and muscle mass equivalency.

Chin ups are objectively better in every way tho

>What's the 1/2/3/4 pl8 equivalent for the weighted pullup?

Since these are the standards to say you lift, I would say 10 dead hang pullups.

>315 dl
What low test specimen did you use for these astounding feats of strength

Snap city

>1/2 your bodyweight

This is the first time I’ve actually seen genuine advice here in ages

In symmetrical strength this puts you at mid intermediate on press, bench, and squat, low proficient of dead, and on the cusp of advanced on pull ups.

So no, not a good measure. Maybe 35% be added?

Intermediate: The lifter has been consistently training, likely for at least a year. The majority of those who go to the gym regularly fall into this category. Strength score 60.

Proficient: The lifter has been consistently training with a focus on strength, likely for 2+ years. Lifters in this category are stronger than most gym regulars. Strength score 75.

Advanced: The lifter has taken a consistent and structured approach to strength training and dieting for multiple years. At this level, the individual is among the strongest in an average commercial gym. Many in this category compete in strength sports. Strength score 87.5.

This is the definitions. Apparently three months SS should get you to 2+ years level of training on deads and make you one of the strongest around in pullups by Veeky Forums e-stat standards.

Makes sense.

>TFW you use to do 3 plate dips and 2 plate pull up/chin ups at 180 lbs. The mires were great... until you pulled your oblique and now you just do high rep body weight sets.

One day I will build up the courage to do them again.

Can I count the bar during pullups?

Do 10 pullups in as many sets as it takes, next week do 11

What's the point of 1 repping on pull ups?

isn't that a more core intensive position?

Bait is obvious

you're already there. 25lbs should be a good starting point. Get a dip belt.

Post power rankings threads on /sp/

>being such a corelet that you uncontrollably fold over like a wet piece of shit

>In symmetrical strength
Where does symmetrical strength get its stats? Because I'm intermediate on OHP, proficient on bench press and advanced on chin ups despite doing more pressing than pulling. My tested bench 1RM is 118 kg, bodyweight is 77 kg and I can do 8 reps of chin-ups with 34.462 kg attached (462 g is the weight of the belt).

bodyweight + weight from plates = your bench

How the hell did that happen?

around 120 kg total, no matter what your own bodyweight is
so +20 kg for a 100 kg male or +60 kg for a 60 kg manlet
it's retarded coping to compare bodyweight ratios on a weighted lift, it's all about total work done.

>tfw 80lbs x 5
We're all going to get 2pl8.

to do the same amount of work the 100 lb guy needs to do +200 lbs. Anything else doesn't count, literally.
With a more realistic example: some 140 lbs manlet doing +90 lbs weighted pullups is weaker than a 240 lbs guy doing bodyweight pullups

>counting the belt weight, probably within the error of the scales he used
>also within his bodyweight fluctuations in a day
>must not be an academic/engineer

What's the point of 1 repping any lift?

The scale I used for the belt is a food scale and precision is 1g if I remember correctly. Yeah bodyweight fluctuates but what's the point of bringing that up? I always weigh myself after I woke up and I've gone to the bathroom, so I was probably weighing more than 77 kg when at the gym. If there's a more precise way to measure my weigh just tell me

Not really that odd. Most people aren't symmetrical.

Been lifting 13 years and rarely ever seen someone do 8 reps with 34kg, even at competitive gyms, so congrats.

Only place I've seen people do any weight at all is at climbing gyms where 145lb guys are doing more reps with a pl8 with better ROM than your average regular gym rat does with bodyweight.

Not sure to be honest. I'm guessing weighted chin ups. It cost me like 3 months in the gym though.

I can crank 8 at 200 lbs and 78 in. reaches. When I trained them on a regular basis I had a 20 reps pb and 125 lbs added.
You can make it user.
Grease to the groove is your friend three times a week.

>tfw currently at 2pl8 for 5 reps on chins but shoulder too fucked up for dips at all

Not deadhang though, I use the bounce to get back up

I'm at 54lbsx6 @150lb bw