Why though

Why does his body look so weird? He looks great but something is just weird around his shoulders

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What are shoulders? Sorry I'm new

>something is just weird
he is dylan klebold.

Probably that one of his biceps peaks at a right angle

>why does his body look so weird?
pencil neck

No traps and a thin neck
Also the fact that he's flexing without a shirt on in a fucking burger joint, what a gigantic faggot

this, his neck is actually that of a chicken

its actually because he has very long arms and short bicep/tricep insertions making them look even longer

His ribs are asymmetrical, so is his entire upper-body

Because he needs to eat, he needs more body fat

Does it not look gross to you guys? How skinny he is?

I think his v-taper is way too extreme. If he had more mass on his core, the bottom half of his upper body would even out.

Because he is shirtless on a public place

t-t-t-thanks mom

it's the steroids and the fact that he isn't using full ROM


yes skeletons are disgusting and look like they will not survive the winter. men going below 10% is retarded. makes you look sick

Arms are unproportionally long. Began Bains has the same problem.

He's a lanklet trying to bulk

>Does it not look gross to you guys? How skinny he is?
Literally only heard women call guys with low BF gross. Get the fuck out of here

Damm, Oompa Loompas look like That!!


I would assume that's not particularly healthy long term, but it is pretty impressive.


The only impressive thing is that he is stiil alive while on tren and dnp while also having such a great diet.

lanklet who used gear to make up for his long ass arms

no traps


Tiny waste and tiny neck

Too skinny.

>you’ll never look like that
I legit would kill myself right now if I knew I’d be reincarnated even as klokovs great great great grandson

Front double by, what fucking traps dude

Please tell me this is a meme and that Veeky Forums doesn't actually want to suck this guy's dick

it's basically what happens when guys who were never meant to be big (low test, shit genetics) roid to hell and back, so they pack on a bunch of muscles on their thin tiny skeleton, and everything looks fucked and cartoonish

notable example : jeff cavaliere, david laid, fucking googly eyed freaks

I’m not even gay and I want to suck his dick so bad no homo

>I'm not even gay
>but i want to suck dick
Yeah i've seen this post before and it still bothers me

Pencil neck ,disproportionately long arms and overpowering lats.

needs bigger traps, when u flex like that u are showing front delt

he is in violation of numerous health codes

the very pointy biceps and the vacuum stomach

Tbh I'd love to have a body like his, aesthetic as fuck and one of the strongest in his weight class. His knees are fucked though, so I'm not completely sure.


The absolute state of meat eaters.

Is he natty?

hes one of the few people with big thighs that looks aesthetic

his body is too big and his head looks puny in comparison

Plz be joking, he's a world class russian athlete. He's on everything they can get him on.

that's the columbine dude right

Imagine how easy life would be if you looked like that.

I think the problem is that he looks like a Jake Paul-tier faggot and no amount of steroids can fix that

His neck and traps are normal sized. His neck isnt thick, and his traps aren't producing a cobra hood ala Vitor Belfort from overusing steroids. That's all.

>Why does his body look so weird?
Shit diet. He should try OMAD combined with intermittent fasting and strictly watch his CICO.

Don't worry. You'd still be just as big a loser as you are now.


he looks fucking terrible


Neck and traps definitely

I look like that but I’m socially retarded and talk funny

post pic



For a guy looking good increases other's expectations of you. In fact many will challenge you for their egos and act hostile if you don't meet these expectations. It's not the same as women were the is no expectation to accompany the preferential treatment.

Dylan Klebold....the Columbine shooter..doubt it!!

Will I look like that if I hop on test?

Haha I know you.

How are you so imbalanced?


wtf it's like the opposite of the chloe moritz kid

>that twink in the mirror

literally the only reason im jelly, no homo

Huh didn't even think about the fact he was shirtless at a Carl's JR....ive been here too long

post the non shopped version

That's what being lanky and taking steroids does to you.

>taking a shitload of drugs and eating garbage food

i hope he's on beta blockers as well

>that open mouth

Of course not you idiot.

He looks like that guy who shot up his school

do we know who this is? he looks familiar

>no traps

fuck this triggers me so much - he is in a fucking pose that makes his traps look small, it is equally as stupid as saying he has no chest

instagram: patrick.leblanc69

no you don't have his proportions

I wish that wash me boys


wrong video

CHAD eats like SHIT and STAYS LEAN while you eat BLAND CHICKEN, RICE and BROCOLLI and still look like SHIT

his P ratio is off the charts

>tfw no qt3.14 twink to pin my ass with gear
Also lol @ that gyno


His waist is too thick

yah im going with this as well

His arms are too small for his wide frame

it's because he looks like he has normal eyesight in the thumbnail but is actually wearing glasses.
Shit's scarry man.