Unintended consequences of getting Veeky Forums

Does anyone else find that they accidentally hurt people after gaining strength quickly?

>out walking with family after Thanksgiivng
>younger cousin (9) darts into the street just as a car's coming past
>grab her arm and yank her back
>"oowwwww user my arm"
>left a pretty sizable bruise on her
>relatives glad I did, but can tell I was too rough

I didn't do all these deadlifts just to hurt people

Other urls found in this thread:


shut the fuck up




Lick her arm until she feel better faggot...

Goes away in the end...

>tfw people call you Lenny Smalls

get stronger so next time you pull her whole arm out of her socket

wow. youve subconsciously implanted stockholm syndrome thinking in her mind.

she will always associate pain as a side effect of protection.

>wrestling with girl who later became GF
>she starts pinching my hamstrings really hard
>start to get annoyed, not mad but really annoyed
>grab her and pull her over my shoulders/head
>accidentally slam her down on her head, concussing her
>her friends just stare at me, absolutely appalled
>mfw I realized what I had done
Maybe it's autism.

>ywn piledrive your gf into loving you

>brain damage girl
>she becomes your gf

holy shit i think you may have solved the >tfw no gf question forever!

You autistic faggot. Funniest thing I've read in days


You could have it all...


>ywn be so strong you accidentally beat a girl into being your stockholm syndrome gf who likes being smacked around



This is what I come to Veeky Forums for.

>The Chad Pile Drive

How do I pile drive a girl into being my gf?


>Unintended consequences of getting Veeky Forums

I know lust exclusively for BRAPhogs and titcows

Add me in the screencap.

> be me
> get fit
> add up how much I spend on food a month.

add me too

>Continue piledriving women into becoming your gf
>Accumulate harem of piledriven gfs

How exactly is this fp? Fucking newfucks

>he can't even count to five
Fucking brainlets

you know it was the only way to make her love you, you knew what you were doing

>didn't rip her arm off
haven't made it yet



>295 lbs.

I spend about $250 to $300 each week on food alone, fuck this

you absolute brainlet


the weak should fear the strong

>do you wanna go for a drink
>piledrive head into ground
>"how about now"

Kek'd hard

Hi Brock!

>You will never beat a woman until she loves you

objectively best way to acquire gf

if a chinese person can grab an ant and have it alive to shove it in his mouth to torture the lil fella and chew on it so carefully that its alive every chew chew, you can learn to control your strenght, fagboy

> Cousin (15)
> Abs
> Solid
> Mfw

never change Veeky Forums, never change

>How exactly is this fp? Fucking newfucks

I can't sleep on my sides anymore as it hurts my shoulders or mands my arm fall asleep. Assume it's the weight of extra muscle. Sucks because I always slept that way.

>when you attitude adjustment a girl into being your gf

>tfw OP's first date was in SUPLEX CITY

you win this thread.

That was a good move user, just tell her your sorry.

The more I lift the more interested I am in femdom. Is there some known correlation and causation here?

>gook shrieked in pain when I shook his hand
And I'm dyel as fuck.

Brain Damage a woman into loving you... Nice

When you find the cure pls fuckin let me know…


The feel is known.

So did it start happening soon after lifting?


...so this was the solution to my problems

>tfw you realize 1/2/3/4 was prepping you for the moment when you find the perfect girl to piledrive and force you to be your gf


reddit.com/r/Veeky Forums/comments/7impai/fitizen_is_playful_with_his_gf

>unironically linking a reddit post of a screenshot of a Veeky Forums post

This is next level trolling.

the complete opposite for me. used to be super heavy into degradation/femdom porn and the more I lift the less I care about it. Currently heavily into ddlg stuff (daddy dom / little girl). Gets me hard as diamonds.

pic related: the type of bratty girl I would love to tame


> daily reminder that if qts be mirin beat the shit outta them for a gf

I was into femdom, but now the only thing I have is a daddy/lg thing. (Not so much into her having to be really small, just being dominate)
>mfw I drank with my friends and this girl they knew
>mfw we end up doing everything but fuck (in friends room)
>mfw she calls me daddy
>mfw I was a khv before now I'm just. Virgin
Talking to her now lads. She is really into me and was feeling all over my dyle body when we were together.
We gonna make it bruh

so is there any name for when a girl starts being a dom but then the guy breaks free and doms the girl
haha asking for a friend

good to hear! If I can give you one piece of advice from someone who has been through pretty much the same. Read this book


It is an easy read and will help you on your quest to get that sweet pussy and becoming a better man.

Nothing gets me harder than tiny girls. Like fuck I get so fucking hard that I have thoughts of raping them. Obviously talking about girls of age; I'm not sick.

that is just called normal human mating ritual.

all girls run around with their shields up because otherwise all loser guys would be all over her. that is why so many girls act bitchy and dominant. loser supplicate to that behavior and provide her with attention and/or do things for her without favors in return. if she meets a guy that does not play by her stupid rules and passes her tests (seeing if she can make him submit to her) she will submit to him. Her submitting to him is the normal sexual order, women only have sex men who they look up to (or pay her).

my empire of onions...

I usually just fantasize about manhandling them. Making them wear a pink rhinestone collar and a leash. Having her one of those pink diamond butt plugs to remind her who she belongs to. frilly cotton pink/white panties/bras/ankle socks with ribbons in her hair.

Just thinking about being rough with that type of girl gets my blood rushing.

can i bodyslam the cute from office into falling in love in me


"first post" implies that there are no other posts before it, making it the first

how can be fpbp when there are 4 posts before it? the only post in this thread that can be fpbp is you fucking neanderthals



the other day I was doing laundry in the launderette and i went to check the door was actually locked as it started and i accidentally ripped the door off whoopsie

T. degenerate fetishist


Thanks for the link and everything bud, but that looks like some incel type shit. I believe that I just need to have a perfectly rounded set of people skills, not just to get pussy from girls. I've been reading How To Win Friends and Influence People and it is VERY good. Would recommend.


I bet she is a Fifty Shades of Grey fan



This board

These are both me,am I fucked I'm the head? I've always been kinda into ddgl, even choosing my Gf because she is small and looks young. Once I started lifting and got to a low bodyfat percentage, I began to fantasize about having a mommyGf.
Some days I fantasize and think about calling my ex, who liked to take control and baby me. When I broke up with her, it was in part because she was always treating me like a child and liked it when I called her mommy. Other days I love fucking my Gf's brains out and having her call me daddy. There is no middle ground where I want a relationship where we both behave like adults. Is there something wrong with me? Whyis it that the fitter I become, the more I want to be babied by a woman?

user, do you watch porn ?

I do not, it made me more sexually messed up than I already was.

How long have you been clean ?



Around 2 years, but I've obviously "relapsed" and jerked off a few times. I still probably think about sex more than I should, and see sexual content all the time (unavoidable on Veeky Forums). Nofap has done me good physically (maybe not mentally), and I don't watch porn if I can avoid it.

look at the letters fpbp
then think what letter "fifth" starts with

shame that trips were wasted on such a dense bastard

Include me in the screencap

Is she cute?