Abdominal Visceral Fat

How do you lose this?
Is it genetic?

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By lifting, fatso

Is never time at all

Is this What big lenny has?

You can never ever leave

No it is not genetic. I recommend kicking sugar 100%. I think most people who struggle with traditional dieting find a lot of success in a keto diet. That's my recommendation

No, lenny used HGH which made his small intestines grow into big intestines, stretching his stomachs muscle wall/

Sugar is definitely an issue for a lot of people, but along with that is fiber intake. Most people get to much sugar and not enough fiber which in turn gets turned in fat storage.

keto and fasting. it's really easy.

>keto AND fasting

Visceral fat is the easiest to lose. Just lose weight and your body will burn the visceral fat first.

Source: A bipolar skinnyfat man on the internet. (lylemcdonald.com/forums/showpost.php?s=a0a094bbb674eda12b587c68198f45c5&p=75189&postcount=31)

How can you tell the difference? I don't look fat aside from having a big belly. Would that mean I primarily have one type of fat collecting in the abdominal area? Help a dumb leaf here brehs.

Visceral fat comes mostly from what the liver processes and cannot store as glycogen. So it stores it as liver fat. Then that spreads to other organs as more and more is made. So we're talking 20% of glucose, 70% of fructose, almost all alcohols, and whatever can be salvaged from toxins. If any of these come in quantities beyond the 70-100g that can be stored as liver glycogen, it becomes visceral fat.
The solution is to reduce fructose, alcohol and other caloric toxins, maybe be careful with glucose and starch too.

100% both of these


everybody on fit should watch the above video

You have to suck a lot of black dick

so what the fuck do i eat that doesnt have sugar

dieting is hard stay mad fatty

meat and diary do more damage than sugar ever will

Well, natural fibers help your body deal with the sugar as the video explains.
But basically you need to minimize any and all sugar intake, so dont eat candy, cookies, etc, but also minimize fruit, fruit juices, soda, sugary alcohol (and try to avoid alcohol in general) and just eat whole foods that are low in sugar. Its not fucking difficult mate google 'what foods are low in sugar' and you'll get an enormous list.
most vegetables have next to no sugar in them.

Didn't you read ? Black dick is the answer.

That's right my avocado sucking soydildo friend ;) i just watched What the health and seriously What the health is this?... WTF im vegan now.

Kill yourself.

Brainlet detected.

The risk of hernias increase in some people with the loss of that fat.

Without leaving a piece of you.

Same way you lose subcutaneous fat, diet and exercise.
However what is pointed out by the image are your mesentries, you can't lose them because they actually serve pretty important function.

>tfw finishing anatomy class this week
>had to look through a whole bunch of gross shit like this

Just glad it's over.

the guy you replied to is an idiot but avocados are honestly pretty healthy and full of the good kind of fat. pretty essential if you're doing keto

Let's go..

HIIT Exercise.
Tabtas, Hill Sprints, Martial Arts are pretty good.

>eating memeocados
>not a faggot

>pasta la vista

this is such a "youtube" answer. Every "fitness" person says do hiit but if a person is asking about high levels of vis fat they are capable of doing hiit. jesus fitness people are fucking dumb

Read the ingredients list. If it has sugar, fructose anything, or hydrogenated anything, toss it immediately.

keto and omad, but it's not for everyone. e.g. I've always hated eating at breakfast or lunch

>The solution is to reduce fructose, alcohol and other caloric toxins
I follow a low fodmap diet and have 0 fructose 0 alcohol and still have high visceral fat

I'm no expert (just like everyone else in this thread) but I'd say genetic


Mental retards need to leave

It *is* hard, but the upside of keto is that you eat so much fat that you often stop caring about hunger. Also for hunger: make gallons of mint tea, let cool, add ice, this neutralizes stomach acid production when you don't want it, EspeciallY when you get stressed and want to emotionally eat.

you might need to go to whole foods/trader joes/sprouts etc to find out: bread isn't supposed to have sugar but many cheap brands carry it. peanut butter shouldn't have sugar, canned soups shouldn't have sugar.

It's not that hard senpai. What the fuck do you eat on a daily basis for you to even have this question?

Wrong. HIIT is going to be relative to fitness level. HIIT for an NFL player, a college athlete, average Joe, and fatty fatass are totally different. Nobody is incapable of high intensity training. For a fatass a light jog for one of us night and be high intensity.

No you fucking imbecile.
That's not how hiit works

Hiit DEMANDS balls to her clit hard core exertion for 20ish seconds then 30 or so seconds of rest.

Most highly unactive people are incapable of pushing themselves like that for any period of time. Even worse it's unhealthy and can be fucking deadly.

Stop fucking confusing HIIT with bog standard INTERVAL TRAINING.
One is something that already fit people use to stay fit or get back to a relatively high level of fitness in as short a time as possible the other is something that all people from all walks of life can use to make relatively safe and effective workouts MORE EFFECTIVE by adding in moments of increased effort.

You stupid cunt.

everyone has visceral fat, its necessary for your organs to function and stay healthy, fat people have more which actually fucks their organs up.
