

One of the gems I stumbled upon is Verge. I do not hold any coins yet, as I don't consider it a cheap buy at the moment (got buy order at 75 sats). I just downloaded their Wraith wallet which was released yesterday.

I'm saying this is going to be big. Very big, TA's estimate a USD value of 0,03-0,05 by January.

Any thoughts? Should I refrain from buying for any reason?



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wallet looks like it was made in MS Paint

welcome to Veeky Forums. I see you've stumbled on the penis trap. There's nothing to be ashamed of, many have.
Verge isn't trusted by privacy users, Monero is. It's a joke.
it only has one privacy feature, which is coming to monero soon anyway.

This is a whale coin. It isn't going to moon anytime soon, but nice swing trades are a guarantee as they like to accumulate. Time it right and you can get decent gains.

>whales accumulating
Alright boys time to sell

It's one of the shittest coins out there so I suppose it's a good place to start as a newbie.

Accumulation is time to hold. Not sell. Maybe even to buy.
This means it will go up in due time. Whales don't accumulate shit.

Gem? Hahaha "wraith" is bitcoin with tor.
Biggest shit since ebtc don't fall for verge

Their tech with their private blockchain is obviously more advanced than Monero. How do you consider this inferior when it has superior privacy?

Shill me with good reasoning and I might swap.

Verge is a dear sir tier shitcoin

Verge is actually a viable currency that is extremely undervalued right now due to the bitcoin drama.
It is a good time to go all in right now because its a easy x10 gain in 2018.

It may not go much lower. This is a decent price to start accumulating at.

Sauce on the claim that it'll be 3 to 5 cents by January? I'd be surprised if it's 2 cents by then.


Once the fanboys start saying 'the whales are accumulating' I'm out. And seeing the market response after the wallet 3.0 announcement I don't hold very high hopes this coin will even reach 1c.

Think of DGB that isn't universally hated by everyone. That's Verge.

what happened to
>atomic swaps
>stealth addressing
>non-pajeet gui
>tor/i2p integration
>the moon

>developers make claims and set deadlines
>buy based on their claims
>they don't follow through

Why the fuck don't we have regulation, and why aren't developers held accountable for our losses?

I only meant if it is true ofc. Every shitcoin shill screams this slogan on repeat once his crypto of choice stagnates.

>Why the fuck don't we have regulation, and why aren't developers held accountable for our losses?
Why the fuck are people buying into obvious scams based on dubious announcements. This is the real question. A lot of people on here were calling the countdown out as a huge red flag, yet dluded Vergens still managed to get fooled.

Because sometimes the scams moon like NEO.

Ok so you want daddy gov to reduce the risk and expect you’ll be able to still reap the same rewards. Lol no.

>isn't universally hated by everyone

Holy fuck that UI looks dreadful.

>icons on left aren't proper circles
>icons inside the circles aren't centered
>icons themselves aren't aligned

It's just a beta version. It's not officially out yet. Calm your tits, I'm just checking the tech - this is wonderful.

I found this pic to go along with it.

Verge is the biggest piece of shit shilled coin out there.

I want there to be some fuckin standards n' sheeeit.

OP you soon come to realize the pump and dumb already started and finished. No money to be made on this shit.

All I'm seeing is the USD value exponentially increasing? What are you trying to prove?

Looks normal to me. Ath. Drop 40% new ath new drop and so on.

thats because the coin hit the exchange and the value rockets but it never keep the value. this happens with all new alt

never going to happen new ath lol
also the first ath doesnt really count because its when it hit the exchange

Great find, solid dev team.
Def going to moon soon

There is literally nothing solid about XVG dev team. What they are solid at is making "cool" graphics, to attract newbie investors.

sarcasm, you get it

What tech? They don't even have it.

Thanks for the tip! I don't think /biz has heard of this one

Verge has absolutely no competitive edge against XMR, ZEC or ZEN.

> trees in the background
> looks shitty
> 1 hobby time dev who worked on it for 3 years.
> still not finshed
> Optional privacy , markets as the best privacy coni
> Comments on git are "I need moar coffee" tier
> vergedev came out that he smokes pot
> twitter.com/vergeleaks
> keep shitting on superior privacy coins ( all of them are actually better than Wraith
> Wraith supposed te come out 3 months ago. Still not finised.
> community is fucking retarded to the bone.

yeah no i'll pass.

biz cums daily talking bout link
biz cums everytime fudding verge
I think we got something here

bamp to keep this thread and my dreams of dumping this coin alive.

verge is the shittiest trash coin of em all
fuck you verge

I think it's just poor font rendering and icon resolution, Windows is really bad at that. It looks better on Mac and Linux

It doesn't. T. Linux user

except when it does

Don't make me compile this shit wallet again and post you a screenshot.

So why can't the amount be obscured too?

hang on I'll get you a screenshot instead

Since you are probably going to lie anyways. Here is screenshot for you. First is the loading thing where you can't even read the text since it clashes with background. Second is window open in normal size, third is window resized to fit whole desktop. Look awful in every scenario.

And this, ladies and gentleman, is how a retard speak.

This shitcoin is useless.
It's Dogecoin + TOR and TOR is compromised.
Noboby in the deep web would accept this shit coin, they only want XMR or his little brother.