The world's governments are collectively spending hundreds of billions of dollars per year on obesity prevention and...

The world's governments are collectively spending hundreds of billions of dollars per year on obesity prevention and treatment, and yet people are getting fatter and fatter with every passing year, even though obesity is a solved problem (we know exactly how to fix it; it's not a mystery like curing cancer or reversing the damage of ageing).

Why do you think this is, and what (if anything) can be done to change things?

Too keep the public as lazy mentally deficient quick to die super consumers and to give certain companies a permanent source of revenue.
Oh and to make damned sure certain populations die pretty damned quick.

Well, the food industry spends even more on "making us fat" by getting us to consume their products.
Who do you think will win? Some Gov that struggles daily to rid itself of deep state interest or a market who doesn't give a shit about morals in the war for marketshare?

>government can spend billions for fat people
>yet there are actual people unable to get a meal a day

depressing world out there

Yeah and the money that goes to make sure men like trump stay wealthy could be spent on homes and a yearly stippend for the poor.

Know those small farmers that are going out of business and being crushed by the governments but buddies in big farm?

Could get paid by the government to provide for the troops and poor.
Business interest first.

But what can the food industry do to 'get you to consume' other than advertise?

Telling you 'hey this is delicious, don't worry about whether it's good for you, just eat it' doesn't mean that you have to eat it.

People can just say 'no' - the junk food industry has no power to force people to eat their products. It's just an excuse from people with no willpower.

>The world's governments are collectively spending hundreds of billions of dollars per year on obesity prevention and treatment, and yet people are getting fatter and fatter with every passing year

And the massively expensive "war on poverty" has left us with... The same percentage of the population being impoverished as the day the program was started, with a bonus 43 million Americans dependent on food stamps.

That's what it looks like when you try to help people who won't help themselves.

A group of people can only be changed from within. Obesity can only be solved by the obese.

You can't do anything about it.

>But what can the food industry do to 'get you to consume' other than advertise?
I have quit smoking, methamphetamine, and sugar. Do you know what I still crave every day? Cigarettes and Cookies/Icecream/Pie

They get them when they are young and constant forced mental manipulation in the form of advertisement and even academia and social media.

It works. It's always worked.
The only defense is to be aware of it, ask yourself some simple questions, and go without it.

I've said it before I'll say it again:
We've been propagandized and lied to.

Walk down any isle in your supermarket and try to find a product that doesn't use processed corn or wheat as one of it's primary ingredients. You'll be hard pressed. Remember when they taught us that grain was the fucking base of the food pyramid? Remember when ethanol was the fuel of the future?

At some point the government picked a winner in corn and wheat growers and started shoving them down our throats for the sake of their profit. Thanks to rich subsidies of losses and privatization of their gains they quickly became massive producers of some of the cheapest calories on the market, and so food companies found novel ways to use them. This is some fucked up, Russia style corrupt shit. It's killing people, lots. Sure, self control is a factor. It was a factor in the aids and opioid epidemic too. You think if these people could self control their way out of their situations they would? It would take a fuckload of self control and a time machine.

All I'm saying is- libertarianism is the shit. We should have let them fail or succeed on their own merits, not support their losses and allow them to become what they are. I almost want to go keto as an act of political protest but I love my neighborhood bakery's fresh sourdough too goddamn much.

Because they dont try to educae the masses in a proper way, and regulare people really dont give a fuck. Their perception of exercise is skewed, and so is healthy eating. Pluss there are lots of psyciological tricks your brains plays on you which hinder progress.

Its also about priority and people dont know that exercise is only awfull at the start, and it takes time for it to be enjoyable. Especially cardio. And the less fit you are the less enjoyable it is, and longer it takes for it to become really enjoyable.

Then you add that on top of people daily lives and struggles. People also suck with money and time management for many of the same reasons. Were animals, not robots. And a good proportion of people are very stupid.

Making sure the public isn’t informed is a good start. Media companies controlling what information the general masses get. It’s not like anyone but private schooled kids really get the opportunity to learn how diet really works. I remember health class and all I learned was sex was bad and the mitochondria is the power house of the cell. I remember PE and they made us run laps and do nothing while the sports teams were the only ones that lift. Beyond manditory k-12, those that do get the chance to go to college aren’t forced to learn it either. Sure there’s a gym and classes about it, but everyone leaves that to the health science majors and the gym rats, further distancing people from it. Colleges used to make people well rounded, that means more than just read the classics, which few do, it means also physical education.

With these things in mind the mass population, one generation after another, knows less and less about health and fitness, leading parents to not teach their children and schools not taking responsibility because parents are entitled and children never want to do anything.

When you have brain dead children, of course they would be susceptible to advertising.

Because it's not the government's fault. It's the fat fuck who can't say no to a cheeseburger's fault.

These people are lost and are taught to live by their flesh.

Hitler himself made a good point about certain governing bodies not actually being for the people. Whether this is the case for your country is your own issue, if you choose it to be.

The best way to get people to stop living by their flesh, is to get them to live by the Spirit. That's the only way I know how.

>food industry does nothing but advertise
And there's where you're wrong in your typical gullible r/eddit manner.

Ads aren't perceived as ads, if the receiver interprets it as important information.

Reports praising the health of various products didn't just happen. The messenger was tricked or bribed/bought. In the end the world is filled with weird "science" telling us to eat more of everything because it's good for us. (Vegans working for Monsanto being the worst.)


>all the cuck responses ITT

It's fucking simple. Government revenue depends on GDP growth. Fat pieces of shit increase GDP by consuming more than they need. Government revenue goes up which means they can borrow more. They spend some of that borrowed money on fat shits, the rest on other gay government programs. The revenue pays down the interest on the debt but never the actual debt. The scheme works pretty well until it doesn't. Society is encouraged to gorge and degenerate which sooner or later reduces revenue which stops the expansion of debt.

Calories are cheap in america, from my understanding, most kids at least who go hungry are from neglectful parents, not saying there aren't families/people out there who legitimately cannot afford food, it's more of a social problem when it comes to hunger than economic (in the west at least)

Healthcare costs are factored into GDP. If you take out healthcare costs the US has been negative GDP since 2006.

As far as government is concerned it doesn't matter what you do, so long as it increases consumption. You can be a fatty, you can be a tranny, you can be an opioid junky. Can't afford the care, surgery or pills? Government has your back, right up until the debt won't grow anymore. Government spending is a part of GDP and if productivity won't grow alone then the government will spend. Each time it spends is new debt. If debt grows faster than revenue (which is a factor of GDP) then even the interest on the debt will be to great to pay at some point and then there will be no more debt issued and government collapse will follow societal decay.

you have no idea what you're talking about

You sound like a retard so I'll make my argument simple for you - your debt cannot grow faster than your income forever.

Get back at me when you can prove me wrong faggot. I mean it's a mathematical fact, so you can't but try anyway, it'll be funny.