What was the board of your preference before you started browsing fit and being /fiti/?

What was the board of your preference before you started browsing fit and being /fiti/?


R9k 7 years ago lmao

/mu/ got so bad.


Second for /k/
It's still my primary board.



it's still /out/

Nice taste in music. I browse /r9k/, Veeky Forums and obviously Veeky Forums

now i only come there for sharethreads and /shugazi/ once in a while.

even though i'm a huge music autist i'd rather browse /r9k/ than /mu/


You have to go back.

/b/ before
/k/ now

But since diy is so slow, i started cross browsing. And /g/ is a shill hole. So i ended up here... getting fit...


/b/ and /r9k/ (during the OC greentext glory days, not the shit pile it is now)

I only browse Veeky Forums seriously now and I check Veeky Forums twice daily to get a quick summary of what's going on in the crypto market. I basically ignore all of Veeky Forums besides the thicc women, the gym clown threads and /plg/.


don't go there anymore for years
It's reddits offshore graphics card discussion board, can't imagine what state it is now.

/b/ when I was a faggot high school edgelord.

Then /mu/, which I still frequent, then Veeky Forums.

Also, Loveless, good shit mate.


I think Veeky Forums and /co/ were the first boards that made me venture outside of /b/. Well, besides the filesharing-thingy that was basically 50% CP and 25% beastiality.

Started way back on /b/ in like 2008. Then moved towards /mu/, then /pol/, and now I hang out on Veeky Forums and /tv/ mostly.

/k/ and Veeky Forums is a God-tier combo, armed to the teeth and lifting basically weaponizes your body