I have been living under a rock and haven't browsed for a while

I have been living under a rock and haven't browsed for a while.
What do you think about keto?
How come bacon, chicken skin, fat steaks and sausages are ok?

Been doing keto for about 3 weeks. It works for weight loss and I have almost no cravings but I'm extremely tired and just want to sleep all day. And it's made me realize that I don't really like meat. I eat way less meat now than I did before

That is important for me. How does it work in your psychology. You get like drowsy? Maybe you need more time for the body to get used to burning fat.
The quick weight loss sounds good.

You basically get really tired. I guess it's good for losing weight but terrible for mood and overall health. That much fat is not good for you.

Keto is fucking retarded. Subscribe to Cronometer and work on keeping all the bars green within your calorie limit.

Wow so actually keto is pretty retarded for somebody who just wants to lose weight. I'll just fast then since I'll get tired anyway.

I guess it sounded too good to be true. On Youtube they rave about it. Even allegedly people who don't work out and still lost weight and felt better.

Iv done keto for 5 months and i never experienced this lethargy.
This diet if phenomenal for anyone trying to shed their fat, just remember that this diet is almost impossible to grow muscles on it and it’s strictly for shedding weight. This diet works and if you actually start feeling exchausted, you need to consume electrolights. It’s a good diet desu, the food you get to eat are pretty tasty, just be mindful of WHICH fats you are consuming. There are healthy fats user.

Where do I get electrolites ? I will try it because I have some torso fat I want to get rid of. Maybe I can balance it with full milk, eggs, nuts, olive oil and less butter and red meats.

Cow's milk is off limits on keto. I've been drinking unsweetened soy

It says here natural fats like dairy is good. You are trolling but full milk can't be worse than butter. And keto has tons of butter.

It's the carb count in milk thats bad for kept.

I will keep it for now. I won't make it if I try to go cold turkey to breads, sugars and milk at the same time..
Is keto more expensive diet than the regular? I think it is.

Do you feel hungry after eating a bowl of oats? No. There is nothing wrong with good carbs at all.

Keto is fucking retarded and it only helps for fat people who literally can't stop shoving shitty carbs into their system so they need to restrict themselves by following a meme diet based on momscience.

If you are drinking milk you aren't doing keto. 1 cup of whole milk is over half your carbs for the day and unless you are eating nothing else but meat and cheese that leaves no room for vegetables which is where 90% of your carbs should come from.

This. It's been proven a thousand times in studies that keto has no advantage compared to other diets.

Just stick to what works for you and stay on a caloric deficit. Nuff' said.

They "literally" can't stop eating carbs so they go on a diet where they can't eat any carbs? You realize that makes no fucking sense and you're just being judgmental to feel better about yourself?

Ok.I will go old school and try to eat less. I am small 5'7 145 but with like %19 bf so I am skinnyfat.

If your rules are
>Eat less
and you have a problem with self restraint, you will not eat less.
If your rules are
>I can't eat this at all, I'm not even going to have it in my house
It is a lot easier for someone with self restraint issues to handle.

Op here. I am doing the 'don't buy it, don't eat it'.
Can't have sweets in the house and not eat them. It works.

That only applies if nobody in your house eats carbs which seems unlikely

It's your metabolism, do some research about metabolical types and what your configured for optimally and you'll be able to avoid getting sidetracked in the future.

Keto will make you smell like LITERAL piss and shit after an hour of not showering. It's also ineffective if you're not 300+ lbs.

Atkins was a business man, not a researcher/nutritionist.

Use cronometer. Fuck the atkins/keto faggotry.