I have $180 to spend and i want to get fit what should I order

I have $180 to spend and i want to get fit what should I order

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/105-Adjustable-Cast-Iron-Dumbbells/dp/B009GC76NW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1516070802&sr=8-3&keywords=yes4all dumbbells

a gym membership? You fucken retard. And get better taste in music, rezz is garbage.


A gym membership and food and maybe some supplements.

can somebody recommend a rezz song. She is hot


i want to cum on her face

Rezz- Plague

Test E, Tren A, winstrol

I want to cum in her vagina, so she could be my gf

I like it, even though I don't listen this type of music.

do you mean you're looking to set up a home gym?, if so a weight bench barbell and some plates

Whey and casein

Lifting shoes if you lift and don't already have them. Otherwise, aromatase inhibitor.


I want to cum in his vagina, so she could be my gf

prohormones and gym memebership

diluted brains is good

Rezz plz b my waifu :(

fourth impact, its a collab with k?d but it is so fucking good.

anthroplex, super male vitality.

i dig the impacto jap


Same. I can dig it

A serious answer?

Get your membership!

Try to find a professor or a personal trainer for maximum impact in your training! (i dont know any refereces of prices)

Only after that, if you really think that your objectives in fact need food suplements, go for them.

gym membership.
anything else is just another act of procrastination & avoidance.
Also, use google spreadsheets to track your workouts. That last bit is powerful. Suddenly you're racing against yourself in real life

track the TOTAL amount of weight lifted per workout, ie
weight*sets*reps = total weight lifted.

The total weight lifted should ALWAYS be going UP incrementally, either adjusting higher for weight, sets, or reps every time you lift.
Took me awhile to figure this out.

amazon.com/105-Adjustable-Cast-Iron-Dumbbells/dp/B009GC76NW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1516070802&sr=8-3&keywords=yes4all dumbbells


A gym membership


Weight vest


Food Scale
Measuring Cups
Body Weight Scale
Gym Membership
Water Bottle

These guys knows Whats up