Did 135x3 on OHP this morning and it felt easy. Did 155x3 on bench (prior to OHP) and it felt hard. Mfw

Did 135x3 on OHP this morning and it felt easy. Did 155x3 on bench (prior to OHP) and it felt hard. Mfw.

Do I just bench more and eat lots of onions or what the fuck? Pls no bully.

bench fuckin sucks. i'm like you, i can rep out 135 ezpz on OHP, but i can't bench for shit.

nvm I can't read

Why are you OHPing 135 sets of 3

>reading comprehension

I usually do 5x5 OHP. I was going for a 1rm this morning to see where I'm at and the first rep felt easy so I did two more. Third was a grind but not too bad.

sound like you might actually be doing push press senpai

You don't need to do 1rm to see where you're at. Unless it's a competition you should be 3+ and I'd only ever say that for deadlift

Also, bench isn't necessary if your ohp volume is correct and you have a upper/pull lift balancing out the workload.

Why are you doing 5x5? Why are you doing one rep maxes? Why are you doing sets of 3?

Do SS. You are fucking up.

this is me

I just had to come to terms with that fact that i'll have a small chest forever

>Ohping 1pl8
For what fucking purpose you cunt

post stats

>cheat press 135 OHP
>can’t cheat on bench can only do 155

Hmm wonder what the real issue is OP. Quit using your legs and you probably OHP 95lbs max.

I know how you feel OP, 135x3 and 140x1 ohp, incline bench 1rm last time i tested was 170, stopped doing flat bench because I don't really care for it

seems like a very large discrepancy to me, you are probably bouncing and using your legs on OHP whether or not you care to admit it

He needs to Max out his 3x5 progression, and move into 90% progressive training sessions to prepare for 5RM attempts

4 years of certified personal training experience in everything from strongman to crossfit with measurable results in every single person I have trained, who are you?

>1RM on OHP is 145 no leg drive and back straight
>"1RM" on bench is 210, too scared to put any more weight on I can't really test it but I'm assuming I can go a bit higher
Is my OHP still ahead of my bench at this point?

i would say no, those are about equal at your strength level

Fucking bench been stalled on 187 3x5 for a while, same time ohp 143 3x5 ezpz

Are you actually using proper form by arching your back and pinching your shoulder blades back?

It makes a huge difference in weight.

are you good at deadlifts OP?

bench is about 10 lbs behind
I'd say 135 lbs to 205-210 lbs is equal, and 145 to 2pl8

Cringe. None of you actually lift. And you can choke on that meme trainer bullshit. All the trainers at most gyms are fat old men and women.
Theres nothing wrong with maxing on ohp.
SS is shit for push movements.
And ohp doesn’t not translate to bench as well as you think. I took a month of bench to run a Nichols cycle on my
Ohp and I maxed at 190. This month I am running the Nichols program for bench and my first day doing 5x5 225 I was sore as fuck the next day and the movement wasnt grooved at all due to the month off of the movement.
Dontfucking reply to me unless your max is higher than mine.

bench is the most overrated lift desu

what's with this assumption that everybody is a beginner? stop that.

Just bench more. It's literally that simple. I bench three times a week now and my bench is shooting up

I feel you OP.
I can do 140x5 on OHP, but only 215x3 on bench. Then again, I enjoy OHP more, so I probably put in more effort on it without noticing.

I really do not understand people doing 5x5 or any low rep exercises before reaching the 2pl8 level. You need to be doing the basics (OHP 1pl8 x10) and BP (2pl8 x10) before you should even consider low rep strength training

Eat more meat pussy

Your bench is 15 lbs away from being 2pl8. Get some micro plates and start working on getting there. Heck, adding 2.5 lbs a week will get you there in six weeks. Even at half that rate, you’re there in three months.

you're not wrong but do you know what cringe means?

Seek better training. I'd say your say at 2pl8 but don't go much further without a mentor