Who here /testoverdrive/

Soak your garlic cloves in olive oil, chew raw onion

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if it's not as thick as the booty, it ain't coffee

>Nice to meet you user... are you Greek?

How do you respond?


(me, pic related)

no signoretta

Did onionman post his test results yet?

Yes he came back with some omg it works guise!! post when he had a slight within normal deviation free test increase

I bet he would've had better results if he hadn't been poisoning his nuts with garlic.

Reminder to all that garlic is pretty powerful and doses of even 2 cloves a day have been shown to be toxic to the testicles.

Also his estradiol went down very significantly, which is good because his was really high, as well as his SHBG going down a fair bit too iirc

>Soak your garlic cloves in olive oil
No no no no no fuck no don't do that. That's a recipe for botulism stew. That's not what garlic confit is at all

Well the shbg would be accounted for in free test. Estradiol in the normal range is beneficial. It will make no difference to his gains.

haha yes goys buy this soy product™ instead, disease free!

If I eat pickled onions whole will I get the same test benefits of raw onions?


His almonds probably weren't activated


>female hormones halved
>free test rises slightly
I'd call that a success. Combine that with other strategies to raise test, and it might be great.

this is true

Yes. That is to say, none to speak of.

Look, retard, to know if there's a difference, you have to know what the variance is. And all the values before and after are within normal variation.

>66% reduction is in normal variance

13 increase may be within normal variance.
However it's an increase none the less.
Since my first result is also susceptible to that variance I would take it at face value.

I only occasionally had garlic. Less than once a week.
I didn't within the last 10 days anyway.

My hair is also growing back.

Both values were in normal ranges.
But a 66% decrease is a significant change.

Mind if we had the before and after on test/free test?

>13 increase may be within normal variance.
>However it's an increase none the less.
If only the placebo effect wasn't a thing

Here you go.

If only you could prove that it was indeed a placebo

Don't get botulism, make toum and put it on everything.

Sometimes I mash up 3-4 cloves and mix it with honey.

This isn't the first thread you have shilled the don't eat garlic meme. Got any sauce or should we just take your word?

no, bavarian

>Since my first result is also susceptible to that variance I would take it at face value.

>not soaking them in activated onion oil
Enjoy your lame babby gains while I'm 290lbs @ 10%bf full natty.

Protip= there are no foods or supplements that will allow your body to produce more testosterone than it is capable of producing.

In other words, there is nothing that can increase your maximum level of natural testosterone. The only way to surpass your natural limit is by using exogenous testosterone/ hormones.

Enjoy your years of falling for food and supplement memes with no noticeable results. I don’t use steroids but I do use logic instead of trends. The best thing that has worked for me is having more fat in my diet.

>onions are one of the most healthiest foods
>this has been known for centuries
>cheap and available world wide and all year long
>people are against this
It is the amerimutts that are behind these anti-vegetable posts, right? You niggers would say anything to keep eating your processed fast food.

What's your guys strategy for eating the onions? I've been soaking them in lemon juice, and it curbs the harshness of the onion but it's a lot of citrus taste to plow through.

I remember reading of a polish user who mixed the onions with tomatoes and sour cream or something but I didn't write down the recipe.

The hair growth is the biggest surprise if true as well as the decrease in bitchmones.

Eat them with stews,baked beans etc instead of pickles.

I have no idea why people get mad at others eating a health veg either.
>welcome to Veeky Forums I guess

I found
Olive oil and blue cheese really works

I know!
I'm so surprised.
I have a bald patch on the crown and weak on top.
The bald patch on crown is still there but a bit smaller and it's even on top.

Don't you also have the test of a 40 year old man at like 25? it probably works better on humans.

Damn, how do do i achieve this physique natty?

I'm 37.
Regardless of my test levels the results are the results.

>purposely made his head smaller in proportion to his ripped fucking bod so you know he's a fucking moron

greeks were fucking savage

Meanwhile the bugez eats a BULB of garlic a day. I'm going to take his advice over some soy shill

>big head is big brain is big smart
You are either a literal caveman or the average nigger


I'm not telling anyone not to eat fucking garlic, just stick to a clove a day. Garlic is a pretty fucking powerful supplement, its effects are very real and potentially negative if you get too much of it . I eat one raw clove daily btw.