Dear /fit what mode is this nb4 looks like I'm wearing an old lady's skin

Dear /fit what mode is this nb4 looks like I'm wearing an old lady's skin

wh_te genes


it's the please build muscle for your own sake mode

Need Gainz Mode

What does /fit recommend to build muscle?

did you lose a shit load of fat? if so how much weight did you lose?

>What does /fit recommend to build muscle?
lift some fucking weights user. Quickly

lifting weights

Heaviest recorded: 343lbs
Current Auschwitz mode:184

That is some amazing weight loss. Great work user. Take a read of the sticky for what you need to do to build some muscle.

What kind of weights?
Body weights?
Barbell weights?
Crossfit weights?
Strongman weights?
Also I'm not vevegtarian but I only eat meat a couple times a month it's helped me to stay lean and I'm frankly terrified to gain an ounce of fat back and not be able to see my veins of abs they're all that I have.

>Heaviest recorded: 343lbs
>Current Auschwitz mode:184

Well done user.

How tall are you and what timescale did you lose the weight?

Currently 10 weeks into 40 week program to lose 90lbs. Long, hard fucking road.

>Grandpa Simpson mode

Read the sticky you fucking vapid cunt

what’s heavier 45lbs of crossfit weights or 45lbs of strongman weights?

Strongman, obviously. Because you have to be stronger. Clues in the name dickhead

Hey OP, can you tell me your reasoning on losing so much weight? Losing so much weight so quick is bad for you and as a result you have tons of loose skin which could be permanent without surgery.

no need to be so cross, man

what is your height man.

you have a nice bathroom, but a suicidal body. sorry op

got-his-shit-together-but-a-bit-late mode

Great job user! You're gonna make it.

But also, read the sticky. Faggot.

this is the result of many years of struggling with diets and finding a love for exercise that obviously does not include weights.
I'll take it.
I'm on it.

is this true or does the skin slowly tighten up over time

>a love for exercise that obviously does not include weights

Those gas chambers won't fill themselves user...

You just a need a fedora now OP

Surgeon’s best friend mode

So it doesn't matter?
I lost the vast majority of it very quickly by IF and a vegetarian diet. In hindsight I was basically starving myself but I honestly think that the skin would still be there I've never seen a case where it does not stay when you have lost so much weight.
6'2 master race.
It's my dads bathroom I should just kill myself.


not from my experience.

>I lost the vast majority of it very quickly by IF and a vegetarian diet

Sounds like another win for IF.

You're right about it slowly tightening up but that is only true if you start bulking up and lifting weights. And its not guaranteed that all loose skin will be gone. You will have permanent loose skin unless you go back to your original weight form that you began with in the first place. Its uncommon to lose 50-100 lbs so quick and the result of that is the skin damage/loose. I'm no doctor but you can look around the internet about people having surgery because of the permanent damage it gave to their body.

Yo that picture is really nasty. I'm not trying to be mean, but giving the real truth. Try wearing compression clothing it may help make the skin tighter. I would not go to the beach

The fuck kinda question is that

do you have pictures of you fat? that's some minimal loose skin for 350lbs, you're lucky.

Loose skin is mostly genetic, nothing to do with how fast you lose weight.

losing 170 lbs very quickly can be dangerous, I want his backstory on it? Not a dumb question

You would think that the elevated gh would help with the skin but clearly it didn't.
Surgery is probably the only option for anyone who's lost over 100lbs. Think about it my entire body is covered with stretchmarks which is scar tissue so even is the skin tightens up the scar tissue will remain the same.
Thank bro I'll keep that in mind.

My backstory is that I now weight the same as I did when I was 11.

>is this true or does the skin slowly tighten up over time

If you've been yo yo dieting for a number of years then such skin sagging is the result, unfortunately.

If you go from fattish to thin at a reasonable rate (no more than 2lb per week) while you are young enough then your skin can respond naturally enough to not sag more than necessary.

It has a lot to do with the skin's elasticity (collagen and elastin content) and this gets worse with age.

if u have shitload of streachmarks all over your body that shit will NEVER TIGHTEN UP, only option is surgery, autophagy (muh there are no fat jews in auschwitz) retards need not reply

Fill it with muscle. That's the only other option other than surgery or putting the weight back on.

>Fill it with muscle.
Fukken THIS!