Official SEALFIT Thread (Try It)

If you can’t or won’t do this, don’t bother with the rest of the post. Put it down and walk away. I don’t work with people who aren’t ready to commit. When you’re ready to continue, complete:
1. as many perfect, Navy SEAL–style push-ups as you can in 2 minutes

2. 10-minute rest

3. as many sit-ups as you can in 2 minutes

4. 10-minute rest

5. as many pull-ups as you can before you gas out

6. 10-minute rest

7. a 500-meter swim (or substitute a 2,000-meter row if you don’t have access to a pool)

8. 10-minute rest

9. a 1.5-mile run

10. Record your repetitions and times in a journal!

Check online at to compare your results to the SEAL standards. Get it done. Then come back and read the end of this chapter. Good luck!

Holy shit

Not fucking doing cardio. I'll do the pushups, pullups, and situps

>not doing cardio
Notia gowien tueh Makita it

No one here can do this

will this let me do sneaky shit in the middle of the night with a bunch of die hard brothers?


7 months into training for this.

>93 perfect push ups in 2 mins
>90 crunches 2 mins
>22 pull ups
>8:30(ish) 1.5 mil.

only thing lacking is my swimming, so far it's a 10:45 but my conditioning and technique keeps getting better

lmao if you're actually so allergic to cardio that you can't even entertain the idea. i'm not a cardiofag, but that is straight up unhealthy.

Running and swimming are tough, everything else is easy.

t. heartlet

>used to run 3k three times a week in the summer
>used to be waterpolo player
Shits easy lmao

swimmers and wrestlers have the best chance at buds

I did very similar, minus the swimming as part of a police test for a desirable department and blew absolutely every other contender away. One ex-military guy was very close. He beat me by 30 seconds in the 1.5 mile run but I destroyed him in everything upper body and scored way higher than him over-all for physical and I was the top for the written test..... failed the background check. Fuckers.

I also do muay thai so I already know hand to hand combat. In another life I would be the perfect mercenary/special ops.

>failed the background check
kek. Police are bullied dyels and goody two shoes

why not this life friend?

sit ups are bad for you, desu

Many reasons
>not american so don't even get to do cool missions
>hate authority, would get kicked out/court martialed for beating sarge to a pulp within a month
>already have business that could retire me within a decade
Most importantly
>dying for israel

>beating sarge to a pulp

wow it's amazing how quickly everything you said went down the drain, even more so how quickly you revealed yourself as a faggot

why do you think you failed the background check?

If any of you are looking for the actual order of a PST it's:
500 yard swim
10 minutes rest
Max pushups in 2 minutes
2 minutes rest (if you have a partner they do them)
Max situps in 2 minutes
2 minutes rest (Same as above)
Max pullups-1st 10 are cadence
10 minutes rest
1.5 mile run

Just because you wouldn't have the balls to do it doesn't mean I wouldn't. If anyone has the audacity to yell at me that much, I'll put them in a grave.

can def pass for all except swimming/run, those im not sure of

can you show me your katana collection?

>kek. Police are bullied dyels and goody two shoes

I make so much money from my businesses and have to do so little that it made more sense to take a job with the county for the health insurance than it did to just buy it. It was like adding $26k to the start salary in money since I wouldn't have to spend that and it seemed like a fun job.... probably not a good fit for me though. I'm just bored, desu.

I'm curious as to why you think I'm joking. Trust me, for the safety of the other soldiers, you do not want me in the military.

What? Because they yelled at you... lol grow up you fuckin child.

110 felony charges when I was 22... I beat them all and got them expunged but the police/government can still see that stuff. It was all theft related and no weapons or drugs. I have been an upstanding citizen for a decade after that.

Why do you hate Sarge?

>My SGT is a good guy
>Looks out for us lads
>Provides valuable topcover
>Comes out on the piss
>Wealth of knowledge
>Got deep one night on overnight duty and told me about his dead kid and how hard the death anniversaries are each year. Says it felt good to talk to someone about it.

>>hate authority, would get kicked out/court martialed for beating sarge to a pulp within a month
t. undisciplined fatass that has a million-and-one stories that start with "I would've enlisted, but. . ."

Im a soldier and i could kill you champ.

>Post a body pic and show the thread what a fat shit you are.

>110 felony charges

Anybody can train for this shit and the intensity of training is maybe marginally more hardcore than what you're used to if you played serious team sports in school. The only thing that really tests you is poor nutrition, psychological distress (which can be completely avoided and blocked out), and sleep deprivation - the ultimate mental test.

Now most importantly, what really fucking kills you that nobody will talk about: snap city. You basically have to depend on the genetic lottery hoping that your joints and ligaments don't give out at some point. Rucking especially will fuck your shit up beyond belief when you're walking and running along uneven terrain with an ungodly amount of weight strapped all over you. ESPECIALLY special forces, since they're total gear queers that need to have twice the shit with them as regular infantry.

I'll just slip in here at the end that I was special forces, to inject some credibility. My knees were shot not even 8 months in when I was in. I had to push through the pain until i was literally foaming at the mouth, but in the end, to no avail I entered snap city. Even now my knees still ache and it will only get worse. I can hardly do sport anymore.

I talk back, ignore instructions that I think are stupid/inefficient, end up doing my own thing. Always been like that since about grade 3, its gotten worse as I grew up.
I probably wouldn't hate him as a person. He's a figure of authority to me, and I have lines that others shouldn't cross. It would be smarter on my part to avoid that environment altogether.
Just because fatasses who studied the sword say this stuff, doesn't mean that I'm kidding.
Not without a weapon m80. Not autistic enough to post a pic, but 6'1", 184lbs, 11% bf. You don't have to believe me, I have enough people IRL that don't believe me either.

I believe you, master.

dogshit makes me cringe less

You should, young grasshopper.

I've had the same responses from friends/teachers/coaches. Guess they've never met someone who tells the truth before.

youre like masT, only difference being you have actually nothing to show for all this shittalk
you sound like a keyboard warrior
you sound like you watch anime and do the naruto run every time you go to the grocery store to buy some mt dew
fucking internet navy seal
>you dont have to trust me, I have over 300 confirmed kills and people know how dangerous and badass i am
>the absolute state of your delusion

you literally sound like aspergers

>avoids posting pic
>implying that his bodytype isnt replicated by 30% of all armed forces
>implying that your lifting heavy things up and putting them down is comparative to someone who does that 3 times a day 5 days a week and trains BJJ and ACP 5 days a week, getting bored every weekend and fighting their linesmates to prove who's got the bigger fight in them.

Thats all we needed to see chubs

You keep playing your video games and wishing you had dick big enough to swing.

Teach me your ways senpai

>tfw never watched naruto before
Anime is degenerate. Weebs should be rounded up into work camps. Its destroying western society, along with modern feminism and the jewish media's projection of jewish stereotypes onto actual men.

>people know how dangerous and badass i am
Wouldn't necessarily call myself badass. A badass is someone with extensive weapons training, which I don't have, due to not being in the military. I'm just a guy with strong personal values and no regard for others.

I'm an athlete before a lifter, just so you know. I never claimed to be yuge. Body type also has nothing to do with fighting ability or grit, in case you thought I was implying that with my stats.



*teleports behind you*

Ive been in the israeli army, and saw that kind of stuff happening.
Its easy to lose your shit when you're practically locked up with these people.

Different atmospheres completely. Israeli army it is mandatory for all to enlist when they become 18. Our military is a choice, so when you choose to serve, you choose to obey and follow command. be apart of a team and something greater than yourself. it is usually ego-autistic manchildren that never do well with authority, and I mean REAL authority, not campus supervisors or even police for that matter


>Losing your wits and manhandling your superior in a sperg fit.

Jesus christ no wonder you fucks cant handle the palestinians

>Our military is a choice, so when you choose to serve, you choose to obey and follow command.
I would never choose to obey someone else. Why would you?

nice digits

>10 minutes rest
by "rest" do you mean running to the pull up bars and then to the track? I hope you also changed out and tied those shoes properly in that timeframe

the PST is a joke and doesnt even begin to compare to BUD/s.

8:06 swim
92 push
86 sit
23 pull

Sometimes other people know better than you and its better to listen and obey their command so you can learn. Do you really have a hard time understanding this.

Because I understand that I'm joining in on a system that has been around longer than I have. A system that has it's rules that I wish to be a part of and learn from. And my top reasons for joining is to kill, blow shit up, get shot at, and experience the brotherhood of a tight knit special forces unit. Your fucking brainlet self could never truly comprehend this train of thought, whether you share it or not, because of your autistic narcissism and probably asperger syndrome (the reason your father left)

La de da
Look at this tough guy over here.
Thinks following chain of command and showing respect makes him a bitch. Grow up kiddo

don't they fucking know that situps are bad for you?
I'll stick to doing planks, they've done a lot more for me and burn fat faster

Dude... You're gonna beat a veteran seal with potentially decades of hand to hand combat and under water combat training to a pulp? This post is absolutely delusional.

Can you describe your regiment so i can have those stats too?

I do have this in my life already, except they're mentors and not my bosses, so they can't fire or discipline me. That's the beauty of it.
And ultimately you're fighting for a government that will continue to cause the deaths of thousands of random mudslimes, a few extremists (that were funded by your government), and a couple dozen americans. All to ensure jewish control over foreign banks and corporate control over saudi oil. If you can live with that, you're less human than I.
My mom and dad are happily married and sleeping side by side down the hall, thank you very much.
Earn it first by doing something actually worthy of respect. lmao

That’s not SS

lol that user is an edgelord but the idea that military people are super good at hand to hand combat is something only people who never practiced martial arts would say.

If he indeed has muay thai training, even if it's just a year, I can guarantee you he can beat any SEAL without an equivalent martial arts training.

Trips confirms something I guess.
Maybe, maybe not. If youtube confirms anything, its that most of the military can't fight without a weapon. And that their successful H2H combat is against allahu akbars who've never thrown a punch at anything, except at their multiple wives.

sure man, usually I try to mix it up. I take a lot of my ideas from Stew Smith and Jeff Nichols, you can look them up on youtube for great ideas.

some days I will do strictly cardio/conditioning like long distance trail running (no less than 5k) or soft sand beach running coupled with swimming sprints. if I do running sprints then I won't do LSD run.

strength training seperate to avoid injury and maximize hypertrophy. push/pull exercises are great, push up pull up pyramids are most effective for me. then the usual squat/bench/dl

You think SEALs wont train a good martial art in their own time?

STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH. Cannot emphasize enough. Strengthen your joints as well, your shoulders are going to take a hell of a beating doing these kinds of numbers. Look up good exercises to avoid tendonitis.

when you run and swim, have some days where you go for time and some days where you go for long distance/stamina. Take care of your body with ice and vitamins if you can. Water of course, a gallon a day++ and fucking stretch. Diet is everything as well. Jeff Nichols will give you a lot of good info there

.t samefag

>talk tough shit
>live with parents

i'm convinced it was just an elaborate bait

Thanks user.

good luck homie

I forget how pathetically brainwashed most of the world is, that most can't even accept what they are told is not reality.
>pic related

The reason I haven't done something stupid and been arrested yet is because I don't want it coming back to my parents and them having to pay for it. If I end up assaulting some idiot, I want the responsibility to be on me. As much as we fight about how I see the world, they don't deserve bad things happening to them.
I understand why you guys don't believe me. I have never met someone that even comes close to being similar to myself, whether they were autistic or not.

either you're underage or extremely retarded because if you are 18+ nothing falls on your parents anymore. you go to jail and you stay there. they don't get any bills for you that they don't want to pay for. they don't get any of your fines or tickets. it's big boy world for big boy choices and something tells me you aren't of age. not even mentally.

My vehicle was on dad's insurance for the longest time because it was a much lower rate, so yes it did come back to him. He's said if I get arrested I can stay the night(s) in jail, which I personally have no problem with, but knowing him, he'd pay the bail eventually. So yes, it will come back to him financially. I'm sorry loving parents weren't a thing where you come from.

Btw just now looked at the optimum fitness test numbers. What a fucking joke.
>probably could swim 500yds in 8:30 or less
>45 pushups/min is easy
>85 situps even easier
>2 mins to do fucking 18(eighteen) pullups lmfao
>ran 1.5 miles in 9:30 in 9th grade

i watched their video. in the first day, they were told to do plank challenge.

They didn't sweat a bit untill 20 mins mark..............20 fucking mins!!!

and they made it to 40 mins....

Those are the minimums for entry, the training is harder than that you sperg