So, how much protein a day do you consume, Veeky Forums?

So, how much protein a day do you consume, Veeky Forums?

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That pic looks like the perfect daily diet.

of course

4 scoops

>zero vegetables


If I ate them everyday I would be seriously ill due to my allergy. And you know wha? They don't even taste good. Fuck you Five Guys.

>Not going zero veg
It's like you don't even want to make it

About a pound of meat every day, whether it's beef, pork, chicken, or fish.
I mostly eat it for fat content, protein is secondary.

0/10 gtfo

Is it bad that I laughed?

allergylet detected

All of it

>eating chicken for fat
why don't you just drink oil

0/10 gtfo


What kind of fish?


1g/kg is more than enough.

hi reddo

Not according to the NSCA, which is typically not retarded.

Either Salmon (because it's fatty on its own), or Tuna in mayo.

Chicken thighs are high enough in fat

who's reddo? Is he your friend?

About 150g

eww no

Eating this daily would not only make you broke, but there's like 500g of protein in this pic, if not more, half of it would go to waste (meaning not used for muscle synthesis).

It's 1g/lb you knob

retard alert


0.5 grams per pound

one needs around 2g per 1kg of LEAN mass, so i try to hit at least that. sometimes when cutting i eat more as protein is more filling than other two per calorie, also needs more energy to actually use it.

>all that cholesterol, saturated fat, hormones and mercury...
No thank you

>they don't even taste good

thats like 3 average sized meals user, are you even trying to get big?

160g at 73 kg


Dry peanuts are peanuts are pretty bland and this is from someone who eats a lot of the shit.

Peanut butter is far superior and boiled peanuts are underrated.



between 100 and 200 grams depending on physical activity.

>tfw you hate peanut butter and anything containing it

It's so good for you and is easy protein and all, but I can't stand the smell, taste, texture, mouth dryness

It sux too because a lot of would be good chocolate supps also have peanut butter. I feel like I'm missing out.

Arent those lentils?

peanut butter tastes like fucking tar
anyone ever that has suggested it to me to use it to gain weight, I just retreated to the back of my mind to reflect the kind of person is giving me such advice


200 protons

>high protein
Shiggydiggy, eat more fat and carbs (especially fruit)

Wow great source you wanker

It's a compilation and review, I'm not going to bother digging up every article and book mentioned you reddit bugman

it's 1 lbs/kg

Fucking idiot

How many of those foods are /phytoestrogenic/?
Even my oat/peanutbutter/proteinpowder bars are compromised.

180 grams on cut, 220 on bulk

The compilation is shite, newfag NYR knob. Your blog does not even reference in a proper way, and is full of stupid assumptions.

That's ridiculously low, but go ahead and do that and not build any muscle

>That's ridiculously low
Literally what Arnold ate. It's MORE than Mike Mentzer ate.

I don't know

definitely more than before what with all the eggs, chicken and beef

I just can't be fucked to count. judge me.

these foods are just estrogenic moron.
all of the animal products at least.

~130 grams while on keto.

>Literally what Arnold ate. It's MORE than Mike Mentzer ate.
Going to need a source on that. Also, naming one person's diet and calling it perfect is hardly scientific.

I weigh 195 and eat anywhere between 190-210 grams a day without a protein supplement

I’m on a cut and bring salad to work for lunch. Would this be sustainable?
>romaine lettuce
>kalamata olives
>Greek vinegarette

Also includes feta

At least 200g daily.
100g from dinner of chicken tendies with rice and sauce and another 100g from eating 4x 400g of homogenized sweetened quark (pic related)

Old pic, they've recently modified recipe so it's 155 cals with 14g carbs and 8g protons.

Unrelated but

The Mike Mentzer quote is from "The Mentzer Method to Fitness" (1980) and the Arnold quote is from his "Bodybuilding for Men" (1981). Extremely high protein is a very recent phenomenon coinciding with the saturation of the supplement market.

Usually between 170-180g. Im 160lb.

enjoy your estrogen induced gyno.

about 200g

170lb male eating 250g protein per day.

I like protein and I'm rich. I know I don't NEED it. I like it.

The different foods are touching and thus all of it is ruined. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It's actually bad for you.
I'm usually defending high protein diets, but that's too much for your body to handle to be considered healthy.
Especially since your reason for consuming this amount seems to be "just because".
Additionally, you probably eat way too much meat and way too little other stuff.

Rip you are test, kidneys and general health

How is it bad for me? Wouldn't there be signs of my body's inability to handle the load? Srs question.

There's been reviews done on high protein diets and what it actually takes for kidney harm, 250g isn't close.

Also this whole thread wtf.

I'd say a gram per pound of bodyweight is fine and if you're getting enough calories, is more than you need.

On a caloric deficit higher protein correlates with lean muscle sparing.

Foamy piss, but it's not like you're going to notice until your kidneys actually begin to become inflamed.

We got an actual retard ITT

NSCA is typically pretty solid, I read through their testing materials for the CSCS and it's legit stuff. If you study them you'll know more that 95% of all gym bros easily. It's also like 600 page textbook.

Thanks for your contribution. I'm obviously not as smart as you.

75 in the morning and a protein bar before my workout

should be the other way around

duh obviously.

After rigorous record keeping of both my diet and gains for years I have determined that I stop seeing benefits from more than 1.7g/kgLM.

