Mew before/after pic thread

Let's see your results

Other urls found in this thread:

I got jaw surgery sorry

/r/esquesting the imgur album of mewing


but you could've just moved your tongue position desu

to where tho
lik, how2mew4dummies

Bottom left transformation should be criminalized.

My chin is fine and prominent but I have an overbite like the pic, what do?

Fake or he also got a nose job

If you've ever had braces chances are ur a chinlet now


I already have son of god tier facial aesthetics and i've never done this autistic mew shit

why would braces have anything to do with your chin?

profile with shaved face for proof

What? i mog you to civilization

Top of the mouth, with the tip behind the front teeth, exerting a mild force upwards

Why are you sniffing and sucking your fingers? You're a weird guy

Feels good making autists mad when they see a male model do weird shit

son of god tier facial aesthetics? Fucking cringe 6/10 DYEL lmao

>male model
>that much scleral show
>flimsy little nose bridge
>zero (0) suborbital support
>arched thot eyebrows
Not to mention the soyboy 10-inch neck holy shit man

>enjoy your aspie stare you eyehooded freak
>only a little sclera show
>since when is nose revelant to sexyness?
>more like 10inch dick

suborbital support what? ryan gosling doesnt either and we've both slayed more than the number of hotpockets you ordered in your moms basement #rekt

Learn about Dr John Mew


6/10 face m8

Nothing wrong with a 6/10 face as long as you can admit it.

Rofl if i'm a 6 then ryan gosling is a 3

stay jelly, theres a reason nobody else posts their face when I do

>aspie stare
>pic related

>he thinks ryan gosling is attractive
Dark triad and statusmaxxing my friend

you look like Airhead candy guy

Something about your eyes screams...

holy fuck this pic made me lol

this is a shoop right....?

WTB chin. My chin is super weak. Have adjusted to proper tongue position and chewing hard gums regularly. Not sure how long this will take but hopefully it does something. At the very worst my breathing is better and I chewed some gum.

stay jelly my orbiters you all have shit tier taste of aesthetics

time to fuck my hottie gf, cya later basement virgins (another girl, not the one in this pic ;) )

AHAHAHAH lets see your faces then


>iphone shitposting this hard

Is this the nu-trend?

Do you have an underbite? Make sure you also fix teeth position as well and give it a year you'll notice a difference and won't be able to go back.

If not, find a local doctor for jaw surgery if it's pretty bad. For a few grand it's hard to say no. Way I see it is your jaw is supposed to look nice but modern diets have fucked up what should have been.

me mum says im handsome that's all I need

how long until i see results from this shit?

I notice that most of the before and after pics on his site are mostly people who have also went through ncr and facepulling so im not sure how much of a difference mewing makes.

this isn't you. these are pics of some guy you hate and you're just trying to get people to trash him

What do you model? I bet swimwear with those genes

some people say they see changes in a few months

I think mike mew says it takes 5 years for a complete change

Exactly, this is the strangest/saddest thing I've seen on here

easiest method to increase bone density/jaw and chin length is by maximizing broccoli consumption and reducing carrot consumption (elimination is ideal)
this works because broccoli is an aromatase inhibitor and carrot is an aromatase producer

An underbite? No. My top teeth go over my bottom teeth slight at the front. I had braces when I was younger and my teeth are fine. I've noticed pretty significant palette expansion since starting to mew, wasn't able to even fit my tongue on the roof of my mouth before.

Wow man what's your routine? Are you natty?

Pic related was me before I was aware of the mew meme. (February 19th, 2016)


twink 6/10

did you use a palate expander first? I want to mew but I can't fit my tongue in the correct position. Palates too narrow


Pic related is me a few minutes ago, after practicing the mew meme for quite some time.

I’ve had a good jaw line from the start, but other facial structures started to emphasize.

How you are supposed to develop:
If you didnt develop properly, you gotta Mew:

Everyone who tries it says their breathing definitely improves. Mine did. Most people say undereye darkness goes away. Mine did. Some people say cheekbones become more prominant. Mine are. Also more brow ridge

What everyone is still waiting on is going from recessed maxilla to forward. Could take years. I'm 2 years in at 26


>getting jaw surgery
well i have an underbite so mewing wont fix that

an underbite is your maxilla being recessed. mewing will fix that

the other pic is rotated. but you look better in the new pic. How long have you being mewing?

Mewing was the third best thing happened tome aesthetically wise, after losing weight and getting fit. My face went from 5,5 to 8

I’ve started mewing before it was even a thing on Veeky Forums mainly because it’s the proper position the mouth should be during meditation.

Here’s the fixed image of the rotated pic.

I must be retarded or something because no matter how many guides I read about "mewing" I can't seem to understand how to do it. Keeping my front teeth clenched feels weird cause my teeth are very slightly uneven and crooked meaning they don't rest properly and the slightly longer left front tooth only manages to rest.

Despite that, I'm slowly getting the habit of just pushing my jaw out more often, instantly looking a little better.

nice change man.

You look the same. Borderline chadjeet

It will barely move the maxilla though. I've got like a 10mm underbite and getting jaw surgery in like a year. I'm confident that mewing won't move the maxilla

I've been offered a jaw surgery at age 18. Because of a divided septum my jaw and teethplacement changed, because i couldn't breath through my nose. But the operation is fucking big. They cut your jaw all the way and place it back in place, then you have to wear braces for a few years. I know a girl who did it, she still has her braces on here after 1.5 year

oh i'm 23 today.

Plastic surgery, except in really bad cases, that might be life threatening, should be criminalized in general.

shopped to make him look uglier?

Yeah I'm well read on the subject don't worry user. My Hope is really just to get a normal bite, fix my slight lisp/voice and get straight teeth. Did you get the surgery?

obvious is obvious


Also happy birthday user, wish you all the best

haha thanks. but i meant i'm 23 now. birthday is in march.

I didn't man. I don't have any problems really, the girl told me she would never have guessed i had the condition. But it's something i think about time to time, because i had a better jaw before it changed. But i'll try mewing for some time, i just don't want to have braces for 2-3 years. So all in all it's mostly an aesthetic problem and not a health issue yet.

Am I a chinlet guys?

> thinks he's a Chad
> can't even get a white girl
> has to settle for an Asian, and a 5/10 at best

This is bullshit right?

literally have seen this aspie camwhore spam /soc/ for the past year

You guys are retarded as always. Your chin doesn't have to go past your lips in order to not be recessed. Just look at Jordan Barrett, strongest chin in 2018.


Possibly grinding teeth while sleeping. Sleep with mouth guard for the rest of your life

Also just lol if you're going to the gym and don't look like this in the first place.

Lengthwise I can fit my tongue on the roof of my mouth, but not width-wise, ideas?

Looks like one of those cat animals in africa, like a lion or tiger or something. It's all about forward growth like cats.

No, but you are an adam's applelet. Stop consuming soy.

LMAO, what a dog she is!

>asian gf


I just wish my hairline would match my jaw.

Can't win 'em all I guess.

Looking good man

thanks men

That's a good-looking poo. You can use my loo anytime.

I just came back from costco with a 90 day supply of finasteride. If you can spend 11 dollars every 3 months you can regrow your hair. You'd be a slayer! You already look good though!

Solid tip. I'll look into it. It's not a crippling thing, but I shave my head or wear a cap these days because of it, too.

only do this if you don't mind a limp dick

Is there a guide for mewing?

I had you on steam once, your ID was plznobully

You were a chill guy

Literal Aryan

You're wall eyed

It's a shame poos don't have decent sized cocks, you're sexy.

>the pink cheeks
*fan girling*

is this guy the new supermong?

>Just look at Jordan Barrett, strongest chin in 2018.
made my lawl

no way this is real, you had surgery right? mewing can't be that effective...

Nigga where your neck at?

My lower jaw is small and it seems that prior puberty it was proportional/normal. All my test levels are really low. What happened to me? Mewing certainly wont help. I'm 27


Any surgeries to give me hunter eyes like Ian? Fillers?

Ehhh your eyes are so ugly. Fucking eyelet
Get something like this, don't need braces.
I had one as a teenager, fixed my overbite.