Tfw a girl outlifts you
Tfw a girl outlifts you
>mental illness nose ring
>absolutely has to include her face in everything
>bragging text
>the hat/headphones combo
Don’t even sweat it OP, just another basic gym skank
>girl outlifts me
>my dick gets harder
275 bench is pretty impressive for a girl tbfh
This, what the hell? Is she doing OHP?
that's a man
Why the fuck does this girl look like pic related bruh
it's squat, not bench
Why are you so butthurt about a girl? If that was a guy making the same face, you wouldn't have made a post like that. Are you mad that she wouldn't touch your dick if you paid her? Get over yourself
She's jewish, you dumb motherfucker. Satan gives them superpowers, you know.
No I just think it's funny you projecting faggot
>take pic with text which includes a imaginary weight which I can never lift
>make stupid face
>some faggot posts this on his macaroni recipe knitting site
there is something that is very feminine about your writing style, can't quite put my finger on it.
Roastie fuck off, no one cares. I hate these type of baiting threads. Let me know when you don't bleed out your flesh wound once a month.
Shrek is literally easier on the eye...
I think its the fact she mentioned it was a girl at the start, the conversational tone and the rhetorical question followed by a weak insult. just me though
>bulking girl has been lifting roiding for at least 5 years
>lifts barely more than me despite me being a skeleton who started 4 months ago
I'm truly impressed
>Are you mad that she wouldn't touch your dick if you paid her
kys roastie whore
If it was a guy making a face like that, Veeky Forums would call him a soyboy