Natural or Unnatural

Aight guys im just curious what Veeky Forums is made of post if your natty or not

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Just Started my first cycle im not gonna be a fag

natty for life


natural baby please

Natty, but I don't have anything against roiders. I think it's pretty cool. I just don't want to be that big and risk the possibility of hormonal damage.

the media makes it seem much worse than it is


>raiders will get upset over this post
Natty daddy

natty but I’ve been accused of /fraud/ing on here multiple times

>3 posters

Natty, It’s a matter of principle for me

anyone who dosent eventually do roids is a beta fag scared of everything we are all gonna die one day are you really gonna pass down on looking like a god fucking sloots and living life to the fullest so you can get a extra 5-10 year of walking around like a shriveled old fag who cant even get it up anymore life is short dont waste it being safe

your just a beta cuck who is to afraid to takes risks so you bitch its cheating

I'm natty but after watching Generation Iron I'm considering a tren or test-prop run.

Golddamn it

natty till i start having a steady income

do it boy its so much better you begin to feel better than everyone and gives you crazy confidence but just start simple 500mg of test e a week

un natty

100% Natural beef product


>roiders will get upset over this post
Natty daddy

Why not both? #naturallyenhanced #outalpha

Yeah, the confidence and libido aspects are very attractive and I'm leaning towards just test since I'd rather not be on a stack.

I'm already taking one medication that can fuck with my liver and cause bone density issues so I know I'd need to get a lot of testing done beforehand.

My only fear really is not being able to keep any of it post cycle.

roids is a life thing maybe when you 40 and setteling down you can come off

Fraud until I reach the natty limit then natty.
Fuck ya'll punk ass bitches!

Not natty at all.
Currently on 400mg tren and 275mg rest a week. Been on this for 18 weeks now.

Been blasting and cruising for like five years.

so most of you betas are natural that explains alot about this board

I was pretty much on steroids for 3 years non stop. I stopped because my blood pressure was high and I was so big that it looked stupid. Haven’t used steroids for almost 5years now, I don’t even use creatine or whey anymore, but I lift everyday.

I’m 5’9” and when I started steroids I weighed 158 lbs, I weighed 222 lbs when I stopped, and now I weigh 188 lbs and I’m the leanest I’ve ever been. I have had zero lasting side effects from steroids and it somehow fixed my unusually rapid heart beat that I’d had since birth. I plan on using test when I’m older and I feel the drop.

did your natty test come back after you got off

Natty. Though I will get on some Test E when I get old just because FUCK getting old and weak. I might start pinning sooner if there's a chance I can make a good living off of it like powerlifting, strongman or making YouTube videos.

T. Wagecuck tired of working a shitty job

> I am n-natty...

nah, you became a total faggot the second you started pumping mexican supplements up your ass you coward bitch.

You can't say that without posting pics breh

Natty. I mean I do pin test, but my body naturally produces testosterone too which means I'm just as natty as people taking creatine supplements.


can non natty's post pics. no homo, just want to see what it looks like

>I'm too stupid to include a strawpoll with my OP
God damned newfags always fucking up everything.

Here, go vote.

Anyway, most people on Veeky Forums don't even lift, from what I've seen. At least 95 percent of Veeky Forums is natty, though I wouldn't expect the poll to reflect that perfectly since most people are too lazy to vote and the poll is now buried deep in the thread since OP was too stupid to include one in his post.